
IMDb member since January 2023
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Incredible Podcast-- revolutionary
I find it difficult that most of these reviews argue Megan 'talks too much' or 'interrupts the guests.' Please be aware that this is an educational podcast attempting to counteract barriers, and every barrier she discusses is present in the negative reviews below. I am horrified that people think this is an interview-podcast situation. It's an educational podcast! It's a collage of conversations, tidbits from shows, phone calls with guests. I've been listening to this every morning, and almost every. Single. Time. Tears form at my eyes when the closing, I AM WOMAN, anthem plays.

Meghan deconstructs the issues, stereotypes, that exist in society. She brings in women that have first hand experience. Discussing the word Bimbo and interviewing Paris Hilton, and allowing her to share her own story and describe HERSELF is SO revolutionary. Her conversation with Candace Bushnell resonated with me, especially, because she dove into limiting archetypes of female protagonists. That you can really only be the hot one, the smart one, the funny one, or the shy one, and NEVER all at the same time. The episode on motherhood, with First Lady of Canada, Sophia Trudeau, really helped in understanding the struggle of my own mother. In nearly every podcast, every archetype I had made for myself, my peers, my family. For the women in my life. They were broken down. As a self-proclaimed feminist, and political science major, I've been very outspoken in my social justice. Meghan opened my eyes to the underbelly of the beast; the social constructs WITHIN society perpetuated by popular culture, rather than just government or politics.

I urge everyone that is hesitant to listen to this podcast, to begin with one that resonates with them. I loved the conversation with Serena Williams, but I found that it didn't properly encompass the complexity of this podcast. It was structured like an interview, but the podcast is, first and foremost, informative. It has doctors and sociologists and authors. It has real women, in the public eye. She shares her own experiences, as well.

I've never been a fan of the monarchy, so I assure you this is very unbiased. I would argue against many of these negative reviews as INCREDIBLY bias. After understanding the data of online hate regarding Meghan and Harry, I'm very curious to know whether these reviews are genuine, or come from a place of hatred against the Duke and Duchess for their roles in the monarchy, rather than reviewing this for what it is: a podcast.

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