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Bullet Train

Next Stop....
Last night I finally got around to watch bullet train staring Brad Pitt and Joey King and other actors I have never heard of.

This movie was a cross Hollywood and Japanese production and was kinda quirky in my eyes I was trying to make references to other movies I have seen and honestly it's a cross between kill Bill, snakes on a plane but there was one snake on a bullet train and it felt like a comic feel to it aswell.

There were a few guest staring roles like Sandra bullock Ryan renolds and Channing Tatum.

In the whole movie I felt there was a unbelievable scene when one of the brothers managed to jump back on a moving at full speed bullet train. That would never work.

This is a one time watch for me honestly does not have any rematch value.

Definitely not something kids should not watch.

I wonder if tarantino would make a version would that be better.

One missing component would be a killer soundtrack.

3 out of 10.

Ford v Ferrari

What Side Are You On?
I watched this yesterday and I have had this on my list to watch for a long time now and it was about time I shift this into gear and what a historical racing movie and I have to say it does not disapoint at all.

This movie has a small but powerfully strong cast leading the way with Matt Damon, Christian Bale, Jon Bernthal as you may know him better as the Marvel TV Shows Punisher.

We have Josh Lucas, Caitriona, Noah Jupe and Remo Girone all these people make one of the strongest cast i have seen in a movie.

This story is told on how at first to survive Ford Approaches Ferrari to by the Ferrari company and then Ferrari spits in Henry Fords II face stating you are not Henry Ford. Which then lights a fire up the behind of Henry Ford to to whatever he can to beat Ferrari at their own game.

This is where Matt Damon's character comes in Carrol Shelby to help Ford beat Ferrari and help design a car that can compete with Ferrari it Frances ultimate car race Le Mans 24hrs race and Carrol cannot do it by himeself and we see that Shelby recruits THe Punisher himself, Ken Miles.

We then go the ups and downs of the political sales game of how Ford attempts to beat Ferrari and its a whole show about egos prestige family and the whole 9 yards.

If your a fan of good drama and family values plus cars this is a great movie not anything like The Fast and Furious but its more than a quarter mile this is 24hrs you have to be in it for the long haul.

Add this to your list can be suitable for the family however there is swearing so if you can get past that then its ok for all to watch.

One of my favirout movies I have watch in 2024.

Poker Face

Who Won The Poker Game?
The wife and i watched this in 2 parts as parenting is something we have to continue to do with two little ones.

Poker Face is i feel a good movie that just never gets off the ground.

It has a slow burn mentality as if Russel Crowe was building up to a crensendo however you keep waiting for this peak to hit and when it does you are not holding on tight and wanting to know what occurs its just a feeling of when are we going to get to the end.

The only aspect of the movie i enjoyed was the whos who in the awesome cast that were performing in the movie from Daniel Mcpherson to RZA to Liam Hemsworth and Chris Hemsworths wife did you know she was Elina in the Fast and Furious franchise.

It was a family affair to that level.

The cast was great and you could tell that for Russel this was a great execuse to get old mates around to make a movie and the movie although not the greatest it was good enough to watch once and smile on the screen as much as you could for a Action thriller.

Not suitable for kids lots of swearing and that was highly used in the movie but it did have a family element to it.

The Guilty

My Guilty Pleasure
I am guilty that it took me this long to watch this movie as I did not think much of it and had it on my list forever and never thought that I was going to get around to watching it.

Oh, how I was wrong about this movie it's three years too late but it is one of my favourite movies a hidden gem of a movie and yes it's a thriller. A thriller like a good fictional book that you start reading but you cannot put down.

You do not see much action in the movie it's all based on a 911 phone operator who has been seconded to phone operations after his police career is put in jeopardy after something goes wrong for him on the job.

IMDB describes it as: "A demoted police officer assigned to a call dispatch desk is conflicted when he receives an emergency phone call from a kidnapped woman."

The whole movie is shot from Jake Gyllenhaal's perspective and he plays his part to a tee. Everyone else you hear over the phone except some people interrupting Jake's character Joe Baylor as he is trying to save the kidnapped woman and make sure the kids are safe and its one rollercoaster that is written well and the whole movie I feel is a sleeper if you have not seen it yet.

The movie is dark and the music and sound effects give it that extra push it needs honestly it does a lot in the 90 minutes that it runs.

The Guilty is a remake of a Danish movie however I have never seen the original so I cannot make a call on that version but this version as I said one of the best-hidden gems I have seen this year.

For financials I can only find that Netflix paid $30 million for the rights however it seems that due to it being around the pandemic time there are no box office figures.

The cast is great as I mentioned the whole movie is carried by Jake Gyllenhaal and all the rest of the cast is heard over the phone.

The three that get screen time any for that matter are Jake, Christina Vidal Mitchell as Sergeant Denise Wade, and Adrian Martinez as Manny. The rest are voice performances that are some high-level actors as well.

Ethan Hawke as Sergeant Bill Miller Riley Keough as Emily Lighton Eli Goree as Rick Da'Vine Joy Randolph as CHP Dispatcher David Castañeda as Officer Tim Geraci Paul Dano as Matthew Fontenot Peter Sarsgaard as Henry Fisher, Emily's ex-husband Bill Burr as Nightclub Caller Beau Knapp as Dru Nashe Edi Patterson as Katherine Harbor Marlene Forte as House on Fire Caller Christiana Montoya as Abby, Emily and Henry's daughter Gillian Zinser as Jess Baylor, Joe's ex-wife Dillon Lane as Crashed Cyclist Aileen Burdock as LA Times Operator

The final surprise that I had with this movie is the fact that I did not know who the director was until the credits rolled and guess what this takes the cake because once you know who the director is then it's a no-brainer to watch this movie as a must.

Antoine Fuqua is the director and he bought us movies like Training Day hence why he likes working with Ethan Hawke.

Did you know that Antoine Fuqua is making the new biopic of Michael Jackson that will be out next year in 2025 called "Michael"

Add this to your list and watch it its a must if you like excellent thrillers. I have to warn you that its theme is very adult dealing with assault abuse and suicidal thoughts and tendencies. It's not a movie for the kids.

Christmas Land

A netflix movie that was like a Halmark romantic movie but it had a christmas twist and it was very light and really did not have any problems except a love story that went sideways and then you also had some financial problems that got resolved as quick as the 90mins was over.

If you are into Christmas movies then this would be something the whole family would enjoy or your partner and you can enjoy it as something romantic you can watch without any stress just an easy watch for both of you.

THe only person that I know in this movie is Richard Kearn you would know him as Tim Allen's onscreen tool time partner and he played a real estate developer that was shown as a bad guy in this movie and he played it well.

A One time watch for me!

White Men Can't Jump

You know the old saying about not redoing something that was already perfect.

This missed so many opportunities to being a great movie I sat through the whole 90mins experience looking for something to car about and i know they had the whole gambling aspect of it like the original and they bought a family aspect to it and I honestly did not care about any of it.

The basketball was wack and they only had one refrence to Kobe Bryant at the begining of the movie and some lame joke about Space Jam but other than that it really missed the point completly.

They could have brought some creditability towards the movie with brining some retired NBA palyers attending the last 30mins of the street ball competion but they did not even do that.

Honestly if you want a good recent Basketball movie watch "Uncle Drew" or the original "White Men Can't Jump" this does not hold up anymore as there are so many cultures and races playing ball all over the world.

This movie should not have been redone give it a miss not suitable for the kids!

Shinobi no Ie: House of Ninjas

Star Wars of Ninjas
The House of Ninjas is a short Japanese series about a family of Shinobi Ninjas that run a saki factory for show but behind the scenes the scenes they are all Ninjas and they are the protectors of Japan.

In this short 8 episode series the family are reeling from a loss to the family and the whole theme of the show is very somber like Brad Pitt in Ad Astra the same level of depression but at the same time the family is under attack by another clan and this clan wants to take over and be the leading protectors of Japan, however they have their own motives for taking over and this is why to me its like Star Wars The Force VS The Dark Side.

If you are a fan of Japanese action shows this is right up there with a lot of action however the final boss fight kinda reminded me of Wesly Snipes in the first Blade movie with smoke and shadows.

The violence is up there and its definetly not suitable for the kids at all. A one time watch for me and if they do make another series well I hope its not so somber.

Murder Mystery 2

A Sandler Fun Movie
The wife and I sat down on Sunday at one of those rare occasions that we found ourselves having some quiet time to sit and watch a movie that is kid friendly to the point that if they came in there was nothing to over the top for them to get scared about and even my daughter called this a silly movie and well how can this be wrong when it comes to a Sandler flick its silly but its just clean harmless fun for the whole family.

Murder Mystery 2 they are back to it finding out who kidnapped but not murdered a groom they knew from way back when.

The groom invites them to his wedding and durinng the wedding is when things go sideways and the craziness happens.

The good thing is its only 90mins and you just hop on the ride and just enjoy yourself with the shinanigans of the two leads Jen and Adam at their very best.

This could be one of Sandlers better movie series and would not mind to have another installment.

If you just want some clean family friendly murder mystery fun this is the movie for you.

Escape Room: Tournament of Champions

The Saw Series done in Escape Room Style
Escape Room Tournament of Champions is the sequel to the 2019 movie Escape Room and can be found on Amazon Prime and is on Netflix until the 6th March.

I only watched it because it was leaving Netflix soon and I wanted to see what the fus was all about and I have to say while watching this it gave me feels of The Saw Franchise and I felt it was not as good as Saw but it had elements and I really just wanted to get this movie over and done with.

I have to go back and watch the first Escape Room as I have not seen it as its linked and seems that it ties up loose ends but i am not sure how it compares as others i can see they review it and advises its a bad sequel. I have to watch the first one and see what that is like.

This is not a movie for kids at all and remember this is a tournement of Champions so other plays have one other Escape Room games created by the same people and this is the whole point of the sequel.

I do not know any of the cast seems to be all newcomers.

Watch it and make up your own mind.


It's Don It's Good!
Another movie on my Plex watchlist is a spinning back kick to the head from the martial arts pro in the 90's Don The Dragon Wilson.

I actually thought this was a movie with a Karate turnement in it however it felt like a B grade version of The Bodyguard.

Don's character is hired to protect an up and coming rock singer as their is a mad killer on the loose to kill her and make things right for him however with Don on the case its Dpn Its Good. Shes in safe hands and we see a lot of martial arts action.

However this is not something for any kids its a direct adult oriented film as it has nude scenes and sex scenes.

I have to agree with other reviewers here and say yes its one of Don The Dragon Wilson's best films but overall I have seen better martial arts films but you have to think of the time being "92 this ain that bad and has aged ok considering you can tell the coreagreaphed fight scenes.

You can watch this on Plex and Tubi for free.

Ad Astra

A Movie about a Father & Son with Space as a Backdrop
Ad Astra is about a estranged son that has become an astranaut long after his father was lost in space and it has becomes his mission to find life out there in the beyond and well this is the whole concept of the movie and it goes for just under two hours.

I honestly only watched this because it is the last day it is straming on Netflix and I thouht why not watch it before it leaves.

This although set in the near future i still do not think the way Brad Pitt depicted space travel in this movie is realistic there are so many parts in this movie I would gather he would have died and the director made it feel like space travel was like hoping on a plane and going across contry. Honestly I am not Science nerd but it aint real.

The movie has a good cast from Brad Pitt to Donald Sutherland and you also have Liv Tyler and its good to see Liv back in the space race since Armageddon.

Brad's character seems to very melancholy and this sets the sombre feeling and pace of the film.

A high production movie but honestly I am not a fan I really should only give this movie a 4 stars out of 10.

The space deaths are in your face and I do not recommend this for any kids.

The Real Bruce Lee

A Year 10 Film Project
Even though this is classified as a documentary its more like a mockumentary and it starts off well enough but after 30mins it turns into a mock action flick with Bruce Lee impersinators that are no where at the same level as Bruce Lee and never will be.

However the narator does state this is done as a fan and with respect but honestly its not respectful nor does it do The Real Bruce Lee justice and it doesnot represent Bruce Lee's legacy.

If your a fan like me and want to watch everything Bruce Lee related this one can be missed.

If you want to respect Bruce Lee's legacy get interviews from the people that knew him and do not just do a 30min puff piece and then add your own not even B grade movie to this poor film.

Its a mix of a documentary and an action flick with some comic themes that you really cannot take serious.

90mins I wont get back!


Displacement! A Disapoinment!
Displacement is a Sci Fi thriller about a certian event that occurs in time and a group of physicits try to turn back time to make this one event not happen and we go on the journey with them.

A great concept of a movie however poorly executed and the actors did as good as a job as they could with the script and direction that they have been given.

There are a lot better Time travelling Sci Fi flicks. Give this one a miss and you won't be displaced with disapointment.

For movies that I have watched Displacement was the hardest movie to get through and complete. I really did not want to finish this but i had to power through.

Not suitable for children either.

Bill Cosby: Walking Free

Hey Hey Hey! It Ain't That Funny!
I just finished this sad documentary that we watch the rise and fall of America's dad in the 70s and 80s.

The doco starts with Bill's childhood and family upbringing and tells us how he got to the highest of highs and this goes for fourty minutes and then we start on the decline of Bill Cosy that gets started in 2005 and goes for 14 years to get justice for over 60 women that where abused by this man.

I feel men like this its more about power and control over the sexual act. It's amazing how many people in the celebrity circle that came out in support of Bill Cosby and then when they saw the writing on the wall it was taken away quicker than anything you have ever seen.

In saying all this you cannot deny the positive effect that The Cosby Sjow had on families and individuals to strive to be a better person although the person behind the scenes was not the Stand Up guy that he was supposed to be.

However give The Cosby Show credit for the other actors that acted in it like Malcolm and Lisa and many others because the message of the show is greater than one sick old man.

So much potential but Bill killed his own power its like someone has been given a super power and decided to use his powers for evil.

The Space Between Us

An Alien Love Story
The Space Between Us is a Sci Fi romantic movie about a young couple that fall in love however there is a more than 200 million kilometeres between the to young lovebirds.

The movie is about mans never ending journey to find life on Mars or to make Mars a second home.

Have you ever asked yourself what is is your favorite thing about earth and remembering the simple things like rain and the sunshine.

Gary Oldman is in this movie and plays a NASA scientist that makes travel and life between Earth and Mars possible.

The only waning I would give viewers if you want to watch this as a date night movie make sure that your not expecting there is a sad scene near the start of the movie that starts the whole story of The Space Between Us.

For me this movie gave meel feels like A Walk to Remember and movies like that.

I would highly recommend this movie and even to go as far as saying that if you like these kinds of movies add them to your collection.

May not be suitable for younger audiences as the theme is about life and the fragility of it!

Divorce Invitation

1 Wedding & 1 Divorce Bliss for All
Divorce Invitation is a B to C grade movie about a young couple that jump into the whole marriage couple thing a tad soon even to the point that Michael changes his religion from Christian to Jewish and even to the point Michael jumps in so fast that he signs a prenump without reading it as he is head over heals in love with. Dylan that he does not care about any legal paperwork.

This movie has all the trimmings of a funny romantic comedy and in some parts its funny but the whole fact of chaeating when you are in a commited relationship is a tad on the nose.

Nadia Bjorlin is the other woman and like the reviewer before me I noticed that the make up around Nadia Bjorlin eyes was a tad too dark and it made her look strange she is beautiful but the darkness maybe this ment that there was a depth of sadness for her character.

A one time watch for me.

Maybe not a date movie choose something else.

Queen of the Deuce

Greek Goddess Makes it Big in the US
This is a documentary about a greek woman that migrates to the US from Greece and make it big in the Adult entertainment world that really is less about the adult industry and about how the core of this documentary is about family more than anything else.

If you want to know about New York in the 60's and 70's this is for you.

Its 90mins but it goes by fast.

If you are conservitive this maybe something that you should give a misse too but i do recommend this as a short quick documenntary that is very intresting.

Another line would be that this grandmother is one savy business woman that did not shy away from any challenges and you can see its more about who you know that what you know remember this is back in the 60s 70s.

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