
IMDb member since May 2022
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"Yasss" is a delightful and heartwarming romantic comedy that seamlessly blends laughter, enchantment, and a touch of unexpected magic. The film introduces us to Latrece, a vivacious single mother, navigating the complexities of love and relationships with a charismatic yet unfaithful boyfriend, Jonathan.

The storyline takes an entertaining turn when Latrece, determined to secure Jonathan's commitment, resorts to a love spell from a local root doctor. What follows is a whimsical journey filled with unexpected twists and turns as the spell takes an unforeseen course, sparking a hilariously charming love triangle involving Jonathan and his best friend, Greg.

The laughter in "Yasss" is complemented by a deeper exploration of love and relationships. As Latrece grapples with the consequences of her enchantment, Jonathan undergoes a profound realization about the true depth of his feelings.

The film skillfully weaves in sessions with Pastor Hope, a faith-based marriage counselor, providing a platform for Latrece and Jonathan to confront their insecurities, miscommunications, and past secrets.

One of the film's strengths lies in its ability to balance humor with meaningful insights into the complexities of love. The characters' journey, guided by Pastor Hope, highlights the importance of trust, understanding, and genuine connection in any relationship. The revelation of Latrece's past adds depth to the narrative, emphasizing the significance of honesty and forgiveness.

"Yasss" stands out not only as a faith-based romantic comedy but also as a compelling story that celebrates the power of faith, forgiveness, and the belief that love can be rekindled and renewed. The film invites audiences on a delightful adventure, where laughter, tears, and celebrations are intertwined in a charming tale of love and faith.

This movie really showed a good blend of comedy and faith. I truly enjoyed it.

Bless Your Heart

I laughed
We love puppets and this movie has plenty of them in it.

The movie is an urban muppet show type of movie.

Allot of good actors are in this movie too.

The story line wasn't that bad.

The main character was a complete jerk (Uncle Bless) but he got what was coming to him in the end lol

Great concept, good writing and good acting.

The music wasn't bad either. I wish they had the puppets singing more though.

I'm surprised they haven't made another one of these movies.

Family movies should be made more if you ask me.

We need more movies like this to combat all the mean stuff out there.

Bring it on...

She Bad

Hot Women Giving advice
First off, I never thought i would listen to some pretty women tell me about how to get pretty women. OMG that was a genius move for this movie. I've seen this movie twice and I'm going to share it on social media.

I agree with some of the points these beautiful women were making but I have to tell you. It was kind of hard to hear the truth about certain subjects ha ha ha.

Now the good thing about this movie is that I'm hoping they will make a part two. I discovered this film from the social media pages it was posted on. It's a good watch not to long either just right. Looking forward to seeing more.

The Big 3

Hey guys you got to check out this comedy special. I'm telling you these guys should be on Netflix with this type of humor. I laughed the whole time I watched this special. My favorite comedian was the last one though but I must say. I really enjoyed all the comedians and I look forward to seeing more stand up from these guys.

Hit A Lick 2

Worth the watch
This movie kicked ass man. Mac is one bad as dude. I could felt his energy and character throughout the movie. I watched this movie with a buddy of mind and we could not believe this movie was free to watch on Tubi. I would have paid money to see this movie in theaters. Mac is one bad man and I would never want to meet this guy on the street. Great job.


Good stuff
This is a fast pace film without a lot of twist and turns. My favorite moments was when the bad cop came into the picture and took the film over. What a great performance from that actor. The movie itself had some good moments and some weak moments but so does all movies. I think the film will have a second part to it. It's worth the watch.

Ladies on Laughter

Great documentary
This documentary was ground-breaking and excellently done. I really enjoyed it and was enlighten by the things these women talked about. I never knew such things went on in comedy but I am enlighten and I urge you to watch it.

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