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The Killing of a Sacred Deer

Potential Overshadowed By Weirdness
This movie had so much potential. The idea of a curse upon the surgeon who caused a man's death really is a fun idea. Without giving too much away the idea of the story really made it fun, however this story was overshadowed by an extremely slow paced movie, weird actors and voices (on purpose), and overall an unneeded soundtrack.

The movie is slow. You spend 30 minutes just getting an intro which is not that exciting. It's just slow. The worst part of the slowness is having to listen to the teenage girl sing, for no reason. The movie had absolutely no need to be 2 hours.

Secondly it's overly weird. The actors do a robotic voice almost that is purposely used to portray creepy or uncomfortable feelings, however it becomes too much. It starts to drag on and it loses its creepiness, creating an annoyance and pulls away from the ideas of the story.

Last the sound track was horrible. It was constantly the crescendo you experience in a horror movie. There was no soft music only hard gritty creepy music that really pulls away and is more annoying than needed.

The reason I'm giving this a 6/10 review is due to the cinematography, acting, and story ideas. The acting was phenomenal, espically from Collin Farrel, Keoghan, and Nicole Kidman. All of these actors really add to their performances and create emotional and developed characters.

The cinematography was really cool. It used a lot of interesting shots and really used bright atmospheres and then dark atmospheres a lot. Very interesting. And as stated before yeah I love the story idea.

So honestly do I recommend? No. Not unless you're a person who loves movies and experiencing everything then it's not worth your time. It's a movie that really leaves you feeling like you wasted your time. I personally enjoyed it but I don't know how others would feel.

Be My Cat: A Film for Anne

This movie was a trip. It was so crazy. Half of the time you couldn't tell if it was real or fake. Just showing how amazing the acting was.

The movie revolves around this crazy man who has an obsession on Anne Hathaway, after he saw her role in the Dark Night Returns. (I hope I got that right) From this he believes that if he shows how good a director he is then he could be able to persuade her to come make a movie with him, thus starting the chaos of the movie. To start the acting is PHENOMENAL. Absolutely insane. The ratings on IMDB do not reflect just the sheer success that these actors bring. Every moment you are wondering, "is this real?" "This seems insane but that sounds like a real scream". It is just insane the amount they are able to do. Another positive about this movie is its success in the found footage genre. It works so well and functions superbly. It isn't scary necessarily however it is skin crawlingly creepy. Ever second feels wrong and you just aren't comfortable. The ending is happy enough too. It leaves you in suspense and to reflect. The movie overall is very good and an underrated gem of Found Footage Horror. I recommend to watch, ALONE. Do not watch with family.

High Fidelity

The human path
This movie was so good. The story was following Rob who is a narcissistic a-hole who really grows through the story. He starts off as a little kid who is only focused on himself. He has to be the center and everything is about him, he is so focused on himself, until he loses Laura, the love of his life, which he hadn't realized. The story ends with him finding that he is sick or "fantasizes" which hold him back from settling.

I liked this movie so much for a couple reasons. The biggest reason is how much this related to me. Now I am not an A-hole but I definitely relate to the want to explore and keep a foot out of the door. I have a Laura in my life who I let go for the safe reason. We got back, and now I really understand the want for these fantasies. It is just the dream or want of something fresh and new. Though if you look at it, it really isn't that great. Once you become part of it you fall into the problems. However you are already in something really good, as Rob says, with some problems. You just need to accept and grow. The movie is overall just so powerful and well made.


Another hit for angel studios
Cabrini, is a movie revolving around Francesca Cabrini. The first American saint. It talks about the impact she left and the work she did while she was alive. This movie was simply powerful. Before this movie I had no clue who Cabrini was, which is shocking, since she was such an important person in society.

The movie shows this strong woman, who doesn't stop no matter what happens. She is a fighter and it is simply inspiring.

I am personally an atheist and I do not belive in a higher power, which makes it hard to watch angel studios a lot of the times, however this one was amazing. Equal to sound of freedom. It was such a powerful story and it shows the viewer such an influential person who was alive during this time.

The movies cinematography was superb, as well as the sound track. I recommend this movie to all. It was so good and so powerful.

Pillow Talk

Comedy gold
This movie is hilarious. It does such a good job with its comedy. Each character is so so funny. I love the main character. Jen is so so funny and she makes it so funny. Not only that but the main guy as well. Each character has a special part in the story and they are just so hilarious. It just fits so perfectly.

The story is very unique too. Over a shared phone line love is blossomed and it is funny how the main guy is able to shift characters to Rex and his main guy. I think it is so funny. It just feels so perfect.

The sound effects in the movie are really odd but it makes the movie complete. It is so funny.


Emotionally gripping
This movie was so beautiful. All the negative reviews seem to not understand the true meaning of the movie. Now in my eyes this movie shows the inability of people to change, as well as the different sides of love. It also just shows so many key emotions in life. The film has such an artistic take on love. Family love is challenged, by the line "Fake Falsy People". To me this shows the want to be like the traditional family, but the incapability by people. Such as Old Dolio and her parents. They just don't function the same. The line that really stuck out to me was, "If it's just my 525, my third then it means, we are the way we just who we are, but we still love you". This to me hit hard. The family loves them but they can't change. People don't truely change. Love is also shown in the movie between the two main characters. This romance makes the movie happy. Overall it's just really good.

My absolute favorite part of the movie however was the sound track. The reason I watched the film is because I had heard a song from the movie on Spotify. It is fantastic. It does so much to add to the movie and overall just fits perfectly. Probably one of my favorite movie soundtracks, of all time.

Asteroid City

Wasted Potential
Now two things to start. I love Wes Anderson and his works. He is a brilliant director, and his films are so fun, two, this was a movie with so much potential however it flopped. I've read two strong ideas of the point of the movie. One being that it isn't meant to make sense. It relates to life and it shows that life is that confusing. Secondly, this movie is built about how the script writer died in the middle of the script, but then since he dies he leaves his cast with no idea of what to do so the movie ends confusingly, like how his cast felt, making this film.

My personal view of this movie ends in confusion. I LOVED how it was a movie with double plot lines. One following the creation of the play, and two the play in its fullness. It is also a BEAUTIFUL movie that makes you happy with the brillant colors, however the story doesn't work. My idea or summery of the movie is that the movie revolves around grief and grief isn't supposed to make sense. It's meant to be just a confusing thing that happens when someone passes, but even then, the movie just didn't work. I feel if they are trying to portray something they should portray it for everyone. The movie felt like it was made for 2 people and not everyone.

The Godfather Part II

A sequel that surpasses the original
Quick before hand: I don't think most movie watchers feel like qualified to review this movie, including myself but I'll do my best.

The god Father pt 2 is the continuation of the first. It is based around the new god father Micheal and how he handles his rise to power.

This movie to me, completely overtakes the first. The story is just so well put together and I LOVE how they tie in the godfathers origin as well as Michael's story. It is just so entertaining and beautifully made. I didn't get bored once.

The soundtrack is just beautiful and it fits the movie so well. The main theme haunts you. Finally the cinematography is superb setting standards for other movies as well. It just flows so smoothly and works phenomenally.

The movie is a work of art.


A fun prelude that does a good enough job
"Wonka" a movie directed by Paul King, starring Timothee Chalamet, who plays Willy Wonka, is a prelude to the later movie with Gene Wilder. It is a musical adventure movie with fun characters, some comedy, and lots of chocolate.

To start off, I don't think this movie can compare to the amazing music, acting, and setting of Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory (1971), however it does a pretty good job. The story is fun and it works, however it is very cheesy. Unbearabley cheesy at times, which took a mark off for me. It was however bearable by the ending of the movie which to me was super well done.

The music itself was okay, though what was fun about it was how it linked bits and pieces of it to the songs in the 1971 WWATCF. Making it relatable and fun.

All around the movie was good and I recommend for families.

Notting Hill

A heartfelt RomCom.
Notting Hill is a Romantic Comedy that really leaves you with a warm feeling towards the end. Directed by Roger Michell, staring Julia Robert and Hugh Grant, this movie is about a world renowned actor who meets an awkward book keeper, and they fall in love.

The movie overall is actually really well done. It has fun music that really works with the vibe, the cinematography is fine except for the time moving scenes, those are so well done. The movie is funny, and overall makes you feel the love. What really stands out in this movie is the acting and the lines. The acting is done brilliantly and each character is just great, even down to spike. The lines too just make the film fit together. They are memorable and are just so good. The ending of the movie also is so great. It gives you all you were waiting for and wraps up the movie perfectly.

The problem I had with this movie, however were it was unrealistic. Now I know most romantic comedies are meant to be like this, but it was just too unrealistic. It felt more like a dream. The American stigma is definitely shown by Robert's kissing Grant within 20 minutes of the movie, which also is an example of unrealistic relationships, however the movie overcomes this and it works out well.

Love Actually

And he's got a big Knobbbbb
Love Actually Is All Around.

Such a heartfelt story, with so much love and so much different kinds of love. It is just so touching.

A film with many different stories. There is so many characters and each one has their own stories to tell and so much background. The best thing about this is that each of the stories really works well and fold into each other. They all connect and they connect well. They flow so flawlessly and it just works fabulously. It makes you smile.

This movie is very well made. Each character is fantastic and built so well. You fall in love with each one, even the ones with less screen time than others. There is such a good development for each character. You can't get enough of all of them. This to me was the best part of the movie, just each character and the stories that are told by each and everyone of them.

The story really focuses on loves and the different loves each person feels and the many different types of love. There is emotional, romantical, parental, young love, friendship, and love for work and ones self and there is just love. It is amazing. It even shows the opposites and the different opinions on love, like what happens when you don't flourish it or when you just let it go. It is just amazing.

The movie had other really good parts. The movie is super pretty, the sound track is perfect, and it just works so well with the movie. It is hilarious as well. There are a lot of jokes that just work and it makes you laugh so hard. There are a ton of great lines that really just hit you so hard and stick with you. The movie is practically perfect. It is just so so good. It makes you happy.

I totally recommend this movie. To anyone. It's amazing. - 9.8/10.

I Love Lizzy

This movie was actually suprisingly good. I personally am an Atheist and try to keep away from religious movies, but I must admit that this movie is good, even though it has religious undertones.

The movie is based around a young seminarian named Jeff (Carlo Aquino) who goes on vacation to Albay in the Philippines to figure out if he truly wants to be a priest, but during his time there he then he finds a girl named Lizzy (Barbie Imperial) and they fall in love.

As I said before this movie is surprisingly good. It is a romance set in the Philippines with religion as a key part of the movie, however it isn't unbearably religious. It mentions god and religion multiple times but it isn't forced into the movie. It is just a part of the movie. The idea of religion is used in the movie every effectively and it is honestly a fun watch. It gives the character Jeff more depth.

The movie is very stunning. It uses a lot of vibrant colors in its cinematography and is so pretty. It really gives the movie a magic touch, and makes Albay so beautiful. It is beautifully done.

The acting also is honestly well done. Some characters are kinda flat but the main ones add so much emotion and depth to the story. You don't even learn that much about the characters and yet it still works.

The ending as well adds so much to the movie. In the beginning it is honestly just middle tier romance. Nothing really enticing happens, but the end of the movie just gives it so much. I won't spoil but it makes the movie.

The problems I had with this movie are the audio and soundtrack. The audio was finnicky and honestly made the characters sound weird at points or overly loud. The other issue was the sound track was just boring. It wasn't very exciting and left a lot to be desired.

However even with these negatives, the movie itself had a lot of positives and overall was such a fun watch. I definitely recommend.

Christmas Jars

A Cheesy movie with a good ending
"Christmas Jars" directed by Johnathon Write is Christmas movie with the theme of giving and the inspiration it gives others. The movie stars, Jenni Ross as the main character, a Journalist named Hope who finally gets a big break writing an article, however she must lie too the family she is interviewing, creating contentions.

The movie overall is not very good. I can't even lie. The acting and the lines in the movie are so cheesy, it's just hard to watch. The characters feel shallow and so cliche that it isn't special, and they have no purpose rather to bring a comedy aspect that doesn't always fall through. However they really capture emotions well. In the emotional scenes it is actually really touching, eapically in the end. The end of the movie recovers everything.

The end of the movie really puts the theme of the movie into place and it warms the heart of anyone watching. You feel so touched for the last 30 minute. However the last 30 minutes don't make up for the rest of the movie being irritating. The cinematography is basic, the lines again, so cheesy. The characters are boring, and the plot itself is pretty unoriginal. However it still so touching and it leaves you with a good feeling.

Blue Beetle

Cliche but okay
Blue Beetle, a movie directed by Angel Manuel Soto, is a superhero movie staring Xolo Mariduena as Jamie Reyes, the Blue Beetle. The film focuses on Jamie and his life after he gets "possessed" by a blue scarab. However this movie has two main flaws that really make it a mid tier movie.

The movie overall is honestly not horrible. It is a very middle ground movie, however it falls flat firstly, because it just follows the same plot lines and cliches of other super hero movies. The movie revolves around the theme of family and how it is the true power, and it lasts forever. This is cool and all, however it has just been used so many times. This movies theme feels almost like a copy and paste of Shazam, with just a rewrite.

I'm not saying this movie isn't enjoyable though. The cinematography is very enticing. The suits, espically Blue Beetle's is very well done. The fighting scenes and the scenes in general were all around pretty good. It was very enjoyable, however the second flaw of the movie is that the acting is bad from almost the entire cast. The acting really just feels forced and cheesy and it isn't good. It falls flat espically from Mariduena. His character, Jessie is just so basic it hurts. It feels like too much of a classic hero troupe. Innocent, kind, loving, awkward. It's really just so cliche and it doesn't fall together well at all. Making it hard to watch at parts.

However in conclusion the movie was entertaining and overall not horrible. Sure not great but it is a fun watch for families, probably with more adult kids, and overall is not a bad super hero movie, just middle ground and cliche.

Silver Linings Playbook

Silver Linings Playbook, a movie directed by David O. Russell staring Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence, who both do a phenomenal job. They are amazing and have a great chemistry together. The movie is about a man named Pat who got out of a mental hospital because he snapped when his wife cheated on him, however he is still madly in love with her. The movie revolves around Pats life and his experiences as he tries to improve

The movie itself is so so good. It is so well made and just such a gripping experience that you love every moment. It has so much emotion and you just feel so many feelings watching it. Pats relationships with Tiffany, and his father and his friends, it is just so pure and really reflects his person.

The movie tackles mental illness and using context clues autism. Both the main character Pat as well as Tiffany both have mental illnesses, which is definitely reflected by their characters. You learn Pat has bipolar disorder but you never truely learn what Tiffany has, however you get the idea. The movie displays mental illness so so well. It shows that even though these people are "different" they are still people who have experiences. The movie really just shows you how they function and live. It is so interesting and really opens your eyes to these illnesses.

The cinematography is also so good. It is very pretty and shows a lot of emotion. Espically during the dance scene. This was so so beautifully filmed and is just so so fun to watch. The pure emotion from the film just makes you so happy.

Finally the music really puts the movie together. The soundtrack as well as the song that triggers Pat makes the movie just so well rounded. All the songs are amazing and all around this movie is just amazing.

The Family Man

A Cheesy Fun Holiday Romance
A film with an, "It's a wonderful life" feel to it.

The movie bases around the character, Jack Campbell, who is a successful yet lonely man who gave up his love life to work, however one day he meets a man who changes his perspective on life.

The movie is actually really fun, however so cheesy. It makes you cringe but laugh at the same time, while still giving a nice Rom-Com feel. The story of the movie is very similar to "it's a wonderful life" but more about romance. It isn't necessarily original but it still is fun and not a bad watch.

Danny Elfman does a good job with the soundtrack, however it is definitely not his best compared to nightmare before Christmas or others.

The acting in the movie is fun. I personally like Nicolas Cage and I feel he did a good job in the movie, same as Téa Leoni. They had such a strong chemistry and overall they worked so good. You could really feel the romance while watching.

Overall the movie was pretty solid. I feel it was basic and predictable at times but was still a fun experience that leaves you content after watching.

The Shift

Started Good Shifted to Bad
A religious movie about a man named Kevin who is transported into another world and uses god to get out.

Honestly this movie was really not that good. I went into this movie blind, as an atheist so this is a little biased. Don't get me wrong the movie started off so interesting and had so much potential. It had a super interesting plot however, it just fell very flat. It became so focused on the religious message that the plot fell apart and just wasn't as exciting. For someone of the religion it may have been more exciting however it just fell apart.

The story itself had a lot of holes too. For instance the ending doesn't completely work, the shifting has some holes in it as well. It isn't completely explained and while they do explain a lot, it still feels confusing.

The soundtrack is also pretty bad. It is the most basic religious movie soundtrack and it really doesn't add that much to the movie.

The acting however is very good. Every character does a good job and really puts in a lot of emotion that makes the story more bareable.

In conclusion, the movie was not very good. It had such a fascinating concept that is overruled by an over religious path as well as story holes and a boring soundtrack.

Lady Bird

Growing up in it's simplest form
Lady bird is about a girl who has a complicated relationship with her mother, and is poor. It is a movie about growth and life in your early years.

The film was very pretty. Very beautiful scenes and overall it looked very nice. The colors used were very pretty. The characters in it were overall pretty good however, they felt a little over exaggerated, such as Timothee Chalamets character. However the growth that the main character goes through is so beautiful and so raw almost. It really does feel like you are growing up with her. The movie honestly feels very realistic minus a couple odd bits. The story itself too is just so well put and it works so well for the story. It is just very good.


I Wish it wasn't so generic
Wish, a movie about a magic kingdom where there is a king who is magic and grants wishes, is a movie made to celebrate the 100th anniversary of disney. The film is overall pretty funny leaving nice laughs for the whole family, however it feels lackluster and has a weak story as well as feeling the same as every other Disney movie.

The movie overall has a good animation with fun scenes and fun Easter eggs relating to other movies made. However the movie alone, is not significant at all. It is extremely fast paced and feels like every other movie ever made. It has characters similar to EVERY MOVIE, similar music, which wasn't catchy at all, just generic Disney. Compare the music from the movie to the soundtrack in Encanto or some other similar Disney movie and it just isn't anything special.

Overall the movie was not that great. Sure it is fun enough and is a good kids movie but it really doesn't feel special.

BoJack Horseman

I Need you to tell me I'm a good person.

Bojack horseman is a tv show about basically life, and everything you can ever imagine. It talks about sexual norms, sexual interests, death, addiction, happiness, and so so much more. Every episode is an adventure and each episode seems to like actually give a piece to the story. The story is beautiful because you get to see every single character grow. Each character has something they go through and it is such beautiful thing to be watching as your characters grow. From season 1 episode 1 to season 6 episode 16 each character is changed and grows and it really teaches you.

In the show you follow the life of Bojack Horseman. He is a messed up horse, with addiction problems and has a self destructive personality. He meets many people along the way and changes himself so much.

All of the voices in the show are just amazing, the art is so well done, even though it's silly at times it stays constant and is amazing. They change up the opening and overall it is just a perfection.10/10.

Funny Games

One of my hardest watches.
Funny games is a German movie directed by Micheal Haneke. It's a film about two men (Paul and Peter) who go around playing games and terrorizing families. One after another. In the film they terrorize, Georg, Anna, Georg jr, and their dog lucky. Though the ways they terrorize them is horrendous.

This movie was unbelievably hard to watch. I had to pause it at parts just because of the cruelty of the two men. They have a personality that just makes it so very hard to watch. Therefor the acting in this show is phenomenal. Showing great performances by the two men , Paul (Arno Frisch) and Peter (Frank Giering). As well as Georg senior (Ulrich Mühe) and Anna (Susanne Lothar). Mühe and Lothar especially delivered phenomenal acting.

The film was not that pretty but I feel that was part of what the directed wanted. Plain scenes were portrayed. However lighting was very well done and it really boosted the suspense and tension of the show.

My favorite part of the show however is the breaking of the third wall in the show, done by Frisch. It was so interesting to me especially towards the end of the movie when we edited the whole film. Though it doesn't tie in to the story much it makes the movie more thought provoking making you think is this real? And such.

Overall this was a rough movie. I personally don't recommend this movie unless you have a gut of steel. The movie however is well done.


Serendipity, a film about destiny and it's influence in life and love.

The movie is about two characters, Johnathan Trager (John Cusack) and Sara Thomas (Kate Beckinsale) who meet one day through utter coincidence trying to buy the same pair of gloves. They meet and get dinner and eventually part ways till they meet again after they both left possessions at the store. From there they have a magical night and then they part ways till many years later.

Serendipity is a beautiful movie. It has an ongoing theme about destiny and that everything happens for a reason. They also imply the themes of soulmates into the movie.

They do a fantastic job implying these themes into the films and it really gives you a feeling of suspense and then the film resolves with a beautiful finish that leaves you super satisfied.

The film has pretty shots but not anything to wow about and the lines are very well used. The characters are also a lot of fun. Overall this movie is fantastic I highly recommend it. Both Cusack and Beckinsale do such a good job.

(500) Days of Summer

Made me wanna cry
Coincidence, that's all anything ever is Nothing more than coincidence

This movie was a hard hitter to say the least. With stunning performances shown by Joseph Gordon Levitt, and Zooey Deschanel, and a beautiful theme and story. Even though hard at times it really has a powerful and lasting message.

The movie is about Tom (Joseph Gordon Levitt) a young man who is working at a greeting card facility, when one day he meets Summer (Zooey Deschanel) his bosses new assistant. The plot thickens and they eventually both confess to liking each other and the story takes off.

This movie is a very touching watch to say the least. It really shows what love feels like, it makes you feel it through the screen. It also shows you the feelings of depression and grief that happens after you lose that. It also just tells the story of life, and how it just happens. Everything is a coincidence and nothing happens for a reason.

I totally recommend this movie. It's very pretty visually, has a great set of memorable lines, and is beautifully written. Please watch it.

Meet Joe Black


The movie revolves around Death (brad Pitt) coming to see what the world is like. Wanting to explore he takes the body of a young man and meets with, William Parrish (Anthony Hopkins) making William show himself the world. The story develops and death falls in love with Williams daughter, Susan Parish (Claire Forlani) creating a troublesome decision for Death.

This movie was fantastic. The story is carried so well by the acting demonstrated by Pitt and Forlani, was well as Hopkins. Each character is so well developed. And all around very fun.

The theme is definitely Love. The story does a great job at replicating that theme, showing how love works, and how it effects everyone, even death. It shows really the premise of love and the different points of views and how it works. It in all is very well done.

The film was well carried by great lines, beautiful shots, and strong emotions, in all it was so powerful.

However, the one flaw was the movies soundtrack. It played happy music it felt at the worst times. It felt like the soundtrack didn't fit.

My Suicide

Kill narcissus
If you want to kill your self, kill what you don't like.

This film was definitely a hard hitter. As a Teen around Archie's age I struggled with a lot of what he struggles with In the movie, so this hit extra hard.

The film revolves around a teen named Archie, who wants to commit suicide on camera. He is a teen that loves cameras and making film. He is a loner and has ADD giving him a rather funny personality, one where he isn't afraid of anything. The story pics up after Archie is sent to a mental institution for declaring he'll kill himself and he falls in love with a girl named. Sierra.

The movie has lots of very hard hitting topics. It really reflects a teens pov when suicidal. It captures everything so well. However some parts were just a tad unrealistic.

The movie is able to use the themes to show you that suicide is not the answer. You can see that through Archie as figures out what life can be and that there is more to it.

Overall it was a very good movie. I am at a loss for words about it honestly. It was so captivating and hard hitting.

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