
IMDb member since August 2022
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Fern Brady: Autistic Bikini Queen

My new favorite comedian
Halfway through listening to Fern's audiobook, I found out she has a special coming out on Netflix. This one. Her book is so relatable because I'm autistic as well, late-identified. My list of favorite comedians includes Chelsea Handler, Kathy Griffin, Hannah Gadsby, Wanda Sykes, Iliza Shlesinger. She's now at the top of the list. Fern's type of comedy is right up my alley.

For me, it's awesome to see an autistic woman killing it at comedy. She's HILARIOUS. If you have a warped sense of humor then you're going to love this. If you're autistic, you're going to love this. If you want to hear jokes you definitely won't hear anywhere else, this is for you.

Alex Borstein: Corsets & Clown Suits

How the heck does this only have a rating of 6.6? This is one of the best things I've seen all year! Alex's character is my favorite on Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and now I know why. I had no idea she did stand-up in real life which is ironic, given the character she plays on a show about a comedienne.

In Corsets & Clown Suits, Alex does stand-up and also incorporates singing with her two musician friends who I thought were adorable. I was laughing the entire time, that's how funny Alex is. This is truly a gem. She's excellent with playing off of the audience as well.

If you want to watch comedy with substance, watch this.

Jury Duty

This is hilarious
I'm not one for stupid comedy, but this isn't even close to the category of stupid. It's well thought-out and pretty brilliant actually. And of course James Marsden is in the role he's in. What a perfect actor for this! I'd love to know how the selection process for casting got whittled down to Ronald. What was it that set him apart from thousands of other applicants? Maybe they said that and I didn't catch it, but wow did they luck out with getting such a kindhearted person.

I'd love to see more seasons of this. It can definitely be done (think 60 Days In), even if the format has to change from time to time.

Ronald makes me want to be a better person. What a genuinely good guy. Also, I'm glad they used the last episode to walk everyone through how they pulled off this elaborate prank. You know how when you're watching a rehab show on HGTV, and at 58 minutes in they finally do the "reveal" only for it to be the camera getting a few shots here and there, and then the end? Very happy this show didn't end on something like that.

Truly hilarious show. I wasn't disappointed in the slightest!

Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story

Shonda does it again!
Brilliant. Casting, story, acting. Just brilliant.

I LOVE both India and Arsema. They're my new favorite actors. I can't stand when a show has a younger and older version of the same character and they look nothing alike. The younger versions of the women are spot-on in not only appearance but mannerisms in this one.

I'm not even halfway through the series as I leave this review, it's that good. Oh, and the dude that plays the king is SO PRETTY. I think I saw he's only be in a couple of things which is so hard to believe because his acting is so good.

If you like Bridgerton, this is just as good if not better!

The Whale

WTH did I just watch
I only watched this movie because my wife wanted to see it. Thank goodness I was in the comfort of my own home, where I could go off and do other things until this wretched thing ended. The story was terrible, way overplayed and unrealistic. Everyone's acting was terrible, including Fraser's.

It's absolutely baffling to me how in the heck this show won awards! WHAT!!! You know, I would have enjoyed this had it been like a play or something cuz that's what the acting reminded me of. I'm talking local plays, not Broadway. Local plays with local people. Who just act for fun.

I pulled out my Sharpies and coloring book and colored me a big ol' Easter basket while I screamed inside my head. If I saw this in theaters I'd just take a nap. Don't waste your time.

Grey's Anatomy

Please end this show
I've been with this show since the beginning; it was the best show I'd ever seen up until about season twelvish. Now, all these years later, they're just reusing old storylines on a new cast. Like it's some nighttime soap opera. And the way they had Meredith exit? THE SHOW HAS THE CHARACTER'S NAME IN IT. What a horrible send-off to the character the show's named after. Unfortunately I feel compelled to continue watching since I've been with the show for all this time, but it serves more as background noise than anything else. Do yourself a favor and carefully consider how much time you'll devote to binging this show if you've never seen it before, because it gets worse as the years go on. Maybe stop halfway through?

The North Water

I'm giving this three stars only because the first two episodes were decent.

But WTH did I just watch? This made no sense whatsoever. I thought it would be mostly about a serial killer but apparently it's about killing seals and eating polar bears. Once I got past episode three, I couldn't just stop after being more than halfway through. But I should have because I'll never get that time back.

The scenes were way too dark, and I was watching it IN THE DARK. The background music wasn't really in the background because it seemed as loud as the dialogue at times. The scenes were just loonnngggg and dragged out. Ugh.

Well looks like I hit my minimum character limit. I highly recommend skipping this one.

Falling for Christmas

There's cheesy Christmas movies and then there's wtf Christmas movies - nope this is the only wtf Christmas movie I'm aware of. What is the point of this movie? It's even worse than a parody. The writing is terrible, the acting is terrible, and the budget was obviously terrible because of ALL OF THE THINGS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS MOVIE. Just, why? This would probably be hilarious to watch if you're a little tipsy. Well, a lot tipsy.

I still need to write more before I can submit this review, but that won't be a problem. Please do not watch this movie! You'll never get that time back. Think of all of the better movies you could be watching and go watch those. At the time of this review the movie has a 5.2 rating. Who watches anything below a 7 these days? (If you like stuff less than a 7 rating, then by all means watch this)

Inside the Mind of a Cat

Awesome documentary
There needs to be more of these! This was super informative, and I learned a bunch of stuff I didn't know - and I'm obsessed with cats lol. I'm so happy there are people in this world that realize the importance of cats.

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