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For Whom the Bell Tolls

For Whom the Bell Tolls
I have this movie on DVD for weeks, I thought: this would be a long and boring movie. So I waited a long time and today I thought let's give it a chance and I had a really good time, the movie is great and a true classic, that every classic movie fan must see. It tells the story of a bomb expert (Gary Cooper) he get's the order to destroy a bridge, he stays with a few people in a cave. The leader of the gang Pilar (Paxinou) is a woman with girl power, the misfit pablo (Tamiroff) and the young Maria (Bergman) during the story Cooper and Bergman fell in love, but they both can't help that Paxinou steals the show with her great acting, she plays the stars from heaven and she really deserves her Oscar for best supporting actress, unfortunately we never saw great things of her later. You can also see that this movie was made to win a lot of Oscars, you really should see this movie.

Witness for the Prosecution

Witness for the Prosecution
wow absolutely great, I have the billy wilder collection and this was the first movie I watched, because I'm a fan of Dietrich and I must say she'really steals the show, her performance as an criminal wives, who lies for him, especially when she's in disguise to tell a lie about her self, when I saw her I thought, that's Dietrich, but I thought no It couldn't be and yes she was it really a great performance, maybe her best, it was said that I already knew the end because it was in one of Dietrich's biographies but still you think what would happen, really a great performance, but not only Dietrich also Charles Laughton and Elsa Lanchster are great and funny as well, this is one of the best movies in the Billy Wilder collection.

Something's Gotta Give

Something's Gotta Give (2003)
Yesterday, I saw this movie & I loved it, it is so funny. The Story is funny, the direction is good. But the most important is the cast. It's a cast of famous and oscar winning actors, although Diane Keaton steals the show with her wonderful performance, she deserves her oscar nomination.


This is movie is stupid. I don't call it a movie it's more a long videoclip. only songs and more songs and no talking. And Madonna looks to old in the early scenes. Nobody would believe that she is playing a young girl and I don't see why she got an Golden-Globe for it the only thing she is doing is singing songs and some songs are so stupid. And what is Antonio Banderas doing in this movie?

You Belong to Me

Enjoyable tv-movie
I saw this movie last night for Lesley Anne Down and it's surprised me that it's very enjoyable. Lesley proofs that she can more than playing Madeline in North & South. It's also surprised me that this tv-movie had some suspense in it, I didn't know who the killer was until the end and that was very surprising

Monster's Ball

Monster's Ball
This is a very good movie about a love between two different people. This movie has a very good cast but Halle Berry steals the show with her part as a widow. But the movie don't answer a few questions and it's stops suddenly but Halle deserves her oscar.

Here on Earth

Here on Earth
I can't understand why people say, it's a horrible movie, Okay it's not a Casablanca or something, but it's not a bad movie. The movie has a great cast who play there characters good, I think we are going to hear a lot more about that three young actors.

Bram Stoker's Dracula

One of the best Dracula's
This is one of the best dracula films ever made. It's has a great director with fantastic and famous cast. The makers thought of every detail in the movie It has great sets, make-up costumes,but the cinematography was the best of all.


I watch this movie without big expectations, I think everyone should do. It's a great Tv-serie and of course we couldn't compare it with Gone With the wind, but it's still nice to watch. It's also weird to see a different Scarlett. Joanne Whalley don't play Scarlett with passion and fire like Vivien Leigh, but I believe that Scarlett is changed when she became older. Don't expect to much of this just watch but don't watch like: I think this would be horrible.


Even Meryl can't save this movie
I'm a big fan of Meryl Streep and I have a deep respect for her and I like watching ehr movies but when I saw this movie I was disappointed. This movie is so boring and not the good acting and well directing can't save this movie. It's like you are watching to a soap or a tv-movie. It's tells the story of a two people who meet eachother at a wedding and soon they married get children but the woman finds out that her husband is cheating on her and she starts a new life. I think the most people respect Meryl and Jack but don't go to watch this movie with big expectations.

Something's Got to Give

Marilyn last movie
I saw the 37 minutes of this film and I must say that that 37 minutes were great. Marilyn shows her great comedy talents and still great body. Her most funny scenes are with Cyd Charisse who plays her husbands new wife. This movies is a remake of My favorite wife with: Cary Grant & Irene Dunne. It tells the story of a man (Dean Martin) who lost his wife (Marilyn Monroe), years later her re-marries with his new girl-friend (Cyd Charisse). Everything looks fine until Ellen Arden (Marilyn) comes back to life.

A Place in the Sun

A Place in the Sun
I wanted to see this movies for years, because I'm a Elizabeth Taylor fan for years. This great cast of different actors is great. Elizabeth Taylor, Montgomery Clift & Shelley Winters are great together. I didn't like one thing , I thought it was a huge melodrama with great film-noir effects, but that wasn't it. but it's still a great drama and very fun to watch.

The Lady from Shanghai

The Lady From Shanghai
I always wanted to see Rita Hayworth in a movie and now I saw her in The Lady from Shanghai. This is a great Film-Noir./ the story is vague when the movie starts but later it's all clear. Rita & Her Husband Orson Welles are a great combo and everything you don't expect happens. If you are a Film Noir fan then watch this movies. The last scene with the mirrors is Magnificent.

River of No Return

Movie of no return
I'm a die-hard Marilyn Monroe fan and I like almost all of her movies, but this is one of the movies I absolutely don't like. The story is horrible just like the special effects and I saw Marilyn better too, I understand that she didn't want to make this film. This movie is not as good as her other classics

Arsenic and Old Lace

This movie is so funny, everything is so strange and you will never see a movie like this one. Cary Grant finds out that his aunts kill lonely man to make them happy and he have a strange brother who think he is President Roosevelt and his other brother looks like Boris Karloff and he having troubles with his girlfriend: Priscilla Lane who wants to marry him all things together make this movie Excellent and a movie you must have seen.

A Star Is Born

A Star Is Born
Finally I saw this movie. A great remake of The 1937 version with Janet Gaynor. They Made it a great musical with great songs and of course Judy Garland made a great come back to the silver screen with This Movie. My Favorite Director made his first color and musical movie about A young girl who is discovered by a famous actor and she made it to an international super star. Judy Garland should have won an Oscar for it.


An excellent and very funny movie about: a murder everything is so weird and Funny, I laughed almost the whole movie. Everything goes about a murder and it's the whole time who did it. Everybody who likes weird movies this is the best. so watch it.

Sergeant York

Sergeant York
Today i watched this movie and it gave a me an impression of hard working people who do everything to get it better, it's a great story with a great believe in the lord. the only mistake is that Gary Cooper is too old to play sergeant York, But he deserve the oscar he get.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Magical Movie
The Movie Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the sequel of Harry Potter. The second movie is much better than the first one. It's not a good movie for little Children because the movie have very scary movies. Everything is better the cast, the special effects. Really everybody nead to see this one.

The Clock

Garland Shines
Walker and Garland are great in this movie from: Vincente Minnelli, the movie is simple but fantastic. when a girl meet a soldier they fall in love and they want to marry before the soldier goes back to the army, Every Judy Garland fans must see this movie.

The Bad and the Beautiful

The Beautiful Movie
This is a Fantastic Movie from one of my favorite Directors: Vincentte Minelli. I never saw a movie of Lana Turner before, but now if seen her, I think she is great she really shines in this movie. The Bad and the beautifull has a great cast, director, crew and the most beautiful is Turner's Costume they are fabulous

Tarzan the Ape Man

Not That Good
Yesterday I saw this Movie and I expected more of it, the sound is bad, the film is bad, I thought MGM movies have a great Quallity, well not all the movies are good. Most of the animals are very fake they are just humans. but the movie is fun to watch.

My Fair Lady

My Fair lady
This Film is wonderful funny, Hepburn is great as Eliza Doolittle and everything about this film is great: the screenplay, actor, director, songs, story, clothes just everything, everybody who love musicals and Audrey Hepburn or George Cukor or somebody else of the cast/crew Must see it, absolutely one of the best musicals ever.

Little Women

Wonderful, this is a wonderful pic and a great cast janet leigh is great as meg, June Allysson is funny and wonderful, liz taylor as amy is so funny I couldn't stop laughing and Margret O'brien is so sweet I hope I Could see more pics of her

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