
IMDb member since March 2022
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    2 years, 3 months



Stupid mistakes ruined the movie!
The plot was ok, but a few small things ruined the whole movie. I've never understood that people take the trouble to shoot a movie, but don't bother to pay attention to the details. Examples of silly scenes in the movie: why doesn't anyone make a hole in the plastic bag that the killer uses to suffocate them? Why in the final scene the three people just wait for their fate and don't run away even though no one is watching them? Why doesn't the main character at the end just simply turn around and shoot the perpetrator?

In real life no one would act so stupidly. Don't the makers of the movie even bother to think about reality? Is the director's only goal to get a spectacular scene even at the expense of credibility?


Boring comedy horror
Maybe the worst "horror" movie I've ever seen. Actually it was more like comedy horror, but worst than Bad Taste. The makeup was bad and the movie scenes were like they were made by high school film club.

Only good thing was actor Bill Skarsgård! He was good, but gone too soon. Maybe i should give up, and quit watching any other horror movies thas asian ones. They know how to make a movie oppressive and scary!

Every horror movie that relies on blood and guts instead of plot should be categorized as comedy horror.

Horror is a difficult genre and only about 2% of all horror movies are actually good!


The movie tries to be daring and different, but in reality it is just boring and unimaginative. It Ok to show the dark side of Marilyn, but by focusing on only one aspect of her life, makes you wonder if the Andrew Dominik just can't do better. Making a versatile, entertaining and innovative film requires skill, which he obviously doesn't have!

It's unfortunate that Ana de Armas great acting is wasted in such a b-movie.

Yes, Marilyn was taken advantage of. Yes, many men in the film industry were a jerk at that time. Yes, Marilyn certainly had challenges with her mental health, but there is so much more to her story that it is simply a lack of imagination to make such a one sided movie.

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