
IMDb member since April 2022
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The music is just great...
I really want to praise those who selected the music - a worthy work that conveys some special atmosphere of the moments.

Most of the compositions were unfamiliar to me, but they very subtly complement the storyline in the film.

The feeling that the lord of the rings was watching, where everything is accompanied by musical support. Definitely not typical for Russian cinema.

The intrigue remains to the end, but for me the denouement could not be like that, I will not spoil it ..

The picture is of high quality, overflights, graphics .. Obviously they tried and worked on the film for a long time.

There is a moment at the end where they show the completed building, I tried to understand where it is and did not immediately understand that it was a graphic. They only released cars in the parking lot.

Is it worth it, yes.

Among the endless military theme that is now in the cinema, it is worth watching a film about love, deceit and probably the naivety that is inherent in all of us ..

I would watch it many times - no.

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