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Epic Lovecraftian Anime, with a Japanese Mythological Theme
I was really looking forward to watching this Anime and I am so happy I was not disappointed... I would even go so far as to say blown away by how good it was.

The artwork was amazing; even if CGI was used, it somehow added to the wonderful style, rather than take anything away; which we all know is not easy to do!

Charactures were well created, powerful, or loveable and cheery, or of course, loathsome depending on how you should feel about them.

Voices and music were fantastic... did not skip a single line of credits.

Story was a bit short, meaning I want MORE! But what was there was well paced and exciting. I could totally see myself easily delving into several more seasons and see some of the charactures grow a little more than they did.

Basically a wonderful stand alone with minor similarities to another mind blowing Korean series, Kingdom; but with its own soul and personality.

I definitely recommend this series, with a total score of 8.8.

Evil Dead Rise

Bloody gory, anxiety provoking, hell fest
This movie begins like any teen murder fest, drawing me back to the haunting gore fests from the 80s and 90s... however this quickly changes to a dark, depressing and violent hurricane of frustrating and anxiety provoking scenes which if you like people bathed in blood, will be right up your alley.

The acting is good on the most part, however there are a few moments which unintentionally made you have a small giggle to yourself by the absurdity.

The story is fine; nothing mind mindblowing or revolutionary, but enough of it to not just be one mindless, bloody scene to another.

All in all, while the movie is not really my cup of tea, I would still, taking into account acting, cinematography and the fact others would enjoy this kind of theater, a solid 6.7.

The Black Phone

Edge of your seat horror
A riveting story that will keep you on the edge of your seat from the start. The horror of this story is brought to light and made so real by the fantastic acting, with special mention to Madeleine McGraw for her stellar performance.

There were a few moments that I wanted to look away and can be a little hard to stomach, but more due to extreme overwhelming suspense, rather than any of the usual gore and bloodshed.

This was not a movie I planned on watching anytime soon, but having watched it now, I can confidently give it praise. Excellent story, matched by amazing acting by the cast. Well done to all involved.


Some outstanding shots in amongst this strange movie
I would give it a 5.8 at most. Seeing Keith David, I was expecting much more. But it wouldnt have mattered how many great actors or actresses were added, they would have been drowned out by Keke Palmer and her strong, loud and irritating characture, who unfortunately ruined the movie.

The story, was great, but for some reason was constantly sidetracked by... entertaining... but not sure the point of, parallel story lines.

As far as cinematography, well, this is where Nope really shined. Some of the most beautiful science fiction visualization I've seen for a while and with this alongside the main story plot, this movie could have been a gem for the ages.

So to sum up. Great main story, with magical cinematography, mixed in with strange side plots and frustrating acting from some of the crew.


An absolutely incredible Gem
If you are about to begin this series, make sure you do so at the start of a weekend or holiday, because you will be hooked from episode 1... I mean interwoven family fueds, swords and spears and horrid teeth from swarms of zombies... what more can you ask for?

Everything from the story to the cinematography and the acting is superb and the amount of detail they put to every aspect is heartpumping and breathtaking.

As a series which is as close to faultless as it can get, it can only receive the utmost praise and we await with as much patience as we can muster for future seasons to become available.

Completely recommend!

Kampen om Narvik

A poor mash up of fine cinematography
This movie deserves 5 stars. It is watchable from beginning to end, but won't bring you anything more and forgettable with little to no value to talk about with those who have watched it too.

The battle for Norway of course was a note worthy, but seldom spoken of part of history as far as the timeline during the Second World War. This movie did little justice to bring any change to that.

The acting was fine from many of the main charactures, namely Kristine Hartgen, who played Ingrid Tofte. On an equal note, some of the acting seemed to be done by members taken from an after work/school acting club i.e. At least they knew not to look directly at the camera.

I can also say the cinematography was beautiful and location settings were superb. Unfortunately, where so many movies with great effects and stunning shots fall short, the story. The plot is the same as so many films which have come before, it is almost a clichè; likely so that they have something to begin filming with as quickly as possible and quite frankly, with a story line so unoriginal, you would think they might be able to get it right, or at least create it in such a way you can admire the finer details they put in. Not here though.

On a plus, which does deserve credit, the Germans were German, the Norweigens were Norweigen, the British were British and the French were French.

So, if you have found yourself scrolling for an eternity, mindlessly trying to find something to watch and about to give up, consider giving this movie a go... or don't, you will have missed nothing.


A darkness that leaves you snug inside
What characture could be better if you wanted to focus on a single person from the famed... or infamous Adams Family, than Wednesday Adams? And what a grand job they did.

The series is a bit of a Harry Potter meets what I would expect from what I've heard, Twilight and the main characture being a mixture of Adams Family meets Nancy Drew... but all in a good, dark and macabre, yet lighthearted and funny way. This series has truly captured everything we love from the many former renditions.

I would definitely recommend watching this, if you are new to the Adams Family or a long time fan. With my score being a strong 7.6. I am really looking forward to the next season to come out!


How could they & why would they?
The film Willow, was a great rock amongst the stepping stones that lead me on a life long love of fantasy... this series is more like a wall to turn back kids of today to follow this same path.

From the second the series started, it has been a downward spiral of terrible acting, with every second word being "like", as if the cast were in a poor rendition of an early Keanu Reeves flick and heartbreaking directing, that speed through scenes leaving the viewer bored and filled with self pity for putting themselves through this ordeal, when the remote at hand could take the pain all alway.

With hope this series blossoms in some way, I would give it a generous 3 stars.

House of the Dragon

Painfully Mindless
I am finding it very difficult to say exactly how it differs (feeling wise) from Game of Thrones, but it does and in the most mind numbing and painful way.

I have really tried to give this series a go... several times. But this goes way beyond any weird masochistic curiosity I might be able to muster to get me through this series and have to call it quits.

Definitely the worst series I have thought may be interesting enough to give a try, that I can think of off hand - 3.5/10, as effects and general visuals I cannot complain about. Just the complete and utter mindlessness it makes you feel watching it.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

A grand expansion!
Don't adventures ever have an end? I suppose not. Someone else always has to carry on the story.

So far, this series has put me on the first steps to a 7.5 star adventure.

I will admit I was very hesitant to watch this as a fan of Tolkien and finding the trailers and teasers a little (or a lot) despairing; but watching it has really left me wanting more.

Sure, some things could have been done better, or had a little more detail to it and some of the cast might have seemed a little strange at first... but no, it is great and expands the world's territories and peoples, which would have been shamelessly forgotten if they had just kept only to the books.

I would say, if you are a true fan of fantasy - congratulations- you have a grand series ahead of you!

Top Gun: Maverick

Flying quickly to the top of 2022
If you enjoyed the first one, you will have no issue loving the sequel. Great acting throughout by the whole cast and nail biting action that will keep you puckered tight and on the edge of your seat.

Would highly recommend as this must be the best cinema for 2022 so far.

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore

A bit of an unfortunate miss
Well, the special effects of weird and wonderful creatures and magical spells were as great as in the Harry Potter movies and deserve all the stars given.

Unfortunately, special effects are not everything. Like a small child trying to tell a story, this one seems to be a mix match of scenes, which leaves the viewer guessing what is happening and in turn, rather bored.

The acting is... exactly that. Robotic and in half the casts attempt in reciting the script in a casual human way, makes half of what they say unintelligible, resulting in us having to watch with subtitles.

I would say if you are a fan, give it a watch. But, wait for it when it comes out on some platform where you dont have to pay extra and do not go into the movie expecting anything special.

Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City

Give it a go!
While I am in two minds, wanting to go between a 6.8 and a 7.2, over all this is one movie rated well below what it deserves and the ratings given seem to go purely on the basis that they destroyed the charactures... which is true... the worst being Leon.

Additionally, I feel they could have actually made a mini series rather, to cover more, as far as what they go through in this movie.

But, we were entertained from start to finnish. Regardless of whether they got the right actors for the role, or staying true to the charactures, the acting was good. The special effects were fine and overall was not disapointed at all.

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