
IMDb member since May 2007
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    17 years


Jar Lid

Interesting Premise Handled Well
A fun movie about two siblings who, after going their separate directions in life, must come together to complete a time-limited, high-stakes situation.

The film is complex, and quite funny- its script is well fleshed out and incredibly well paced. It never feels like too much or too little. It never feels like it's holding your hand or stuffing its hardships down your throat, it is simply a well done story. It creates good moments of tension between the siblings and the situations they get into.

The acting was great across the board, especially from the lead characters. Martha (Sarah Wyatt) and Larry (Jesse DiFranco). The direction from Jonathan Klein flowed the story along, so that you're never bored and always engaged.

If you want an enjoyable movie that combines humor, mystery and emotion, then I recommend giving this one a watch.

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