
IMDb member since July 2007
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    IMDb Member
    16 years


Arrested Development

Best show on TV in recent times, yet the stupidity of our nation destroys shows like these
It was once said that America is one of the stupidest nations ever, I didn't believe that, I didn't want to, but when all is summoned up I guess people are right. Shows like FRIENDS, THE SEINFELD... are the ones that will attract huge audience, and the only reason is short, stupid and simple jokes. Most of the people (now I see it that way) are not able to store more than 1 minute of show in their heads, they also cant think for more than that minute. If you have a show that will not have the laugh tract to show people when to laugh, they will not know, which in my opinion is a mark of our stupid nation. Its a crime to put a show like this only in 3 seasons, when its smart, funny and intelligent in the same time. I mostly blame Fox, since they didn't feature it at the best time, and they didn't commercial it as much as they should have. If you are wondering whether to watch this show or not, I advise you to watch it only if you are smarter than average American citizen, otherwise you will be disappointed by the lack of the laugh track, and you will be intimidated by intellectual jokes.

A Night at the Roxbury

Great dumb comedy - if that is what you are looking for.
Most of the comedies now days are just either plain stupid, or too confusing that you have to think. Night at the Roxbury is a simple, stupid, yet very funny comedy. Director didn't use the dumb approach where everything revolves around farts, falls and stupidity, this movie is much better than that. This is the movie where you will laugh out loud if you really want to see a movie that involves 80's and the dance era that made us all wonder did we really look like that? We did look like that, but its only Will and Chris who can put it into the move to perfection. This is a must see comedy for anyone who wants to laugh a bit, and if you like any of other Will's movies, you will very much enjoy this one as well.

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