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South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut

Revisiting it after being somewhat more adult
I watched south park when i was 12 for the same reason everybody watched it when they were 12, it's reputation. So naturally i forgot everything about the show and the movie the only thing i knew about was the basic plot so when i rewatched it i was pleasantly suprised that it's actually funny movie with great musical numbers, the only bad song and unfunny part happen at the same time and it's intentional (it's the terrence and philip movie and honestly all their segments, they're representation of south park from the point of view of it's critics).

Anyway about the theme of this (because it wouldn't be south park if it didn't tackle any topic) movie which it seems that it's a timeless one, reaction of parents to adult media that is also heavily enjoyed by minors. You know, violent games, action movies, any kind of crude comedy/horror flick, adult cartoons and today the internet and social media. The movie represents it in an over the top way with kyles (one of the 4 main kids) starting a coaliton of mothers that somehow manadges to lead to a war with canada and all that happens because the kids started swearing because of those damn canadians (and also because of kennys death, spoilers but not really because everyone knows kenny's gonna die one way or another). It also pokes fun at the militant patriotism of late 90's/early 2000's US because why not, it's funny.

As you could have guessed this movie mainly critiques the length that these parents are willing to go and blame everyone instead of themselfs for letting their kids interact with these kinds of media. Because of that this message this movie is especially relevant today with internet and social media like youtube which instead of standing it's ground on it's policy about children under age of 13 not being allowed on this website, they started changing it to by adding features like youtube kids, which heavily backfired when it came to shielding kids from horrible content with it leading to the most bottom of the shelf (or at this point under the shelf) crap that most of the time isn't even for kids because of it's content and characters that often come from horror media, being watched by kids 0-6yo on ipads that are given by their parents because they can't bother entertaining them. While it isn't as absurd as parents starting US/Canada war it's a very similiar in story beats where the whole crusade that was started in the name of children caused more harm to them than good.

As for the final thoughts, yeah this movie is good and suprisingly funny, mainly in the smaller dialouges. The songs are also catchy which most wouldn't have expected after it. Solid watch very recommend.

Home Alone 3

Good and fun movie critically underrated because of what came before and after.
Home Alone 3 is a fine movie, it is heavily underrated because
  • the first two are christmas classics
  • the two that came after it were cheap and bad straight to dvd movies (also the disney plus one)
It follows a new cast (which isn't even bad, especially the kid) in a new scenario which also might be the reason of why it is ignored but i think it's for the better, there's so much you can do with kevin getting left alone. The movies premise is funny in itself, a bunch of global terrorists have to find a chip that can control missiles because they have mixed bags on the airport and now they go through every house in a suburbs looking for it ready to eliminate everyone who comes their way, ofcourse they end up like marv and harry which in this situation is also bit funnier. While you could treat it as a negative it didn't bother me personally that much, it isn't a christmas movie as much it is a movie that takes place during christmas season, most of the tracks are also more in tone of the terrorists on a stealth mission which is also funny and the trap prep scene has Home Again By oingo boingo which, despite liking the original prep theme i think it's one of the best tracks of all time, doesn't bother me again because i really like oingo boingo.

Overall it's a good movie that is unfairly thrown in to the trash pile with other home alone movies, sure it isn't Home alone 1 and 2 but it's fun in it's own way, i reccomend you give it a go.

Helluva Boss

Absolutely horrid, makes you want to watch cable tv
This show is unwatchable with how unfunny it is, i watched 4 episodes (including the pilot) and with each of the it gets worse, pilot was fine, first one was alright for the most part, second one was boring, third one was terrible BONUS 4th was so bad i turned it off after 3 minutes. Show only relies on it's humor which is swear words and sex jokes, it makes 4th grade me look like a comedy genius, it also tries to pull your heart strings in the second episode with it's gay owl plot (i can't remember his name) a character which you only know him from those 2 episodes for (you guessed it) sex jokes, he is like a less creative, homosexual rip off quagmire from family guy. It really feels like this show wants you to sell on those characters from the moment you lay eyes on them so you would buy merch, the whole show is even worse than your averge newgrounds cartoon, the only thing that makes it stand out is it's animation and very rich cast of voice actors. Overall, terrible, not even so bad it's enjoyable. I would say it it's a car crash but a car crash is atleast interesting to watch despite it's misery, it's more like watching an old woman die from heart attack in the middle of the street, same tragedy, no spectacle to make it less awful.

Five Nights at Freddy's

Definition of servicable
I never expected this movie to be some kind of great masterpiece or perfect adaptation of the original games (even the new game security breach failed to adapt it) since the original games were very basic and their story was created on the fly with new releases by the author and theorists. Whole atmosphere of the original game was that of a dream, location made sense but not the layouts of rooms, some things in the background just changed at random and you come back for some reason every night. If you really had to adapt it faithfully it would probably look like something similiar to a surreal horror like jacobs ladder

That being said this movie was ok, it established why the main character wants to spend 5 nights and i found the whole plot with his dreams somewhat interesting, i had couple of laughs and liked the set design. It had a basic story and i am glad that they kept it that way since the original lore is tangled since like i mentioned it was created on the fly just to feed the theorists. Overall a very averge but enjoyable movie, glad that it isn't a train wreck but it isn't also something to write home about, definitely more enjoyable than the mention security breach though.

Hokuto no Ken

abridged to hell
Adapting first part of fist of the north star is a difficult task because most of the time it follows this pattern - kenshiro arrives at settlement, raiders arrive at settlement, raiders pillage the settlement, kenshiro blows them up without so much as breaking a sweat, rinse and repeat until kenshiro confronts shin, it's almost like trying to adapt a video game. So how about we add part two to the mix ? But this creates another problem because part two is opposite and has a lot more going on - finding rei's sister, defeating jagi, finding toki (which got cut), "defeating" raoh and helping with rei's bucket list (which also got cut). This results in scenes being heavily rushed because they were plots of entire episodes like for example fight with shin or scenes being spliced with other ones which is much better and more interesting alternative. Very important locations, plot points and characters got cut like aforementioned toki which is much more important character than jagi (which weirdly enough got his confrontation before shin in this version) or the whole town of medicine city. Honestly this movie, while still somewhat good, is too abridged, it should have been only the first season and jagi storyline and maybe even then it might be too much.

Event Horizon

just what i was looking for
Event Horizon isn't a typical alien like slasher where each cast member gets picked out one by one, the killing doesn't start until the last chapter and there are no aliens in this movie (for the most part). The movie more focuses on what happened to the titular ship, it's crew and the mystery of it's transportation method. Ignoring couple of weird sound effects and weird line delieveries in the final fight the atmosphere is great, it's that claustrophobia and fear of the unknown that is expected from sci fi media. As for the characters, they're alright but i would lie if i said that i haven't forgot or mixed two of them with each other. Overall it's a good movie and i recommend it to people who enjoy sci fi.

Mad God

Lives up to its name
If you like stop motion or just appreciate horror atmosphere that comes with good set design, than you need to watch this movie. Watching this movie is like watching a living art gallery, sure it does't really have a cohesive plot but it repays 100 times with it's world building. Most of this film reminds me of "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream" with it's depiction of this man made hell that feels like it's terring apart but somehow keeps somehow keeps on going, all of the locations that the Assasin comes across feel like they're fueled by anger and hatred towards every living being that is unfortunate to be born in this world. I deeply recommend this movie to every person that values world building and atmosphere over story.

Super Mario Bros.

One of the best video game movies
If you look past the fact that it barely resembles super mario you're going to have a blast. This movie is visually great and unique, i feel like if it followed the footsteps of the original games we would get something similiar to flinstones the movie. I love the potrayal of the character especially mario and luigi, rest of the cast makes up for the fact that we mainly get "human" characters. The whole movie is entartaining, from the banter between main characters to the action to the setting. I don't think it's fair that this movie gets judged so harshly just because it's this "weird" re-telling of the super mario games, yes it isn't fair that creators of this movie basically hijacked the whole production and wanted to make their own movie instead of adapting source material but what came of it is a memorable experience that is in my opinion heavily underrated..

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