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Jurassic World: Chaos Theory

Still better than the Jurassic World Movies.
I love this series. So much more mature than Camp Cretaceous and that was a pretty mature show to begin with. Loved every nail-biting moment and emotional beat with the characters. Voice acting is still really good, I hardly felt Ryan Potter and Jenna Ortega' absence. Though, I do miss them. Animation felt crisper, but still has that DreamWorks TV style that makes everything feel like a large empty space. But the characters, the writing, animation, score, it was top notch and definitely will be a show I go back to again and again. Hard to belive we have a sequel series and yet no volume 2 dvd... Regardless, I loved it and cannot wait for season 2! Also I need the whole camp fan figures!


I know what it was going for but...
Watched Distorted and I was sorely disappointed. It started with elements of Horror, thriller, psychological suspense, and then it kept going with it despite it becoming a tech thriller. Think The Net with Sandra Bullock, but with all the in your face jump scares of a carnival ride. There was a lot of potential here. Enough to create a great paranoia thriller but the acting felt half assed, the tropes were reused at nauseum, and the story became unhinged and might as well have been a dream with how abruptly it ends. Might have made for a great short film, but at feature length, it overstayed its welcome.

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

It had potential
Watched Vicky Cristina Barcelona. (That's a title) how many movies did Woody Allen and ScarJo do together? She's like Helena to Burton at this point. Anyway, awkward movie and not his best work, Even Matchpoint had me more engaged. This was chaotic and tonally all over the place. Also, I joked half way through the movie that this was going from a love triangle to a love hexagon and it happened. I had no words. Then another random shooting towards the end and bing bam boom, end. What the hell did I watch? Why was Penelope Cruz waisted. This whole cast felt wasted on dialog a teenager can write for thier fanfic. I usually try not to hate on movies, but what was this one's purpose? To get Penelope Cruz to make out with Scarjo? Just... ugh. It could have been better, bur they treat mental illnesses and depression like an inconvenience, the plot mianders, and a lot of the time dialogue tends to repeat or feel boring. I wanted to be invested, I wanted to know the complicated feelings these characters had towards love and life and it just felt like that took a back seat to one detentional nymphomaniacs. Probably, my least favorite movie I've seen this year.

Lisa Frankenstein

Grossly adorable!
Watched Lisa Frankenstein today! It was so silly, and absurd, and absolutely fun. It was a lot of fun, though I would have preferred a bit more of the gore to really dig into it's absurdity. Morally gray characters abound and the arthouse style feels very early Tim Burton. Zelda William's direction mix with Cody Diablo's writing created a surreal dream like version of the 80's with witty humour and motivations that drive the plot forward in the most aburd yet enjoyable way. The cast played their parts perfectly and its soundtrack was very enjoyable. Highly recomend if you love movies like Edward Scissohands or Young Frankenstein!

American Carnage

It could have been better.
Just watched American Carnage, no not that one, the Diego Hallivis one. I don't know if I wasn't in the right mindset or if the movie just felt rushed to make a point that got lost somewhere in the process. I didn't expect the twist, but everything else was kind of by the numbers. Not scary for a scary movie, the dark humor was too far and few between, and as much as I felt the story was targeted to my demographic, it fell a little flat, and it might have been a budget issue. Especially the ending with sudden cuts and how it just rushes to the credits. Characters are seemingly forgot throughout, things just happen and are under rug swept, and the lighting and cinematography was okay, but nothing grounding this movie in any genre. I'm happy I watched it. I love the main cast, but felt like there could have been more. I think that summarizes my thoughts on this. It had potential but got in it's own way.

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Visual Overload
I freaking loved this movie, but... let me start by saying this was a feast for the eyes; maybe too much so. There was a lot going on on screen since the movie opens. Glitching and flashing it gave my wife and I headaches. And now that I got the negative out of the way, the story is great. It has the heart of the original movie while setting up for more character growth. Honestly it's the character driven story that has me sold on the spiderverse universe. I love thier individual stuggles and aspirations. It's such a well written story, even the villain, who didn't have much on screen time felt well written enough to where you always felt his presence. Despite hundreds of characters on screen at a time it never loses its focus. An absolute fun time despite the visual overload. Can not wait for the final part.

The Marvels

There was potential here.
Took me a few days but I think I've processed The Marvels enough. I didn't much care for it. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it. It sits somewhere in between mediocrity and fun. I loved the Ms. Marvel bits, but only because I saw the show and was aware of her. I think she's a precious cinnamon roll that must be protected at all cost, but I digress. In a franchise that at thier worst was a little bland but visually stunning, this ine phoned in the special effects (I'm sure the animators must have been over worked and under paid likewise for the writing team) The dialog felt forced and unnatural most times. Unpopular opinion, but I am a fan of Brie Larson, she has the chops to be amazing, but she feels stilted, especially when the suit comes on. But worst if all was Tayonna Parris' Monica Rambo. She was great in WandaVision I felt her pain and wanted her story to have some weight, all we got here was some awkward drama and she felt one note. It wasn't until the post credits that she felt like an actual character. And don't get me started on the supporting cast. (I don't think Marvel knows what to do with Fury anymore) overall, I don't want to hate this movie but it's there at the bottom alongside Black Widow and The Eternals as bland and uninspired. And thay hurts to say. Maybe a rewrite here and there and fleshing out some of the charactersmight have worked. The villain of the piece, though. I get they all don't have to be relatable or scary, but they have to have a presence. Weather hamming it up or being intimidating they have to be a foil. This forgetable villain had nothibg going for them despite actually having a good reason to be. The movie as a whole felt like there was potential, but just fell short in so many ways.

Avatar: The Last Airbender

Timless Favorite
Rewatched Avatar: The Last Airbender (Legacy of Aang) with the misses and I remembered how much I freaking love this show. It wasn't until Arcane came out that I have loved an animated show so thoroughly. The writing, pacing, music,acting editing just all of it. *chef's kiss* I'm worried about the second attempt at a live action. There were only a hand full of episodes that felt like padding. One in particular i didnt care for but the others all brought at least important character moments. This is such a mature show that had to cater to kids from time to time, but the themes and psycology, even the spiritual and philosophical aspects of it were so ahead of it's time. No wonder nothing has lived up to my love for this show. (Except Arcane) ugh, I could gush about this show for days.


It's like two movies in one...
So, I just watched Finestkind and oh boy, do I have thoughts. Ive never seen a movie try to do so much with so little that wasn't also a CG fest. There are potentially two good movies in here, but tye mashing up of the family melo drama and the crime hiest thriller comes off as comical, insincere, and muddled. I was following the making of this for some time since I heard Jenna Ortega and Tommy Lee Jones were attached, little that I know this was 25 years in the making, cost the film crew thousands in lost equipment and injuries, and had several names attached to it. I do like the cinematography, the Whale footage was nice, but like, this isnt a documentary, it was supposed to be an engaging film about what happnes in the in-between when were born and when we die. This was directed by the guy who wrote Man on Fire (Which probably explains why Jenna was attached) and directed Mystic River! This had all the makings of a hit... what happend!? Ugh. Ill still buy the DVD for my collection, but I'm not watching this again.

Ps. The romantic subplot in this would give a Disney princess whiplash with how fast it happened.


I wish to be Kenough
Watched Barbie tonight with the missus and we loved it! Such a wonderful message and deep existential concepts that I was not expecting from a toy movie. It's up there with the first Lego Movie in heart, but almost feels like a maturer continuation of it. And thats not even getting into the visual aspects of it! From practical effects to the acting it was all top notch, visually engaging, and incredibly entertaining. To say i had tears at the end of it sounds embarrassing, but when the message. The visuals, and that score hit at the climax, the rush of feelings I got; The memories it unlocked; down to the thoughts if everything my wife's gone through and will go through... it was cathartic and heart wrenching all at the same time. I have so much to say about this movie, but i just want to bask in it for a while. Fantastic movie, I cannot praise it enough.

The Fall of the House of Usher

Another great hit from Mike Flanagan
Finished Fall of the House of Usher yesterday! What a ride! I loved every minute of it, the acting, story, ambience, and the way they weaved some of Edgar Allen Poe's stories together to make a full series was just... *chef's kiss* awesome! Mike Flanagan makes another binge worthy spooky show! I love how he managed to get some of the new commer cast of Midnight Club and add them here seamlessly, and the inclusion of Mark Hamill too! I thought he would detract but I was invested in his character too. They were all just great. Cannot wait to watch this one again! In the mean time I'm going to read a few of Poe's work.

Gamera: Rebirth

As goofy as it's source material
Completed Gamera Rebirth last night and it's another Netflix anime that's too mature for kids but too childish for adults. This one does a little better than Skull Island in maintaining the more mature side. I liked it a lot, though. It was fun, adventurous, and heartfelt at moments. Animation is janky, like most modern CG anime, but it's passable. Voice acting is okay, I watched it dubbed. Overall it's a fun watch if a bit tonally all over the place. As a kaiju lover though, I really liked it. Possibly my favorite of the Netflix Kaiju animes. A lot more fun than Godzilla Earth and much easier to follow than Godzilla Singular Point.

Cocaine Bear

Fun Creature Feature!
Finally watched Cocaine Bear!!! My goodness this was a fun movie! I feel like Elizabeth Banks hit her stride directing this one, the amazing cast helps as well. Great comedic timing, mixed with a well-written story, and the right amount of gore and special effects and this is a blast from beginning to end for lovers of horror comedies!

As for the cast, the late great Ray Liotta had a fun role as the movie's villain. Oshea Jackson, Jr. Who've I've already seen in a few other works, as well as Keri Russell, both play their roles straight juxtaposed to the insane premise and it works well! The child actors are funny and do a surprisingly well job the rest of the supporting cast seem to be having fun and it just makes the movie as a whole incredibly enjoyable.

Odd Thomas

The puns write themselves.
So Odd Thomas might be my second favorite Stephen Sommers movie, (which isn't saying much... Also explains the weird cameo) it had the quirky style and humor of his other films with a hint of heart (must resist puns...) the acting was, well, all over the place, Anton Yelchin did pretty well carrying the movie, while Willem Dafoe was seriously underutilized. Overall, glad I watched it, but ultimately forgetable. Wouldn't mind checking out the book though. I Have to admit I was surprised at the ending, no spoilers, but it got me emotional, but I am a sap. I recommend it if you love quirky movies light on horror with some romance and a light mystery, it's the perfectly odd movie with heart! I had to I'm sorry.

Saving Flora

Cute little (very big) animal movie
Saving Flora, cute movie with that charming indie feel yet seriously bogged down by Tom Arnold's character and all of his scenes could face been cut out and left a solid movie. The rest if the cast including Jenna was really good. Cinematography and editing was decent, direction was okay, seeing as how it was from what I believe to be a first time director in his only big work to date. But the true star of the film is Tai the elephant. At 53 steals the show. And though I'm not a huge fan of animal movies, but this one stars clear of the obl8gatory fart jokes and silly animal tropes so many others fall for. Definitely a family film for a chill Saturday night.

Insidious: Chapter 2

I marathoned James Wan movies and...
Wan is hit or miss with me. When he misses the movies are forgettable. This was one of them. Im struggling to differentiate this from the conjuring movies. All I know is it had a good premise and some good scares, but nothing that stuck out to me. Also introducing Jenna Ortega's character at the end and not having a sequel around her character was very odd.

Know It All Nina

Fantastically adorable!
Man I wish i could have sene these when they came out! Witty and funny in short burst, kids would have loved these! Found these on Jenna's Filmography and sat through all the episodes on youtube, and now I'll think of thunder only existing for dramatic effect!

Richie Rich

I tried...
When I found out Jenna Ortega was in this show I had to watch it, after all I loved Stuck in the Middle and Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous. So I gave it a chance. Episode one broke me with the sexisim, objectification of a woman in a maid outfit by a child... I and then Jenna's character basically being a gold digger and the hapless dad... 5 episodes in and I couldn't take any more. Poorly shot, horribly written, toung in cheek acting, it was a disaster and not something I'd recommend for children at all!

The Massively Mixed-Up Middle School Mystery

This was adorable.
I love mystery stories. I found this movie because I'm a big Jenna Ortega fan, and though she's not a big part of it, her role is still important , but the movie carried itself and I was never bored. The kids loved it and I actually let out a few chuckles. The plot is absurd but clever somehow and the ending was a surprise i wouldnt want to spoil! Definitely give it a watch if your kids are into detective stories like the hardy boys or nancy drew!

Iron Man Three

My second favorite of the Iron Man movies but bottom teir Marvel.
I wanted to love this movie, but the blatant push for a chinese audience by shoehornining in really good actors for what were essentially bit parts that even got cut out in american releases hurt this movie. The premise is good though. A superhero facing PTSD, a supervillain who inlist the help of genuinely good people who want to do good things but are led astray. It had all the makings of a fantastic movie but failed at keeping focus. Bogged down by too much plot, sporadic tonal shifts and character motivations that sometimes need a secpnd veiwing to understand. This one could easily be skipped in the grand scale of the MCU.


So I watched it as a fan of Jenna Ortega.
Started watching this show when a cousin showed me a scene and saw that Jenna Ortega was in it! Having become a fan and watched a few movies with her I gave it a shot. Season 1 was painful to sit through. Season 2 got better with her and my netflix queen Victoria Pedretti who i loved in hill house and bly manor and i was invested. Season 3... happend. So now i can only wait for Jenna's return and hope to end the shows protagonist who is absolutely uncomfortable and i just do not like this show. But the side characters are sometimes compelling enough to hook you into wanting to know whats going to happen.

Home Movie: The Princess Bride

This. Is. The greatest thing. The internet has ever provided!
I found this on Jenna Ortega's filmography and wondered what the heck it was with such a huge cast playing the same parts and then I found it! And I watched all of it in a sitting! This is the most adorable, home made movie with an allstar cast I've ever seen! If you can watch this and are a fan of Princess Bride please do yourself a favor and enjoy this tribute! As you wish!

Yes Day

It was surprisingly fun.
So, as a huge fan of both Jennifer Garner and Jenna Ortega I had to watch this movie. The premises was great, but where this movie could have treaded somewhat serious topics like encanto and turning red did, it falls heavily on family fun movie tropes and tries to be almost cartoonishly silly. I don't want to hate on it. It's still a fun movie with a lot of heart, but it loses itself in the gross out and over the top humor that makes it feel like an episode of Stuck in the Middle a show I love, but know it's a little too silly to be taken seriously most of the time.

The Babysitter: Killer Queen

If you ever wanted a horror move fused with a music video, this is for you
Watched this for Jenna Ortega, skipped part one, thankfully this movie gave me the tldr. Wow is this an experience! It's absurd, over the top, uniquely shot, acting is all over the place, and i cannot get enough of it! Ive seen it twice and it's just a fun, dumb movie, that takes the horror tropes and runs with it. Jenna was fantastic in, and Samara Weaving has a great touching scean. It's great to see vine stars acting in big budget movies too. So in closing. Insanley good fun for the gore fans.


A fun watch. Especially if you love meta commentary
So I might not be the right person to give this a good review. I watched the first scream way back when it showed up on TV and thought it was clever and thoroughly enjoyed it. Fun cast, quit wit. But not my type of horror. Fast forward and I only want to watch this because I'm a Jenna Ortega fan. Long story short. Not disappointed. She is a scream queen, the reat of the cast varried with the veterans jumping back into their roles almost as if they never left, and the main sisters carried the show. The meta commentary was heavy handed, the nods to wes craven were nice, but it definitely felt lacking. All in all a fun popcorn flick with a few laughs and a fewer scares. Hoping the next one will be better. And as long as Jenna is in the franchise, I guess I am too.

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