
IMDb member since May 2022
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The Collingswood Story

The Reviews are worst than the crap I just watched.
So here you have it, a girl that left town for college, a boy that is annoying as hell that likes this girl, his loser friend, and a psychic. All talking live on computers and programs from the 90s. The only horror here is their taste in music, and loser friends landfill of a room. Annoying boy simp is obsessed with the story of this town and house, and just can't help tell college girl what happened in her house, then right after she lays down to go to sleep, and he's like, "Don't think about, get some sleep"..really moron? Did I mention all annoying boy talks about is this murder crap, then finally the girl is like, ok, let's try and get to the bottom of it, and he says "I think we should just let it go" ..really moron? After watching all these people be annoying and stupid, finally, something happens with like 5 mins left, the end. People are calling this crap great, I'd hate to see your bad, don't waste your time, you've been warned.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Just cause it's old, and so are you, doesn't mean it's a "MAstErPiEcE!"
God people get a grip, never seen such overrated reviews in my life. This "movie" is crap through and through, bad acting, bad kills, not even once is this so called "Masterpiece" groundbreaking, scary, anything all these people say it is. It's bland as can be, unless you like listening to annoying screams and chainsaw inducing headaches. I'm also willing to bet, all these people that thought this was so amazing, are the same people that bash and critique every newer horror movie out, like nothing can ever compare to this crapfest. Do yourself a favor and don't go by all the biased, nostalgic reviews of people stuck in the past.

The Wretched

Decent, but you wouldn't know that by reading comments..
Seems there are way to many armchair critics these days, that think they are better directors, writers, composers, etc fn etc, same old crap over and over. Didn't do this, didn't do that, to long, to short, blah blah! I'm so glad I don't know most of these people, hateful wretches, wish they would just burn all their tvs, and spare everyone their constant BS. It's a movie, a decent one, that entertains, dad got on my nerves is about it, but hey, if you're one of the nit picking haters, you'll hate it, I really don't care, be miserable oh master movie critiquer. All these people are doing is ruining anything that maybe had potential, that you may have liked.

You Are Not My Mother

Do not even go by bad reviews
Over half, if not all bad reviews come from people that you can tell did not even watch even half the movie, or as one said "8 minutes"..why in the hell world you write anything at all. The one thing that did get under my skin, was the bullies, I mean really, she tells her mom, "You can't do that" Can't do what? Stop them from blowtorching your face? If that was my daughter, I would have beat that girl to an inch of her life, And that the mom did stop her, the little bully girl has the gall to say "What the F is wrong with you?" Yeah cause the one about to blowtorch the girl is totally in the right...who writes this crap. Besides that, the movie was pretty good, I do believe though the daughter was more messed up in the head than anyone.


I get it it, it is what it is in these times of appealing to this new world of everybody's wants and feelings. Anyways, right off the bat the cenobites..none of them where menacing and they all had too much going on with their look, just too polished. One of the biggest upsets for me was the lack of command of the scenes this Pinhead brought. The original brought it, dressed in all black with a wicked voice so deep an dark it would resonate to the bone. This remake could have, and should have been darker, dirtier, and grittier to really capture that hopelessness and demented feel that Hellraiser is, and should be.

Kill for Me

Pulled me in.
I was looking for anything and came across this, which at first I'm thinking this is not my type of movie, but hey, I gave it a chance and glad I did. I think what got me was the very first fight scene with the ex, very realistic, was pleasantly surprised, actually, all the fight scenes in this movie were very good and realistic, kudos to the actors. Kept me entertained from front to back, very underrated, and doesn't deserve the low scores. Also, I just gotta say, the lead, Katie Cassidy, damn, is she not drop dead gorgeous. So if you like good, realistic acting, and a nice mystery with a twist, check it out, it's worth it.

The Sacrament

"What do you mean?"
Never seen a someone not understand so much than that reporter, and with such thin skin too...and after watching a guy rather carry a camera and passing up 2 Aks and a revolver when people with weapons are trying to kill you is so infuriating. Btw, Jim Jones called, he wants his story back.

Hunting Souls

The real mystery..
When dad and Sophie are throwing the ball in the backyard..who is the person standing at the back door watching them while sporting some Tapout joggers?...a demon into MMA, that is a nightmare.


Ok we get it.
So many comments "iT's A rIP-oFf" blah fn blah..I could call so many newer movies a ripoff out of the many of older movies out there, who cares. Either watch it, or don't. Sure as hell as I write this there are several more rip-offs in progress. Let's get ready to b***h & moan!

Dead & Buried

Good stuff
This is good early 80's psychological/horror thriller, with really good FX (minus acid scene). Also, it is really sad how the dialog in this aging movie is way more logical and realistic than most films that come out these days.


This epic show takes you there, you can about smell Roma's equus cacas. If you are fan of Ancient Rome, this is a must see. I was visibly saddened when they stopped so short. Hail, Ceasar!

Yip Man: Zong shi jue xing

What in the sappy piano goofy giggling squinty eye Brittish guy slow mo is going on's like the love child of over sensitive Brendan Fraser from Bedazzled and Steven Seagal directed this crap. Tough to get through. Just, walk away.

Better Watch Out

Nothing wrong here..
This was not a bad movie, I actually liked it better when the twist presented itself. At first I thought the kid was just creepy and perverted, but really he was just psychotic. I don't understand all the crying in the reviews, but i shouldn't be surprised, the world we live in now is all about sensitive cry babies, looking for things to be offended by.


That's all it took for me to know how stupid it was going to be.
"Greg, Hey Greg" basically whispered to his friend 100 yards away behind a locked sliding warehouse door...only doing that stupidity to be in that spot to be killed. Click.

The Arbors

Painful to watch
Ethan is brain dead, no emotion, says very little, stuck in the past, hates the thought (If he even fn thinks at all) of people moving on, especially his brother, all he talks about is them as kids, fn annoying, but no one says anything to him about how he acts constantly, like maybe "You need to get some help, maybe see a psychiatrist?"...nope, just stare oddly for a second, and move on..He covers for the alien spider, why? He is a psycho, after a bunch of senseless killing from the alien spider, the thing senses what Ethan wants from a horrible voice mail sent to his brother about hating his wife and little girl, cause he is a whiney psycho that misses his childhood with his brother. Basically dude is a whiney little annoying crybaby that gets his way at the end. Hated it. Only reason I gave it a 2 is cause I live in Winston Salem where is was filmed.

Random Acts of Violence

Random acts of stupidity
Who watches this crap back and says "Perfect" without saying, "Why would they do that?" "Why didn't they do this? Many of the killings on this movie would not of happened if the people did not let the guy kill them, literally just waited to die. Expected a lot more from this, but was not shocked at all it was not good, seems like a trend lately.

They Look Like People

Strung along and along and along.
A lot of the reviews and ratings are complete asinine, seen some saying "my 3rd time watching it" ....really..You wait and wait for something to happen, and never does. Low budget? A more entertaining movie could have been made on NO budget. This is some artsy, wanna be clever edgy crap movie, be my guest, believe the hype and waste your time.


Typical bad Directing
I was annoyed for the rest of the movie basically after the early school room scene. So, they are taking turns reading verses, the head b***h gets mad at Darlin for staring out the window and not studying with "Grace" and about hits her with a ruler. THEN, the head b***h calls on darling to read, Darlin just looks at her, Hb walks up to her and starts reciting what she is suppose to be reading. AFTER, all the that, the other nun in the room blurts out "she's exempt" Hb says, no one's exempt, Darlin freaks, jumps out window. Now, WHY did the other nun not say ANYTHING! The whole time? "She can't read!" "She doesn't understand english!" "She has been raised in the forest!" Fn NOTHING! This lack of dialog in movies is so constant, it's not logical, so annoying. Things like this have me face palming and screaming at the TV way to much. It happens in so many movies, if not all. Will it ever be fixed.

Amityville 1992: It's About Time

It's about time this dies forever.
I get it, no, no I don't. This culture of loving these absolutely terribly written, directed horror movies is annoyingly painful, "BUt THeY'rE FUn" Seems like just a way to let sorry writers/directors make tons of money with no accountability. These movies are a dime a dozen, that just means so many are watched back, and they are ok with all the asinine stupidity going on. I'm ready for a culture of realistic responses, logical human dialog, questions, answers, statements. Why is that so hard, where are these directors. BTW, this movie sucks like so many, so I'm sure you'll love it.

The Shed

This movie has a 62% on RT, that right there should tell you never listen to review sites, no matter how "esteemed" they think they are. This movie should have been titled face palm. I cannot believe directors make this crap, an go "OK, that's good" The decisions of they cast, and the lack of what should have been done or said at times is hard to watch. The ride this movie takes you on can be summed up in a word, Irritating.

Dead Man's Curve

I see dumb people..
This movie was made to face palm, pause in disbelief, and make you wonder why you sat through it all. A pos friend, a stupid friend, a dead friend. All the blatantly obvious things one guy does to the others, and they do not see it, is unbelievable. Was Das Fick.


Surprise surprise, yet again another movie where the husband doesn't believe the wife about what she has seen or experienced. The typical, you're tired, you're stressed, you're going through a lot right now...but he just gave her the ol' "grow up". Such a tiring song n' dance.


Yet another movie where people do not say what needs to be said, never stand-up for themselves or explain why something is the way it is, logically or irritatingly like someone in that situation in real life. By the end of the movie, I didn't care about or like any character in it.

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