
IMDb member since April 2007
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Bobcat Moretti

When there is a will, there's a way!
Great story about an obese man down on his luck and getting unluckier; he just found out he has multiple sclerosis. He quit his job and moves in with his brother, but life continues to go downhill. Until he walks into a gym that trains boxers. Mesmerized with the lifestyle, he gets a job there, in return for the gym owner to train him. Magically things start to get better, as Bobby starts to lose weight and gets healthier.

Tim Realbuto is phenomenal and inspirational as Bobby "Bobcat" Moretti. He actually loses over 100 pounds for the part, and the transformation is amazing. He is the underdog at the beginning of the movie and then becomes the hero. His character is extremely likable, and you want to root for him to win because he's such a hard worker and doesn't believe in giving up.

The film also stars Vivica Fox, who is powerful as the gym owner who helps Bobby in his transformation. The chemistry between the two is beautifully authentic and they become friends, and the gym becomes his home. Vivica is strong, but has empathy for Bobby and is able to push him, knowing she can help him. She owns this part!

Excellent directing by Rob Margolies, the story brings you in and keeps you riveted until the last scene. This is a feel good movie that people will want to watch again and again. The story shows that even when the chips are down, there is a way up, no matter what life throws at you. Very inspiring.

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