
IMDb member since December 2001
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Lord of the Rings

A truly terrible game...
This game is an RPG/Adventure game based on J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy (more specifically, The Fellowship of the Ring), and was originally published by Interplay in 1990.

After having played this game for about one hour, I wiped it off my hard disk. I was disappointed with the game to say the least, for several reasons:

A. - The gameplay is so utterly monotonous and boring, and does not properly capture the excitement, depth or action of Tolkien's universe. You're constantly scratching your head wondering what to do next and are often lost in the game (and exploration isn't terribly fun, because the world isn't very interesting). The interface just plain sucks. There is little of the character development from Tolkien's books. Most of the NPCs are faceless entities. Many locations in the game have a lack of distinction and look very cookie cutter. The pacing is off. The battle is tedious. Yes, I know the game came out in 1990, but it wasn't brilliant at the time, and it most certainly isn't now. Ultima suffered from the same problems. However this game sucks in other areas...

B. - Bugs galore. This game is very buggy. All sorts of stupid little bugs abound. This game isn't very well programmed, and this is especially apparent on a modern PC.

C. - The graphics are baaad. Even for a game that came out in 1990, the graphics could've been better. I think this is due to the fact the game was originally programmed for the Commodore 64 computer. It supports 256 colours, so there's no excuse for the graphics looking as blah and unspectacular as they do. Even Ultima VI looks better than this. The graphics are top down - I personally would have liked an isometric perspective, but this isn't really a fault.

So there you have it - this game isn't very good, especially since its supposed to be based off the Tolkien universe. If you want to see an example of a good RPG/Adventure game this era, see Sega's Phantasy Star instead.

The Falklands War: The Untold Story

Excellent war documentary showing viewpoints from both sides
This is an excellent documentary that shows us how and why the Falklands War was fought from both sides (Argentinian and British). It explains to us how both the Argentinian and British combatants felt about that war. And it ultimately shows us that war is always terrible and tragic.

I feel that this film is aimed more towards British audiences, as it portrays the Argentinian fighters as real human beings rather than just another faceless 'enemy'. It also shows how the British soldiers did not feel proud and heroic after winning the war, but instead how they felt miserable, even guilty for killing other humans. The enemy (Argentina) that was mostly comprised of 19 year-old kids, improperly trained for combat and inexperienced, facing off against one of the world's great powers (Great Britain). This film lets British viewers see what the Falklands War was really like.

This documentary also contains loads of authentic film footage, for example, it shows dogfights between Tornado and Mirage fighter aircraft. It shows raging gunbattles in the pitch dark. It shows a missile striking and utterly destroying British ships. It shows planes being shot out of the sky.

If you can find a video of this documentary (it will probably be in the local video rental store) hire it.

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