
IMDb member since May 2007
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Great drama
When I first read the plot of this drama i assumed it was going to be like Sex and the City, however this drama is nothing like it. The stories the characters seem more real and you empathise with the situations more. The concept of the drama is similar, four 30 something women guide us through there friendships and relationships with problems and strife along the way. Katie the GP is a dark and brooding character who you find difficult to relate too and is best friends with Trudi a widow. Trudi's character is heart warming as you can relate to difficulties she is having along with the fact she is the only mother of the four. Jessica is the party girl very single minded and knows what she wants and how to get it. She is a likable character and is closest to Siobhan the newly wed who whilst loving her husband completely can't help her eyes wandering to her work colleague. Over all the drama is surprisingly addictive and if the BBC continue to produce the series it could do well. It is unlike other female cast dramas such as Sex and the city, or Desperate Housewives. This if played right could be the next Cold feet. Plus the male cast are not bad on the eyes too.

City of Vice

superb drama
I couldn't wait when they advertised this period drama, but expected the usual costumes, dark and dusty streets and basic poverty. But this story brought to life Georgian England, its not your usual period drama. Set in the late 18th century, City of vice tells the story of London's first police force the Bow street runners lead by John and Henry Fielding. London is a centre for debauchery with pick pockets, thieves, murderers and prostitutes, plus gang warfare all accounting for the need for the police. The brothers use brutal tactics to get their man but are generally concerned for the victims and for the city of London itself. This drama is unlike any other it make you feel you are part of the mystery as it tells stories of these crimes. But also has the makings of other crime dramas such as Cracker and Prime Suspect. I hope they continue this as a series i feel it would do very well. the cast are brilliant and well done channel 4.

The Goonies

The best kids film of the 80's
I'm properly writing this at least 20 years too late but for anyone who hasn't seen this movie it is the ultimate must see. The film has lots of comedy moments as well as the love shared between friends. The Goonies is a classic film that has stood the test of time, and no matter how old you get and how many times you have seen this film you never get sick of it. It has a treasure hunt, pirates, and villains. The cast are brilliant and the storyline fantastic. We all wanted to be Goonies and I personally still do, it should remain as one of the most successful 80's movies ever, a classic in its own right. And deserves its place as one of the top family movies.


Great movie go and watch.
Me and my boyfriend decided after a long debate to watch this film. it starts off like any teen movie with loads of comic laughs and your typical teen problems. but somehow the movie turns in to a blood feast without you realising it. The leads play there parts well and convince you its nothing more than a laugh and joke, and delusional ideas. It reminds me of an Jimmy Stewert film. you will all know what i mean when you watch it. This film shocked me, to how good and funny it was, as you can tell. Its classic and a must see, its not going to win Oscars, but is very entertaining, funny and gory. I loved it and would encourage all to go and watch this movie.

That Night

Not just a chick flick.
The film is set in the 1960's, the days of rock and roll and a summer of love. Set in the early sixties two young lovers meet, much to their parents and the communities disapproval. Their only friend is a 10 year old girl played by Emily Deschanel who helps them keep the romance going. It is has a strong cast with both Juilette lewis and Eron Otcasek putting in a heart warming performance as the young couple. However its Emily Deschanel who truly shines in this film, and shows promise for the future. This a heart warming film which will remind some of Greece but without the singing. It is based on the book,and is a true story. That Night I loved this film and it will make you laugh and cry. This film is a must see.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

amazing film
I thought this film was the best out of the series. Captain Jack Sparrow (Jonny Depp) was as funny as ever. The acting skills of both Kiera Knightley and Orlando Bloom showed great improvement, They were good before mind you. I really enjoyed the fight scenes and battles that commenced were mind blowing. The plot i found was not confusing and followed well from dead mans chest. Overall this was a classic film the costumes, special effects, and acting were superb. I advise all fans of the series to watch this film, and even those who have not seen the first two. The best pirate films of our time and they should remain the best through out film history.

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