
IMDb member since May 2007
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Band of Brothers

After 20+ years it's still just as bad....
I always thought this show is a bad joke. Here's why:

1. American rookie soldiers always beat German experienced soldiers 2. The German soldiers are like the stormtroopers from Star Wars: they can't hit anything, even with machines guns or even cannons 3. The American soldiers take entrenched positions with just Garand rifles (big LOL on that one!) 4. The German soldiers are just really really dumb. So dumb, that they actually start deploying a machine gun next to American soldiers (and of course, they fail)

To be honest, there's not much of a difference between Band of Brothers and the WW2 movies the Soviet Union produced during the 1950's and 1960's.

The show has good special effects though. But just that...

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Best Star Trek (and SCI-FI) series
This is, undoubtedly, the best Star Trek series ever made. It has everything you can possibly imagine: adventure, diplomacy, war, exploration, intrigue, character growth, good actors, everything.

I first watched back in 1990 or 1991, when I was a kid, but since then I kept watching it time and time again. I still watch one episode almost every morning, when I have my coffee. Some people read the news. I watch TNG.

And somehow, after all this time, I still find things I did not notice. And the feeling of peace and nostalgia that this show brings me is unmatched by any other show or movie.

And when I will have a kid, I will show him/her this show .

"The Next Generation" truly deserves a 10.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

FINALLY! A good Star Wars show
Yes, the show good.

Yes, it's awesome that they use the same actors as in Ep. 1-3.

Yes, the plot is well written, especially considering it's a short series.

Yes, it's a good continuation of the events in Ep. 1-3.

Yes, FINALLY we have a good Star Wars show.

It doesn't erase the embarrassment of the previous trilogy, but it's good. I honestly don't know what critics didn't like. It's just the same kind of people who criticized Ep. 1-3. But those kind of so-called SW fans can never be pleased.

So just ignore them and watch the show. ;)

Chaos Walking

Enjoyable and original
I actually liked this show. I found it strange and the setting quite unique. Too bad it came out during the pandemic though... Not sure what the negativists were expecting, but don't it's an Oscar movie. Still, I found it enjoyable enough to give it a maximum mark.


Fun and relaxing
I don't really know where two hours flew, but they did. It was a great way to relax and it put a smile on my face.

The acting is good, the cast is good and it didn't really matter that I've seen God knows how many Emmas before.

So 10 stars, here they come!

Red Notice

Funny, relaxing and Gal Gadot is
I actually wanted a fun, relaxing movie and there it was it. All three main actors bring something to the table: Reynolds with his humor, The Rock has his tough-like attitude (and his own type of humor), while Gal Gadot is absolutely stunning.

And the result is pretty good actually.

Some expected a master-piece, but why take life so seriously?

Just sit back and enjoy the ride. :)

The Postman

24 years later I still love it
I saw this first in 1998 and I loved it. I liked that the central hero was not some hot-shot soldier or special agent killing everything that moved, but an average person, who, without even wanting, started something bigger than himself.

And unlike what many of the people here think, this movie is not about the Apocalypse or about war, but about the power of hope.

Why is it three hours-long? Because the writers and the producers were not shallow. The movie does not come down just to pure action. If you want that, you might want to watch a James Bond movie. This movie also has character growth, many adventures and some witty lines as well. So a two-hours movie would have been too short, while a one-and-a-half movie would have been more of a trailer.

So if you haven't seen it yet, take some pop-corn (but not too much cause it'll spoil your focus), make yourself comfy and enjoy it.

Shadow and Bone

Won't be watching Season 2 because of Malyan
Everything is great....except for the "Malyen Oretsev" character. I don't know if it's only the character itself, or the script or the actor (I tend to think it's all three of them) but Malyen Oretsev is incredibly dull.

In fact, it's so dull, that it made me want the antagonist to win. Leaving aside the fact that half the time he whines and complains, he also has no personality whatsoever. Not to mention there's no chemistry between the actor and .Jessie Mei Li, which makes their relationship look forced. And that ruins the romantic plot entirely.

So, with great sadness, I won't be watching season 2...if there will be a season 2.

A Discovery of Witches

A good show that's gone woke
  • Season 1: Very well made, acted and written and I love it
  • Season 2: Sorcery, magic and time travel, so what's not to love
  • Season 3: The level of political correctness and "woke non-values" is so high that I simply couldn't watch beyond episode 3.

Sorry, but I simply cannot watch woke shows. So I'll leave this story unfinished and the rating goes down from 10 stars to a mediocre 6 (I am almost tempted to decrease it even more).

Backstreet Rookie

Funny and romantic. And no, don't listen to those narrow minded *****
Personally, I loved this show. I must expect I didn't expect that much given its many negative reviews, but soon after, I realized those likely came from some really narrow-minded people. I mean, really? Inappropriate sexual scenes?

If this show has inappropriate sexual scenes then Outlander and Basic Instinct should be included in the pornography section.

Bottom-line: it's funny, romantic, the main female lead is drop-dead gorgeous and really cute and the main male character is like the most clueless male character I have ever seen. :d

Chen Xi yuan

Good story and character development. Wonderful love story
If you like character development and a slow-building love story, than you'll absolutely love this show. Personally, I loved it so much that I've seen all 60 episodes in just 3 days, despite the fact that I started watching the show with the assumption that "I will most definitely get bored by it".

There were a few things I didn't like, such as the costumes and make-up of some the secondary characters (namely the old guys). Plus, some special effects could have been done better given today's expectations. But the overall story was so good that it simply eclipsed any minor issues the show has.

There are also plot twists, which personally I found predictable, but I didn't mind that at all because they were the logical conclusion of a longer story development. And having another twist would have been poor taste on the writer's part.

Btw, if you expect non-stop action on the length of just a few episodes, then you'd better orient yourself to something another show cause this ain't for you.

I'm not really sure why it's rated below 8.0, but this show deserves at least 8.5.

Tian sheng chang ge

Well played, good plot, good character development
I'm not a big fan of historical dramas (particularly Chinese historical dramas), but one day I decided to try this one and I haven't regretted it.
  • It's really well played, even for Western standards (and Ni Ni is absolutely amazing);
  • The character development is good (not to quick, not too slow either);
  • The plot twists are pretty good (with one exception).

And yeah, at one point it'll touch that certain something in your heart, so the romance is good as well. :)

There is one thing I didn't like, but I'm saying which one because it'd be a spoiler. :)

Naeil Geudaewa

Worth watching
I lied this drama. I'm a big fan of time-travel stories, particularly if there's a romance involved, so I really liked this drama.

Saikojiman Gwaenchanha

Different and good, really good
As my title says, this drama is certainly different from what I've seen until now, and it's good, really good. And the actors do a marvelous job. This drama will get you through a very large spectrum of emotions. So it's a must-see. It really is.


Pretty good action, somewhat incomplete romance. Still, worth watching.
Personally, I liked this movie. I think the romance between the male and female leads could have been exploited a little bit better (and prolonged), but overall the movie was pretty much ok. I know this wasn't mean to be a K-drama, but 5-10 more minutes of romance would have certainly made the movie better, particularly in the last part. There were some...gaps in the plot from this point of view. Still, I recommend it.

Hotel Del Luna

A wonderful story. I literally couldn't stop crying
The story is wonderful. It is, indeed, one of the best dramas out there. It has everything: humor, mystery, beautiful actors and A LOT of romance. It's a must-see. Man, I cried at this show...I couldn't stop. Now I gotta do some "soul healing" with an action movie or something.

PS: Its current grade doesn't do it justice at all.

Warrior Nun

Interesting and unique plot, decent acting, but waaay too much "girl power"
I liked the plot for the most part, although I have to say I expected ep. 10 to take place pretty much the way it did. The acting is pretty good for the most part as well. I particularly liked Alba Baptista and Kristina Tonteri-Young, but the others are pretty good as well.

The MAJOR downside of this show is that it has "girl power" written all over it. It's why I gave it 8 stars rather than 10 and why I'm not sure whether to continue on with season 2. All the main characters are women, all the good characters are women, everything important is done only by women and they beat the crap out of anyone, no matter what. It's ridiculous, really. I mean, it's literally like a feminist movement placed in a show. I do understand they are nuns, but I'm so sick of this exaggerated political correctness.

And the most important male characters are all villains? I mean, seriously? I don't even know why they bothered hiring male actors to begin with. They should have all been female from the start and be done with it.

This is why I've started to abandon US-made shows and switch to British, Spanish or South Koreans ones.

W - Du gaeui segye

Great story, very good lead actress, very bad lead actor. Definitely worth watching though
The story is really good, I mean really good. It's very imaginative and interesting. Started watching it on Netflix and once I did, I couldn't stop watching.

There's only one downside: "Jong-Suk Lee" (the lead actor). The guy simply can't act. In fact, at times he is so bad at it, that he is ruining what would otherwise by very romantic or dramatic moments.

Still, despite this major issue, I gave this show 10 stars because the situation was saved by "Hyo-joo Han" (the lead actress). And the story is really great, so it would be a shame to grade it lower than 10 just because the lead actor can't actually act.

Naui ajusshi

I'm just...speechless...
I now understand why this drama is so well rated. I just finished it and I'm literally speechless. I don't even know what to say...

One thing I know though. It fully deserves every star I gave it. I'd give it even more if it were possible.

Dan, Hanaui Sarang

Prepare a serious emotional reserve for this heartbreaking show
I watched all 16 episodes in a row, in a single day, because I couldn't stop watching. I could barely sleep, eat or drink or think of anything else. Prepare a serious emotional reserve, though, because this story is absolutely heartbreaking. Seriously, it's really heartbreaking. It's drama hard-core level. You'll love it though. :)

The King: Youngwonui Gunjoo

What's not to like? It has love, parallel universes, time travel and action
Ok, so this series had everything I liked. And I mean literally everything: action, love, parallel universes, time travel and a pretty actress (namely Go-eun Kim). It was a bit too cheesy at one particular moment, but cheesiness is at the order of the day for K-Dramas, so it was ok.

Kimbiseoga wae geureolkka

Fun, sweet and relaxing
I believe the title of my review sums this show up pretty well. :) With the addition that it's not as melodramatic as other K-dramas. Also, after watching this show, "Min-Young Park" became my favorite South-Korean actress.


Reminded me of Matt Damon's Bourne series. It's pretty good.
The show is good and it's worth-watching. It's produced in US style. It has a pretty good evolution of event and plenty of plot twists (not all of which on my taste, but anyway).

So if you liked Matt Damon's Bourne series, you're likely going to like this one too. :)

Byuti Insaideu

Worth seeing, mostly for Hyeon-jin Seo's acting and for the main idea
Personally, I really liked this show, mostly because of how "Hyeon-jin Seo" acted. The main idea is also interesting and I haven't seen it before. In fact, it's for these two reasons that I've decided to give it 10 stars.

The only serious downside is the male lead, who's really dull. Someone pointed out that he is expressionless. He/she was right. The male lead really is expressionless. I mean, I understand in K-dramas male characters are usually very serious, often inert and "hard to touch". But in this case things are taken way too far. Luckily, "Hyeon-jin Seo" saved the day and expressed sufficient emotions for the both of them. But it's just my opinion as others have liked his acting.

All-in-all, it's a show worth-watching. It really is. :)

Aseudal Yeondaegi

Completely taken by surprise by this show. Definitely worth watching. But be patient :)
I just finished season 3 and honestly, I was completely taken by surprise by this show. It's is the living proof that good acting, good script writing and smart plot twists will beat special effects at any time of the day

(hear that HBO?... Guess not...)

Like with all good shows, though, you need to be patient because the plot builds over time. Well, what can I say, all good plots build up over time. :)

Also, this is most definitely NOT a K-Drama. So if you don't like K-Dramas, rest assured, this is not it. In my initial review I compared it with Game of Thrones (apparently I wasn't the only one). And yes, I suppose you can compare it with GoT because there are many similarities, although the context is very different.

From a qualitative point of view, I'd put it on par with Seasons 2-5 of GoT and way ABOVE Seasons 6-8. But don't get me wrong, this is not a copy of GoT because it's very, very DIFFERENT.

Anyway, personally, I started watching the show because Joong-Ki Song and most especially Ji-won Kim are in the cast.

Can't believe Joong-Ki Song. Seriously man, this guy made me love him and hate him at the same time (given that he has a double role).

Also, Ok-bin Kim does an absolutely fantastic job. Aside from Ji-won Kim, she is is my favorite in the show.

Enjoy watching it! :)

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