
IMDb member since January 2002
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    22 years


The Peter Principle

An average yet funny British comedy series
The Peter Principle was a BBC comedy which i found very funny for a number of reasons. The bank manager was inefficient and incapable of doing his job properly - i distinctly remember the episode where he brought in scouts to count money because he had given an account to a large sports store and the bank was not big enough to deal with it!!!! There were funny scenes like this and whilst the script was not awesome, it was still pretty funny. This is yet another British comedy which does not need over-use of swearing and innuendos to be funny and clever however it did not attract a great audience and, as far as i am aware, no more episodes will be made. It is nowhere near The Brittas Empire or Fawlty Towers - these are the comedies to make Britain proud - but it is still funnier than the average American comedy.

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