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The first episodes did not impress me, and the fact that they lasted 45-62 minutes was sometimes tiring. Despite everything, the series intrigues from the beginning and you want to know the further fate of the characters. The actual ACTION kicks off with episode 4, I was pleasantly surprised how good the final episodes were (5,6,7). I admit that the whole story is interesting and surprising. We don't really know what happened, what is happening and what is going to happen. Keeps you in the dark and uncertain. Unfortunately, sometimes some situations are "far-fetched" and questionable. Additionally, I'm not sure if the authors really delved into the homophobia and racism of those years. To be clear - I haven't read "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and I haven't watched "AHS", so it's hard for me to compare in this case. On the minus side, the ending was a bit of an exaggeration, I can say that they "overdid it" a bit, but it's ok.

Moving on to the positives, it was a great pleasure to watch the great acting of the iconic Sarah Paulson, Sharon Stone, Sophie Okonedo and other super actors. Beautiful shots, beautiful landscapes, in terms of visuals, the series is 10/10. The outfits, the hairstyles, the makeup, the grace, the visuals of those years were amazing. A great "colored" series, the transitions were satisfying, and the whole aesthetic is simply amazing. It was a pleasure to watch such a beautifully recorded series.


Nothing surprising
A typical film relationship between a teacher and a student. Lots of romance, not very realistic, poor build up of any tension before things get going. Everything happens very quickly, and the teacher herself looks like the one who only passes students ;) A better presentation of Jackie, her loneliness, problems, feelings. I was surprised that this film has lower ratings than "Loving Annabelle". I think "Bloomington" is better, it has more of these emotions and we can actually get into the relationship of the characters, there is tension here. Again, no ending, the movie just cuts off, which I didn't really like in this case. The feelings of the teacher and her reaction to Jackie's further career are well portrayed. The plot is a bit far-fetched, but the movie is ok, although very unrealistic.

Loving Annabelle

Maybe there's something wrong with me, but for me it was a very boring and average movie. I understand what the script was about and the idea is ok, but the teacher-student relationship itself didn't have that something, it seemed so artificial and cinematic, very unreal. There was tension and excitement with the sex scene and every look, but for me it all developed too quickly, and the rest of the movie is only an hour long. The problem here is, in my opinion, not building tension at the beginning. The teacher quickly succumbs to the student, even though the kiss scene does not appear until the second half of the film. Well presented realities of those years when it comes to religious matters etc. The ending was not literal, but I liked it. Looking at other works of cinematography and films similar in genre, this one was just a bit boring and artificial. But that's my opinion.


An engaging series, but not high-flying. The plot is interesting, but the threads are very stretched. With each episode, the series becomes more and more boring - nothing new happens. Interestingly presented relationships and illness of the main character (I don't know how else to call it). Jean, who can judge, diagnose and treat everyone, needs it the most. Maybe "Gypsy" isn't as trivial as it sounds. In my opinion, this show inaccurately portrays Jean/Diane's true disorder. Her decisions shown in the series may confuse the viewer. The series is ok, the shots are boring, the script may seem "stupid", but it intrigued me. Strained relationships and circumstances, because everything and everyone is interconnected. The ending didn't feel like an ending, the show just stopped, which was kind of weird. I would like to know how it all ends, but maybe it was intentional? It's not a series I'll remember for the rest of my life, but it was okay. I recommend watching it out of boredom.

Ocean's Eight

Ocean's 8 review
Okay. The best part of that movie is the cast. The idea of all-female starts in one movie was good, but all the story wasn't funny at all. I need to confess that I was curious about how it'll end and if their mission will be success, but most things had no point and were pointless/stupid. They wanted to be funny and modern, but it turned out badly. I believe that they should've tried to do it A BIT MORE realistic. That hacking or glasses were just.... cringe and dumb. But ending wasn't that bad. It's not a piece of art or great cinematography example. It was a dissapointing film, but at least cast was good to watch.

Portrait de la jeune fille en feu

Whole movie is a piece of art. The development of the action is slow, as is the painting process. As with the picture, this film takes shape towards the end. It's a movie about love between a painter and her muse. I loved how much the gaze meant in this film. Citing the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice is not accidental. This outlines the characters. Marianne as Orpheus makes the decision of the poet, she chose a memory of Héloise. She goes to the Opera to see her beloved. She states that Héloise has not seen her. I think Héloïse felt her presence, but she did not look around, she makes a lover's decision.

To understand the beauty of that movie, you need to watch it. It might be boring film in the beginning, but it shows how real is it. Beautiful scenes, shots. I loved the landscape of the sea. The best part of it is also how art connects with the whole plot, story. There is no background soundtrack. The music becomes an important part of the story. Speaking about melodies and painting, two main characters are in fact speaking about themself. Héloise asks Marianne when she knows that she finished the painting, Marianne answers it and the same talks about their relation. There are many details that makes that movie even more beautiful.

Girl, Interrupted

Interesting beginning, enjoyable movie to watch. At the beginning we get to know Susanna's past and problems. It was hard to separate fact from fiction. Then the action calms down, it can be boring at times, but all this diversifies the character of Lisa. Amazing Angelina Jolie's performance, she really nailed it. Interesting plot development and relationship development. A bond develops between Suzie and Lisa. I think they loved each other. I don't know how much or how, but it was love. They cared about each other. No special shots, but the movie is okay, It's a classic. The movie that girls in mental institutions are people too. It shows what they have to struggle with, shows the duplicity of their feelings and thoughts. How unpredictable these people can be, but also dangerous, despite being "normal". Great movie.


Iconic sitcom
'Friends' are just funny. It can be. Can be a controversial show looking at today, and the lines from those years, but nevertheless, "Friends" is still funny today. Great wrote characters and perfect matched actors to their role. It is a sitcom, so there is no point to rate a shots or camera movements or coloring. Sitcoms are supposed to be funny, and Friends for sure are! Well deserved popularity. I've watched it twice and I'm planning to come back to it. Scenerios for episodes doesn't dissapoint. Maybe lasts seasons are more calm and boring?, but I still love it. All 6 characters are funny and it's hard for me to pick the one (CHANDLER!). Great ideas for story, I always cry on heartbreaking scenes or on the ending. Funny, entertaining, emotional, safe-place show. I recommend to try it, you won't be dissapointed!


I turned on Netflix, I see #1 Wednesday.

I clicked it, I have watched all the episodes in 2 days. The Addams Family is a classic. It's hard to continue something what is already an icon. Tim Burton did it very well. Whole serie was very interesting, lots of plot twists, we can suspect the monster, but then we can change our minds. Confusing puzzles do not allow you to be sure of the ending. Great idea, great production, nice shots, nice camera work, good script (the jokes were really cool). So why 8? T owards the end, Wednesday becomes softer, and maybe I don't really like that. The main character also has two admirers, although Wednesday rejects both of them, but accepts both. Maybe it was the love story that spoiled it a bit. But I enjoyed it. I watched it even twice! Wednesday is smart, funny, dark, maybe she's like some goth college girl, but I don't mind it.

For sure I wasn't expecting this at all, but It was a really nice surprise. I hope the show will be continued, because the end was the beginning of something new.

Jenna Ortega has difficult job to do- continue Christina Ricci's job. Jenna's perfomance was fantastic, she absolutely knows what she's doing and she feels Wednesday. She choreographed a ball dance and it turned out incredible.

Shots are good, young actor's acting is great, scenerio is on point. Just fun show to watch to relax :) I recommend!


Love or madness?
Movie is an adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's novel. I couldn't find the novel online, so I have only seen a film. To be honest I was expecting for some another boring, romantic movie, but that was a nice surprise.

New York, 1950s; homosexuality were treated like some kind of sickness or disease, but it wasn't the only reason why love between Carol and Therese was forbidden. Carol has the husband that she tries to divorce.

(spoilers) The first glances, the first meeting, the first conversation, we already feel the chemistry and tension between these two women. They can't fight with their feelings, maybe they don't even try to? Therese says "I can never say no", but she can't say "No" only to Carol, she is able to do it with men. Even though Therese doesn't know Carol for too long she agrees to meet her several of times and then travel with her. The tension made me so unpatient for something more between them. We can notice how their relationship evolves and goes on different levels.

When Abby asks Carol "I hope you know what you're doing", she answers "I never did". It shows how much their love is out of control and. It doesn't always allow you to think rationally. The kiss&sex scene was the moment we've all been waiting for during whole movie. The fact that it was not just a fleeting adventure, but something stronger, we find out when both of them can't forget about each other during separation. Carol leaves letters, worries about Therese, asks Abby to look after her; and Therese goes through all the photos with her beloved, calls her, agrees to coffee. Seems like they are just meant to be. Two beautiful lines.

Therese: "I miss you... I miss you" Carol: "I love you"

Therese is much younger, she is sick when Carol leaves her. After months of not seeing Carol, Therese has devoloped, she is more mature etc. But one thing hasn't change- she still loves Carol and can't refuse her. It's just the power of love.

It's subtle movie, with great class, a classic from the 50s, the topic is still taboo-breaking. Acting of Cate Blanchett is... incredible and I would rate is as 10. I forgot Carol- that person on the screen - can be just someone playing that role... Catherine bravo. Amazing job.

It's the movie worth to watch, the chemistry is on point, scenerio is good, there is also ?one? Plot-twist. I recommend it, maybe it isn't the movie, it isn't anything "special", but it's worth to watch. Romances and love movie content can be considered as boring or basic, but how love can be basic at all? Try it, watch it, I enjoyed it, but I don't think it impacted on my whole life. I don't believe I will watch it again too. But it's good!

P. S: I don't know if it's 7/10 or 8/10. I couldn't decide.


Gem of cinematography
One of the best pieces of cinematography ever. It's just classic. I'm not the fan of movies about space etc., but this one is just... WOW. Scenerio is very good, studied, and the story comes full circle. The way the beginning and end of the movie is beautiful. Besides a scenerio- the shots are INCREDIBLE! It's such a great visual experience. Contrary to the others Sci-Fi films, there aren't any exaggerated effects. Everything is done with moderation and makes us capable of move to that world (or move from that world). Once again, coloring of the film is on point, shots are beautiful, camera movement is just right, story is interesting. Acting and the actors don't dissapoint. Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, young Mackenzie Foy were fenomenale. From a scientific point of view, I believe there were several of nonsense, but It's difficult to judge a film solely from the point of view of science. Last but not least- THE SOUNDTRACK. The Interstellar Soundtrack is my favorite for all the time. That, what Hans Zimmer did is just breathtaking. Incredible, incredible, incredible... It's just so perfect and made me goosebumps (still makes me). I keep coming back to this soundtrack and it amazes me every time. Amazing work, well deserved Oscar. This is just an example of the beautiful work and art of cinematography. OUT OF THIS WORLD.

Black Swan

Emotional damage and pressure
The film deals with a difficult topic of effects of uncontrollable obsession. Pressure from the environment, an overbearing mother and even herself makes her crazy. She is ready to sacrifice way too much to achieve her goal. It was perfectly shown how people and systems in the world can ruin a young woman's psyche and life. She can't stop it, and no one can help her, or maybe doesn't even want to, doesn't try to? A movie full of manipulative and fake people. Competition, PERFECTION required, ruins life! Nina is starting to get crazy, she's having delusions, there is a problem of distinguishing fact from fiction. Natalie Portman did a great job, so as did Darren Aronofsky. Shots are really good, scenerio keeps you in suspense, although there are moments of boredom. Choreography, makeup, music - great.

The ending is really strong. I recommend!

Call Me by Your Name

Something beautiful
Movie based on the novel by Andre Aciman. It captures the charm of the book and adds *something* that can't let you forget about that film. Good script, beautiful depiction of Elio's conversation with Father. Great work of the actors who allowed the audience to move to that world. The shots are really good, the movie is a bit dramatic and presented in a very calm way. The beauty of Italy and young Elio's feelings are perfectly shown. This is not an easy film, it presents a difficult situation between two men. Some scenes may be overkill, but keep in mind that this is a movie based on a book. In the film we can actually feel what Elio is feeling, we can see his pain and his love. To all the serenity of this movie comes a soundtrack that is AMAZING. The music fits perfectly into this atmosphere, especially the work of Sufjan Stevens. Shots, music, colors, actors, surroundings make it a really good movie. After watching the movie, there is a feeling of emptiness. Something makes it hard to forget about this movie, that something changed in us after watching it. Maybe the relationship between Elio and Oliver has been a little idealized and overrated, but maybe that's how love works? Because one of them surely loves. The last scene is heartbreaking. After all, it is just my opinion, I recommend everyone to watch it or read it. It is for sure s o m e t h i n g.

Glass Onion

I didn't expect anything better. Promising start, disappointing ending. Perhaps good after some long and a tiring day or after party with alcohol, but it isn't anything special. The shots are very ordinary, the script leaves a lot to be desired. The level of acting adapted to the film. Lots of drama, one plot twist, predictable ending. There was no idea for an ending here, and the added effects in the finale were so exaggerated that I almost turned off the movie. Lots of famous actors, but it's not just actors that make a good movie. It may be an entertaining movie, but doesn't impress. Nothing new, nothing special, very BASIC movie.

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