
IMDb member since October 2022
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Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Better than the last one
I wasn't expecting to like this one due to the fact that the last one had too many things going on and it felt as if they tried too hard and ended up making a mess of it. But I was pleasantly surprised! It was definitely a good watch. I liked that the storyline was straight forward and that that the main characters had real motivations to do what they were doing with the transformers. It simply made sense. And that is rare unfortunately for many of these type of films.

I loved all of the characters mainly Noah. It was great to have some non stereotypical lead roles, and they pulled it off well and had good chemistry with one another. I loved the 90's feel, the new transformers and to top it off the musical score was excellent.

Transformers got cool again, and I'm here for it!

A Friend of the Family

Never been so irritated watching something
I don't care what decade it was. The last time I checked common sense is available in every decade, I just think it skipped this household. I had to forward this quite a lot, because I couldn't believe the stupidity of these parents. It became non sensical too many times over. Of course I empathise with the grooming of their child, but their actions from the first episode continued to get worse. It was the most irritating and annoying thing I have ever watched.

If you want to be annoyed to the point of no return I would recommend this. If not, there are other true stories that I think are easier to sit through.

You: The Death of Jonathan Moore
Episode 10, Season 4

Too much going on.
I generally love this series, but I feel like season 4 was the worst due to the millions of pointless characters. There was no need for half of the characters this season and it made it messy. There was no need for 10 million sub-plots that added zero value to the rest of the storyline. But on the plus side I liked the plot twists, however I must say that although I am glad that Marianne survived, it was totally unrealistic that Joe wouldn't have thought it strange that there was no report of her death. He researches and seems so meticulous with everything else, yet this woman who you've been obsessing over since last season is "dead" on a bench and that loose end is not tied up?

I think if half of the characters were missing and half of the plots were gone, it would have been more a quality season. It missed the mark this time.

Luther: The Fallen Sun

Luther Is Back!
I wasn't really sure what to expect and wondered if the film would peak my interest as the series did, and it did. It definitely was a good watch. The only thing I would say is that it lacked some originality and I would have liked more a dramatic conclusion to the anatagonists demise considering his grisly resume, but I guess this was down to sloppy or lazy writing. I was still happy to watch Luther get back to his old antics and swoon over his brilliance, resilience, and single-handed top class one man show.

I think the low ratings are over the top and unfounded. It was a good watch. Yes, there were areas for improvement that would have catapulted it to "great" rather than "good", but it was still an entertaining watch. If they done a second installment. I'd definitely watch.


Mixed Feelings
Generally I enjoyed it because I was intrigued by the storyline and time travel concept and I would definitely watch following seasons if they came out because it ended on a cliffhanger. But I have to admit that Dana annoyed me. I felt that as someone who is black and fully aware of the history of slavery included the common practices that occurred at the time, she was very reckless and either naive or plain stupid with a lot of her decisions without thinking about the possible repercussions for others. I also didn't understand why she didn't stay more close to Kevin fully well knowing that she was his only way out of the plantation. There were just plain reckless a lot of the time. But besides that, good acting on the whole and I look forward to a season 2. But better writers are needed. Too many stupid choices made. Frustrating at times to watch.

The Flatshare

Pleasantly Surprised
I haven't read the book, as many others have so I didn't have anything to compare it to. I also didn't go into it having any expectations. I watched out of sheer boredom. I was pleasantly surprised, and ended up binge-watching it in one sitting.

It was light-hearted, which was much welcomed as life is all too serious enough. Although the plot was typical and predictable I loved the relatable and natural side of it. The main characters acting were great and their chemistry was believable. Although I already knew where the story was going it still didn't take away from the need to continue to watch in anticipation of the conclusion.

I think the story could have been concluded in less than 6 parts, however, I'm not complaining as it simply gave me more to watch! I would definitely recommend it.

From Scratch

Stunning and Heartfelt
What an amazing miniseries! The synopsis of the series is no indication of the depth, warmth, substance and breathtaking moments that this series encompasses. It was an absolute feast to watch. The love story between Lino and Amy was addictive, true, and mesmerising. I admire the inclusion of various topics: prejudice, healthcare, loss, grief, parenting, blended families, love, sacrifice etc and feel that each one was represented in a digestible and relatable way.

The variety and beauty of scenes in both countries, topped off with food that you could almost smell through the screen made watching this an even better delight. Kudos to the main characters for such impeccable acting.

This is a must watch.

Black Adam

As a true Marvel fan I was pleasantly surprised by DC
As a certified Marvel fan, I have never been overly impressed by DC. I decided to give this a watch out of sheer boredom and I was extremely surprised. The film was really good.

Action-packed throughout, so I never had a chance to get bored. The CGI was pretty good, and even the humour injected into scenes were as intended - funny (but thankfully without being corny).

Dwayne Johnson as Black Adam was believable and executed perfectly. I didn't know anything about the character Black Adam prior to watching, but I really liked him! Probably because he has qualities like me: No nonsense, straight talking and just wants to get on with it and get the job done. Even so, I would've liked to see just a tad more personality which was lacking.

Although the story could've taken more risk and lacked some depth it was entertaining and fast-paced.

Overall a decent superhero film.

The Watcher

A Good Hook That Led Nowhere
When I first started watching, I was hooked. It was clear that this was going to be an interesting story and it caught and peaked my interest even more because I intentionally did not read up about the true story prior to watching.

It was good for the first few episodes but then it started to get sloppy. Every single person seemed like a potential suspect and certain pieces of information was just left unsolved. Too many plot holes. It began to feel like I was on a merry-go-round that was never going to lead anywhere. The show just became frantic with no clear direction, which ultimately spoiled it for me. I watched until the end to see if it became better, but it didn't. It was an ok watch but i wouldn't watch it again. A little disappointing.


Waste of my time. Ridiculous!
What the heck did i just watch? The main character kept on making dumb decision after dumb decision and it started to get infuriating. She took way too long to start wising up. She only seemed to use a quarter of her brain cells in the last 5 minutes of the film, but by then the damage was already done. The plot had potential but it was just too stupid in the end. For someone who was supposed to be "sane" she kept making some real insane decisions allowing her stalker and the situation she found herself in to continue to get the better of her.

A literal total waste of my time. Precious time i can't get back!

Three Thousand Years of Longing

I was looking forward to watching this but I definitely got more than what I bargained for. I wasn't quite sure what to expect but I didn't expect it to be so incredibly rich, deeply moving and captivating. At first, I was interested to see how 2 totally different polar opposites could form any type of believable relationship that would make me want to continue watching for over 2 hrs, but the skilled writing, historical storytelling and moral undertones made it more than possible for me to be drawn in. It truly is a beautiful film, slow-paced but by NO means boring (if it was fast-paced, it would have totally destroyed the depth and essence of this movie). It was visually satisfying and the breath taking music was the icing on the cake.

Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt for the Bone Collector

Brilliant! Keeps you on your toes.
This series was brilliant. It grabbed my attention from the very first 5 minutes. I honestly don't understand what the negative reviews are for. But hey, each to their own. I haven't read the book, but I am a fan of the movie. Of course, no one can take the place of Denzel Washington, but I didn't go in having that expectation. I wanted to watch it with fresh eyes. Russell Hornsby is an amazing actor and hits the mark in every role I've seen him in, and this role was no different. He plays a very intense, prideful, wounded, yet brilliant-minded Lincoln Rhyme. His personality is hard to be around for the most part, but his undeniable brilliance is the magnet that draws people to him.

No scene in this series seemed wasted, and I liked that. Every scene had a point, which made the pace of the show more enjoyable for me with the thrill of never knowing what was coming next. I loved it. I only wish there were more seasons. Such a shame. But if you are looking for something with a cat-and-mouse theme that can keep you on your toes... watch it! The only reason it gets 9 instead of 10 stars is because I needed another season! Lol.

Tell Me Your Secrets: Once I Had a Love
Episode 1, Season 1

Interesting Pilot Episode
I really enjoyed this episode. The only expectation I had was for it to be at the very least intriguing with enough going on with the characters to make me want to watch further. It met that expectation for me. I really felt for both Jess and "Emma", and valued their unlikely and unexpected budding friendship, but could only hold my breath the more time they spent together in anticipation for what could only be potentially lurking around the corner due to Emmas past. A good foundation has been set for the grieving mothers story so my interest is peaked to see what exactly happened to her daughter. It's a good watch so far.

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