
IMDb member since July 2007
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Grindhouse Nightmares

Worst Grindhouse film I have watched
Not sure if this is really grindhouse or someone paid to use the brand name.. But it is trash

The Perfect Guy

I wish they made this movie a spin off of The Following
For those of us that watched the Following

Michael Ealy basically plays the exact same character in the Following and in The perfect guy.. a Genius Info technology expert and psychopath who is a expert and using false identities and keeping his true identity a secret at all costs..

At the end of the followings last season Ryan Hardy (Kevin Bacon.. Hero) and Theo Noble(Michael Ealy) fall off a bridge into the water and you don't see what happens to Theo after that.

All Ryans friends and the police department assume both of throw died in the fall

Ryan continues to go after the bad guys after that rogue agent.

But we are never given closure to what happened to Theo Noble(Michael Ealy)..

Also Theo Noble is much more of a bad ass then Carter..

Did anyone notice if there are any easter eggs that suggests Theo is Carter?

Would have give it 8/10 if it had been a spin off or had some hidden easter eggs in it to suggest it was

The Black Donnellys

Great show But seems like it needed another season
I enjoyed this show a lot..

But the way episode 13 ended though it seems like they were planning to make another season..

They did'nt really tell us exactly what happened and left us guessing.

I am guessing that some of the actors weren't keen to do another season.

Its a shame really.

I think the only actor I have seen in another show worth mentioning and might have been better off leaving the show was was Mark Margolis (Sal) who starred in breaking bad..

Would love it if they got some of the cast together and started up on this series again.. Even though that's unlikely.

Sione's Wedding

Probably New Zealands worst Movie ever made
Probably New Zealands worst Movie ever made

The Jokes They are not funny. Used from other movies & just plain corny The acting Is bad even though there is a great cast

The story is Uninteresting & Boring Has more cheese then pizza huts cheese lovers pizza kind of like the acting Has been do 1,000 times before

I watched this when it came on TV but was so boring could only stand 30 minutes of it.

This movie sucks

Do not watch it,

Watch paint dry instead

No Holds Barred

I'm surprised to see this with such a bad rating

OK the acting sucks The Story line isn't the greatest But It is funny. I actually Think this is a good movie for Kids I remember watching this when I was 10 My mate owned this movie. I'm not saying its the best But 3 stars Come-on I gave it 6 out 10 Cause its aim at kids 7 to 13 not adults. It is also very fun to watch.

any way that is my peace, Just think when you vote "would you enjoy this when you were 10 years old." If the answer if yes then

be a bit more generous with your vote If your sure you would think it sucks

fine give it a crap vote

Short Circuit

MEMORABLE CLASSIC probably the inspration behind WALL-E
I saw this movie at the pictures This Movie was a Classic back in 1986 I still remember this movie well "NUMBER 5 IS ALIVE" I would have been 7 years old when I watch this movie the reason I am guess it has such a low rating. is cause there have been so many movies in this Genre, Over lets say the last 8 years, Including Short circuit ripoff Wall-E Anyway it doesn't have the awesome graphics Wall-E has cause 3d computer graphics didn't really exist in 1986 Wall-E might even have a slightly better story line But you must remember Short Circuit was the original and did not have 100s of robot friend movies to copy of like wall-e at the time it was made to copy ideas off and revise from, Wall-e received 9 out of 10 Short circuit received 6 out of 10 I feel Short Circuit have been very hard done by for being a old movie. Anyway thats my piece its up to you to make the right choice when you vote.

7eventy 5ive

It Was Okay not as good as scream But better then 4.5
OK for starters so this movie could be considered a scream Ripoff But... I thought it was kind of clever how then invented the whole 75 second concept. The acting was okay.. The action was quite good for your standard Slasher film & it seems like they used a reasonable budget on it compared to many slasher films as this is normally a really low budget film area. Many slashers are done for well under $100,000(US) I would guess by watching this movie it might have cost maybe $5 mil to make. & I thought the ending was OK But I wont tell you anything about the ending in case you watch it

I think its worth a 6 1/2 But if you want to pick holes in it for being a scream ripoff maybe it is a 4.5 But its not a bad movie anyway

Street Fighter

Worst movie about video Game Ever made 1994's biggest disappointment
To start with it has nothing to do with the video game or a tournament really at all & the Characters have been altered to fit into a ridiculous story "Steven E. Souza" created when there was a good story all ready made.

BTW I am so glad Steven de Souza is not directing World of Warcraft anymore that retard has screwed up enough what could have been great movies.

Honestly if a group of freshman highschool students where given the job of making this movie they would have done better.

I have nothing else to say but don't watch this movie

Lady Death

Where to from Here
Not a bad Storyline from a more then well known character.

However the story seems to end to soon and leave you expecting there to be a series of movie.

In other words seems to be a incomplete story as well as seeming incredibly short & you feel a bit ripped off due to this.

The animation is OK But could be better tho to it having a bit of a dole style effected the whole movie by making it kind of boring in a way leaving only the story to keep it going.

The Storyline itself does not save it enough to make this a Great movie it barely makes it a half decent movie.

Scoring a 6 out of 10

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