
IMDb member since January 2002
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Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

You know why it has so many horrible reviews?
Because is just a bad movie. Not a bad star wars movie, but bad in all aspects.

I will not repeat again what other users states on their opinions, just want to add my sadness, so maybe , a Disney community manager take a look at this forums and see the real opinion from fans and not the directed ones made by their payed critics.

Maybe Disney thinks they are making a new generation happy selling them this garbage of pokemons and puns "Marvel style", but in fact the only thing they are doing is destroying a mythology that lasted 40 years.

I felt very disappointed by Force Bukakens when see it but with this... I think they finally managed to kill the "new star wars" for many die hard fans.

So please, make us a favour and bring back this disaster to Lucas hands, and make like it never happened.

Star wars have 6 episodes, this 2 new holiday specials by Disney must be a big bad taste joke.

Los ladrones van a la oficina

Best of early 90's TV
"Los Ladrones van a la oficina" is one of the best Spanish TV series that were issued in the 90's. Short stories and simple arguments and absurd humor but very innocent, very much in the line of the classic Spanish comic type Mortadelo, Zipi and Zape or Las hermanas Gilda... The series had the best actors of the golden generation 50-60 Spanish comedy films. Incommensurable players like Fernando Fernan Gomez, Manuel Aleixandre and Jose Luis Lopez Vasquez. It was typical of the series too, have special guests rescuing forgotten actors of the 70's. It is a pleasure to see all these actors together, but given the idiosyncrasy of the arguments is intended purely for the Spanish audience.

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