
IMDb member since November 2022
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Halo 5: Guardians

Good game, Ok story, no PC implementation
Halo is a great franchise and all the other games are good to great, however, Halo 5 is the outlier, the game is ok, with some boring bits in between, however, the story is weird. Some sections are fun, most are Okish, and then there is the boring 10% of the game where you just run around and here dialogue. As a PC gamer who had beaten all other Halo installments (on Master Chief Collection), and was excited for the upcoming (at the time) Halo Infinite, but to my surprise, Halo 5 is an Xbox console exclusive. Luckily I had just acquired Game Pass Ultimate, so picking it up was a breeze. The game is controller only, beware PC gamers. TL;DR: Get it, only if you have game pass.

Infinite is great.

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