
IMDb member since February 2002
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    22 years


The Listener

Looking forward to Season 2
I never watch much of anything on network television, but I really love this show. And I'm very pleased to hear that it's going to come back to CTV for a second season - if only I could find the air dates somewhere! It's a good solid well-written SF series with a little humour, a little romance, a lot of action. Each episode also seems to have a plot twist that takes you in a different direction and shakes things up.

This show is Canadian all the way, and unapologetically so. That's one of the things I like the most about it. It's not trying to pass itself off as an American show - there are numerous references in each episode to Canada, Toronto, other places in Ontario, hockey, and other Canadianisms. Keep it coming, CTV!

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