
IMDb member since June 2022
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Way Out West

1st off, a gay joke in a Laurel & Hardy movie,,,,,???? Yep. Up front & center. A key ingredient to Laurel & Hardy 's on-going appeal ( in my opinion) is 1. Their all encompassing brotherhood, & fellowship for each other. It leaps across a 84 year span. A World War, Levittown, the Civil rights movement. Apalachin, The bay of Pig's, Vietnam, A Presidental Assassination, The War on Poverty, Exploration into space. Watergate, ( you catch the drift.) 2. The extemporaneous ( atleast seemingly) nature of their Comedy. The duo, do a legendary bit of theirs near the beginning of the film. A childish dance, that is just dandy, & illuminates, said friendship, & an era of delightful foolishness,(here) on the precipice of demise. Laurel, & Hardy's cheif source of amusement derives from sight-gags, & long, drawn-out segments that propell from Odd, to dumb, to over-the-top, to borderline insane. They formed as a team during the silent-era, & their funniest gag's instill remnants of that Silent ethic. They could come across as hopelessly anarchic, & dated especially considering the advancements in film technology by 1937, but, they come across as outside of History, & time, instead. ( You can enter a costume party, anywhere in the World, even in 2021, dressed as Laurel, & Hardy, & not one person can seriously ask you just who are you impersonatng.) The jokes you can see coming a mile away, but they have such, precison, such immaculate timing, that they floor the viewer, regardless. ( I guess, you pretty much catch that I'm a gigantic Laurel, & Hardy fan. I can & will shill for these guy's until the cow's come home. I totally love them !!!!!!!) You have a good deal of the Classic Laurel, & Hardy Organization here, so although there's nothing, revelatory, or particularly ground breaking w/ this entry, it's good fun, & audaciously stoopid, & it really doesn't offend anyone, over anything. These guy's wore their hearts on their sleeves.

The Life of Emile Zola

A man of courage and integrity stood up to injustice at a particular time in France. He was forced to flee France for England to do battle, but was eventually vindicated in his homeland. His weapon was the pen, and he achieved a victory greater than with sword.

Girl Overboard

Best Movie Ever!!!
Yes!!! Best Movie Ever! Movie Is In Heaven! But My Brother Zeke Used To Watched It Since When He Was A Kid Way Back In October 25, 2006. Sorry, It Was Kind of 150 Jokes And Laughters And Romances.

High Flyers

Funny And Outrageously Hilarious!
Best Movie Ever! Lupe Velez's Impression Of Shirley Temple Singing "On The Good Ship Lollipop" Cracks Me Up As A 10 Year Old Boy! It Is My Favorite! Sorry, your review is 10 Out of 10!

Nothing Sacred

New York Loves Nothing Sacred
The film has been perceived as a satire on yellow journalism due to Hect'd experience. There's a key line in which a NY journalst is told: A Newspaperman? The hand of God reaching down into the mire couldn't elevate one of them to the depth of degradation.

A Day at the Races

Marx Brothers Are My Favorite.
A Day at the Races brings us the Marx Brothers at their best; which means that their latest film is a good deal like their other films and wildly unlike anything else on earth. It places the Marx Brothers clearly among the few fine comedians of our day.

It's Love I'm After

I Love That Movie!
I love It's Love I'm After and I have to agree. It is definitely Eric Blore's movie! I think it might be my favourite performance out of a career full of great performances.

The Awful Truth

You're The Nice One. Mr. Smith
A few things to look for: Yes, the dog "Mr. Smith" is the same dog that is "The One" in the THIN MAN movies. Plus, as usual, Ralph Bellamy plays the boyfriend who is destined to lose his daughter (Irene Dunn) all over again. As in countless other films, Bellamy is inexplicably left without a bride by the end of the film (as in HIS GIRL Friday and HANDS AROSS THE TABLE, among others). Third, this film appears to have possibly been the inspiration for the later Hitchcock film, MR. AND MISTRESS. SMITH. If not, at least they have a lot of similarities - intentional or not.

You Can't Buy Luck

Yep! It Does Exist! That Movie Was Exist! Hooray! 10/10 Stars! Amazing! My Young Brother Walter Will Watch The Show When He Was A Baby. At Least, Review Is Amazing!


Great movie. Need more just like it. Um, Yeah! Best Movie Ever! Just Like Despicable Me. I Used To Watched It As A Little Boy. That Was Great, It's Long And Too Short. I Will Give You A 150 Dollars. Maybe it will help people to become sane again.

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