
IMDb member since October 2022
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    IMDb Member
    1 year, 8 months



Not Really A Comedy
This isn't funny. I think Hulu was trying to make another film/show similar to "The Great".

You know, condiciones twist on history.

This movie falls so far short of that. I'm cringing for the viewers.

In order for this to be truly comedic, there would need to be seasons. With EVERYTHING Shakespeare have us, and the 400+ years we've had to extrapolate meanings, THIS is what Hulu came up with. William Shakespeare and all of Stratford-Upon-Avon are rolling in their graves. This is a monstrosity and an insult to The Bard.

I suppose this is what is expected of unoriginal content from streaming services trying to gain viewers.

Can we go back to regular TV with DVR already?

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