
IMDb member since June 2022
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Logan's Run

Sorry it's not that great
This movie isn't as good as people say, it may have great semi par effects, but you really need a great story too. It holds back on almost every scene even doing things that's probably been done before.

I really couldn't guess the ending because it's not set up right, alot of fillers and empty space. Logan's Run could of been way shorter to get the same point across tho there really isn't a point. So it's an adventure movie, tho why is 'star wars' better, not sure other then maybe it was way more like a western then a scifi, having a story we can care about.

Could guess the ending if I wasn't trying to think of something better, I wanted to like this movie. It's not for kids, very almost mean spirited movie but they don't do it purposely. It's hard to find any redeeming quality to this movie. It really takes the scifi genre backwards and not in a good way.


I loved it!
This movie really hits all the cartoon animation tropes from going to the offices/studios of the production, the fan base, and creating a new set of characters for just this movie. This movie is almost above average only because the actors could be working a little harder to improvise, like maybe the dad was. The best part of the movie is the Dad he really mixes up the good dad tropes and becomes this character you wish you knew a little more. He really steals the camera every time. Other then that this movie is pretty solid. *Spoiler* They even use a conspiracy of walt disney's brain being underground disney. It really is a fun movie with all the exploitation and twist you need to make it a fun watch!


From a younger perspective
I was born in 1995 and this one of the best movies ever made in the early 80s. I don't normally like musicals but I still give it 7 stars. I highly suggest watching, don't let the meta critic fool you. It really captures the heart and soul of creative minds changing from generation to generation. How we can all relate somehow in style and music. It's also filmed in Venice Beach which is always a plus in reviewing a movie, for me at least. The actors do fall more on the 1970s side but it comes out to be very wholesome and still has this edge to it. It has rollerblading which ages the movie, tho I think it might be better then adding skateboarding. It's also better then Roller Boogie, which the movie Roller Boogie has Linda Blair, a very beautiful actress from movie The Exorcist. So it's better then that. For sure watch this movie if your trying to be an entertainer, it's very cool.

Return of the Living Dead: Part II

This movie received a 5% on Rotten Tomatoes but don't let that deter you from watching. This movie represents zombie movies very well. For some reason the budget is higher, still the movie has way less then the first movie but every scene actually works for what it's made for, parody of zombie movies. It's fun and for people who love zombie flicks. Return of the Living Dead 1 is one of the best 80s zombie movie, it can't be met up still I highly suggest watching the sequel because of it's gross gore effects, odd/funny lines, and everything serves a purpose to the plot. It really feels like a video game, left 4 dead. Give it a watch!

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