
IMDb member since January 2002
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    IMDb Member
    22 years



I really enjoyed this
This was great. But, then, I love road movies. And this ranks there with the best of them. On the lam from the thugs. And it probably helped that I was watching it in the middle of the night when anyone sensible is sound asleep.

I didn't see the very beginning. I only joined the movie when the entire Western world appears to know about Jack's foolish actions. What choice does he have but to hit the road with his best bud. And the adventures that they have on their way. And the people they meet.

It is only gradual that you realize that they are on their way to Seattle just at the time Kurt Cobain met his end. This helps to flesh out the time and to tell us the effect Kurt had on a certain segment of the population. And you're not really sure if this includes Jack and Pilot or not.

I'm not in the target age group. But I enjoyed it anyway.

And Jeremy Piven is just over the top in a brief scene as the drug dealer.

Jacob Two Two Meets the Hooded Fang

Best watched at 3 AM
I probably came across this at the best time - 3 a.m. while channel surfing. I could not believe this was Gary Busey. And, then, imagine my surprise when I also learned it was Miranda Richardson. What? Were these people at the work house? Had they fallen so low as to do this dreck?

One might possibly term this a warmed over Captain Hook story where for some reason (all right, I did miss the beginning) children were imprisoned by a demented ex-wrestler who demanded that they keep a fog machine in operation so that their prison could remain hidden.

I know this is a children's movie but I don't even think a 5-year-old would have bought this story.

For shame.

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