
IMDb member since December 2001
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Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Another Great Star Wars Film
The Empire Strikes Back is another great Star Wars movie. It has great action, great story, and more. It's great to see Harrison Ford (one of my favorite actors) in a great movie.

This is also the first appearence of Yoda, the master of all Jedi's. If you seen Attack Of The Clones, you'll agree with me.

The only problem I have with people is, this movie has some romance scenes, just like Attack Of The Clones. So why are some people complaining about Episode 2? Because they have problems!!!!!!!!

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Great Ending To The Star Wars Saga
This is a great ending for Star Wars. I've seen all the original movie and the two new ones, and when you think about it, it ends great. And it brings a little tear to your eye once Vader sacrafices his life for his son. And when you see all the planets (Corasunt, Tatooine, Cloud City, Endor) celebrateing at the end, and then Obi-Wan, Anakin and Yoda watching Luke and everyone celebrating. It's great.

And George, if you ever read this, I think it would be a great idea if you add Liam Neeson and Samual L. Jackson standing beside Yoda, Obi-Wan and Anakin at the end.


Much Better Than What I Suspected
I went in the theater thinking this movie was gonna be crap. But, to tell you the truth, I thought it was really good. I never found the TV show funny, but the movie is pretty good for what it's supposed to be. Just like The Flintstones and Space Jam, Scooby Doo is one of those few movies (that were once a cartoon from the olden days) that were entertaining.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

The One That Started It All
Yes, this is the one that started it all. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is not my favortie series in the Power Rangers legacy, but it's still fun to watch on a boring day. Some people don't want to see it but Power Rangers has improved over the years. Maybe not with acting, but with stories and plots. Power Rangers In Space was the series to end Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. After Power Rangers In Space, came Power Rangers Lost Galaxy and other series. They were pretty good series too, but people just don't want to see that.

I would have to say Power Rangers In Space and Power Rangers Time Force are much better than Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. They have much better acting, stories... and they have a great plot.

Star Wars

Star Wars: The Start Of A Great Saga
This is now called Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope because of the prequal movies. I think it's a fun and great movie. All the Star Wars films are grat in my opinion. a lot people say Episode 1 sucked and some people say Episode 2 was ok... but to me they are just as good as the original. They are conecting great, and that's what I suspect them to do.

Anyways, the original will always be great to everyone. Just like Lord Of The Rings and Spider-Man. This is the best movie ever!

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

Yoda Kicks Ass!!!!!!!!!!!!
First off, If you liked the original Trilogy, than you got to see this. When you watch Episode 2, it feels like the orignal movies. Episode 1 (in my opinion was good, but I usualy like sequals/prequals). Anyways, like I said Episode 2 does feel a lot like the original trilogy. Great story, the action, great effects, great acting, except for Hayden Christensen. He's ok but not great.

And you must watch the lightsaber fight at the end when Yoda kicks some heavy ass! That scene is going to become a CLASSIC!


Superman, Batman, Blade, X-Men..... and now.... SPIDER-MAN!
Superman was the first and started it all with the comic book movies. It was great at it's time and is now a classic. Later on came Batman another amazing classic. As time went on, we saw other comic book movies such as Ninja Turtles, The Mask, and Men In Black. We later recieved Blade, which started Marvels big movie debut. Than came a bigger movie, X-Men. Now, we finnaly recieve Spider-Man.

I can say that Spider-Man is an awsome movie! It's the best comic book movie ever. It stays true to the charecter. Before the movie came out, I was having alot of doubts. I was hoping the movie would be great... and it was. It has everything for everyone. Drama, romance, comedy, and of course, action!

This is a movie for everyone, young and old. 10 out of 10.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

This was pretty good
This was a pretty good kid show. I never liked the darker Sonic show, but I do like this one. It was pretty funny and it had Tails which was cool. Sonic and Tails would be on every episode togther, unilike the darker show where Tail wouldn't be on that much.

Batman Beyond

Best Batman Series Ever!
I am a huge fan of Batman (TV Shows and Movies). And from the TV point of view, Batman Beyond is the best Batman show ever. The only reason why some people hate it is because they can't accept a teenager as Batman. I has to be Bruce Wayne. So they want to see someone who is the age of the grandfather as Batman. It's time for a change! It's not like your never going to see Bruce as Batman again. Of course there will be more shows and movies with Bruce as Batman.

But I think Terry makes a better Batman anyways. Great stories, charecters, and voice acting. Any Batman fan and non-Batman fan should love Batman Beyond.

Power Rangers in Space

Better Than Before
In 1993 almost everyone liked the Power Rangers, but then everyone started to hate it when they started adding new things. I liked Power Rangers ever since it first came on TV. Now Power Rangers in Space is even better then the last shows (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo, Power Rangers Turbo). The episodes are better and the show is even darker. I think if everyone who hates the Power Rangers should give them one more chance by watching Power Rangers in Space.


The Worst Movie Ever Made
What was James Cameron thinking? How did this get 11 Acadamy Awards? And why? Why did they pick that geek, Leonardo DiCaprio. He was an awful actor. He couldn't act great even if his life depended on it.

I do have to admit, the only part was cool is when the ship crashed and started to sink. That was awsome. But other than that.... it SUCKED.

If there is a guy out there that likes this, you are GAY!

The Scorpion King

Not The Mummy, But Still Good
"The Scorpion King" was a pretty good movie. The acting by the Rock wasn't that great, but the story was good, the the other actors were great. This movie isn't as good as "The Mummy" or "The Mummy Returns" but it still belongs with "The Mummy" legacy.


Pretty Good
Now that I look back at this, I think it was a pretty good show. It was something like Power Rangers, but not as good. especailly the Power Rangers series today. They are 10 times better than this. But I was never happy when a show had a kid as a hero, but this show pulled it off with 3 kids as superheroes. I think if the japanese version "Metal Heroes" continued in Japan, Beetleborgs would probably have gotten better just like Power Rangers.

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Lives up to the trilogy!
This was a great Star Wars movie. I love all four of them. Alot of people say this wasn't good, because of Jar Jar Binks. I don't see how he was SO annoying. The charecters were good, the story was good, and the acting, was good. Liam Neeson was a great actor, and Ray Park did great as Darth Maul. Ewan McGregor didn't do that great. But episode 2 looks like he does better acting.

Well, I can't wait for Episode 2 to be released this May. I bet it's going to be better!

Power Rangers Time Force

The Best Power Ranger Series ever!
This has got to be the best Power Rangers series ever. It's the most serious, great stories, great characters for the bad and good, and it's the most exciting. The only problem is, the acting isn't that great, but none of the Power Rangers series has great acting. Only very few actors like Jason Faunt, Erin Cahill, Edward Albert (Probably the best out of all the actors), Christopher Khayman Lee, and Amy Jo Johnson. This series is worth watching for everyone who is not a Power Rangers fan, and everyone who is.

Poketto monsutâ

What was WB thinking?
This is one of the worst kid shows on TV. Every year it's the same thing. Ash and his friends go out battle and try to win in a pokemon gym. This is so dumb. Sorry, if any kids hate me for this, but it's true. You want to see a good kid show, watch Power Rangers (the newer versions) or Batman, Batman Beyond, Justice Legaue. Those are great kid shows.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Best Movie Of 2001
This was a great movie. I loved it. The story was great, the action was great, the charecters were great, and even the acting was great. Lord Of The Rings is my 2nd favorite movie. Star Wars is my 1st. I can't wait when Star Wars Episode 2 and The Two Towers come out this year!

Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker

Best Batman Movie Ever
This is the best Batman Movie of all time. It's great to see the Joker return and try to kill the old Bruce Wayne and Terry. This movie really shows how evil the Joker can really be. The flash back scene and the final battle with Terry and the Joker are the best scenes in the movie. I can't wait to see what the uncut movie looks like. Just like Jack Nicholson, Mark Hamill is also a great actor as the Joker. And the voices of Bruce and Terry are also great.

Space Jam

Not Looney Tunes Style, But Still Good!
This movie is not classic Looney Tunes funny, but it's still pretty good. The characters are fun watching together in one movie, and it's kind of cool that they finally get a feature length movie. The Looney Tunes have always been my favorite cartoons (I'm 19 now). Bugs and Daffy will always be my favorite. I guess I liked it because I'm a big Looney Tune fan. So, for anyone, big or small, watch it.

Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie

Turbo: A Stupid Ranger Movie
This is a bad movie. Bad as in, it sucks. I'm a Power Rangers fan, even today I watch Power Rangers, but this was bad. Not as bad as the series (Power Rangers Turbo) which permierd a mounth after the movie was in theaters. But The Movie does have it's good points. Like, Jason and Kimberly returning and then turning evil. The big fight sceen at the end. But, I think this series didn't deserve to go to theaters. I think the Power Rangers series with the plots should have went, like Power Rangers In Space, Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, Power Rangers Time Force, or even the newest series, Power Rangers Wild Force. Those are the ones that deserve to be in theaters just like the first movie did. Turbo should've been made for TV and not for theaters.

Power Rangers Wild Force

Not so good, not so bad
Well, let me see. "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" was good, "Power Rangers Zeo" was ok, "Power Rangers Turbo" sucked, "Power Rangers In Space" was great, "Power Rangers Lost Galaxy" was good, "Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue" was ok, and "Power Rangers Time Force" was the best (so far). The question is, can "Wild Force" be better? I think It could. The series just started, so I think it still has a chance. Usually, since "In Space" started, the show has gotten alot more better, some people don't think so just because they miss the old Rangers. I say, "who cares" it's time to move on. The old show had no plot. "Power Rangers In Space" and present has a plot. Now for those Power Rangers fans who thinks this sucks, just wait. The only Power Rangers series to get a great start was "In Space" and "Time Force" So give "Wild Force" time to get better.

House of Mouse

A perfect TV Show to bring all your favorite Disney characters together
This show is great. It brings every Disney characters together in one big show. The show has ended now, I think. And if it did, it was probably just showing for Walt Disney's 100th bithday. Well, I think it was great, and I hope they would continue this show and add more of the new chareters (example: Atlantis, Emperor's New Groove, and whatever other disney movies there are in the future).

Power Rangers Time Force - Quantum Ranger: Clash for Control

Quantum Ranger: The Most Orignal 6th Ranger Ever!!!!!!!!!!
The Quantum Ranger, Eric, is Wes' (Red Ranger) long time friend who now works on his own with Mr. Collins (Wes' father). The Quantum Ranger is probably the most original 6th Ranger ever in Power Rangers history. The only Ranger who wasn't really part of the team but liked to work on his own. As time progressed, Eric finally worked with the Rangers on the 2nd last episode. This video is great. I contains the first 4 episodes with Eric becomeing the Quantum Ranger. Way better than the other video's that were released. Finnaly their picking episodes that are worth watching on home video.

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