
IMDb member since January 2023
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briliant humour
I intend to get a full blown case of the vapours if netflix cancels this series after 1 or 2 seasons. It's the best comedy they've got at the moment. Better than the excellent Vikings and Fallet. I only wish there were more episodes. The jokes are well done, not entirely slapstick, but a bit intelligent as well, requiring some thinking and understanding of history. Polish content is across the board high quality, especially the dramas, better than other Euro shows, in my opinion. They tend to be gritty and absent of all the gratuitous hollywood frills that distract rather than enhance a series. 1670 is the perfect comedy.


Great show
What a great show! Might be a bit slow for some, but man is it good. I've only watched the first season, but it's enough for a glowing review, The final episode delivers one of the most satisfying finales I've ever seen in a tv series. The violence is just on a perfect level for a show that's about high level corruption among wealthy residents and high level elected officials, and the small town, isolated atmosphere within the town acts as a fitting, credible ambience for the story. I can't wait to start season 2, and probably will binge it as I did the first one. It's that gripping once you get into it.

Teluh Darah

Unexpectedly great show
I haven't seen many great shows coming out of Indonesia in the past, maybe one or two ok horror movies, but this one is pretty good. They spent some money on the special effects and it shows. It's a nice story about several cursed families that employs possibly myths originating in the home country, and for me, as a western viewer, that comes across as original. There are some overly sentimental parts but they're few and far between. All in all, a very good show. Wouldn't mind more like this.

This word quota really sucks, sometimes it doesn't feel worth it to write a review unless you have a ton to say.


ok, but caplan's performance sucks
It's a good movie, and well -acted, with the exception of Lizzie Caplan. She just couldn't pull off the part given to her. It was a horror in itself to watch her trying to act like crazy mother. Worst acting I've seen in years. It was nice to see Anthony Starr outside of the boys, and the little kid did a good job as well.

It's a good movie, and well -acted, with the exception of Lizzie Caplan. She just couldn't pull off the part given to her. It was a horror in itself to watch her trying to act like crazy mother. Worst acting I've seen in years. It was nice to see Anthony Starr outside of the boys, and the little kid did a good job as well.


I'm yet to find a movie produced in India that I can bear to watch more than 10 minutes of. I don't understand how such a large country with an established film industry can keep turning out such utter garbage. I'm not talking about the films meant for domestic consumption but ones intended for international audiences, such as you'd find on netflix, for instance. South Korea, a much smaller nation, is doing good things in film, so too is Spain and Argentina, yet Indian movies continue to disappoint. They tend to come across as buffonish and primitive. India, you need to do better, and produce movies that are serious. I'm sure you have the potential, just probably not the directiorial and screenwriting talent as yet. Please work on those things if you want to turn out a single watchable movie. This movie was very bad, by the way.

Outer Banks

32 yr old playing 16 yr old
Its pretty childish. The writing is pure cringe at times and you get the feeling that it was meant for 14 year old high schoolers. If you are a fan of scooby-doo then this is probably for you. It's a teen drama done by the numbers and doesn't miss a single teen trope that will have you rolling your eyes. Maybe a twenty-eight year old like myself wasn't the target audience and it was meant for much younger viewers, so my review is biased. It shows a lot of potential wasted by amateurish writers who, if they had hired actually good writers, could've made use of the lovely settings and environments. Disney cartoons have more mature stories going for them than this garbage, which relies solely on the pretty actors to fuel it through, not their talent just their looks.

John b, who plays a 16 yr old, is actually 32, born in 1992. He could almost be a grandpa. How's that for realism? What do you expect though, from a show written seemingly by 5 yr olds for 10 yr old.

Suburra - La serie

good, not great
Its an ok show, a bit soapy sometimes, but definitely something to pass the time. You really have to suspend disbelief to stick with this show, as there are some ridiculous holes in the plot that you just have to forgive to continue watching it. How can a civilian become an inspector of police in 3 months is one such failing in the story. Also, characters inexplicably turn up in the right places at the right moment to save the day. It could have been a great show if the producers had striven for some realism. Ppl have compared it to gomorrah, but this really compares poorly. I can't rat it any higher after having watched gomorrah.

Jupiter's Legacy

good show
I really liked this series. It could have been a bit more fast-paced, and some of the backstory could have been condensed, but all in all, it was good. If you compare it with the she-hulk and hawkeye from marvel studios, this show is miles ahead of both. Netflix spent money on the special effects, whereas marvel shows look like their special effects budget is five dollars. Even if you think the story is too long and drawn out, you still should applaud the effort and commitment to bring something like this to the screen. It's not top-tier like 'the boys' but it's only one tier down. I hope they eventually make the spinoff from this series that was planned some time ago.

The Night Agent

terrible writing
The Writer of the show, Shaw. Ryan. Almost ruined this show with his ridiculous plot holes. They're really too many to list. He definitely bit off more than he could chew with this series. It has so much potential, though, and much of it was wasted with the unrealistic scenarios playing out in each episode. He had the budget, obviously, and the show is ultimately watchable, but you have to be willing to ignore too many errors to get through it. It could have been so much better, a top tier spy series, on par with 'the recruit' had they consulted professional advisers instead of Ryan doing all his researching of government security procedures on wikipedia alone.

Great Expectations

good adaptation
I get some ppl are peeved that the entire cast isn't as white as it would have been in Dickens' mind when he wrote the book, but I'm happy they're not, Actors of colour have a right to work as much as the white ones do. This is the modern world and your ire will not turn back the clock to apartheid days, however much you wish it. And I am sorry your fiction does not stay true to your sense of reality, but either change your tolerance level or discard your tv. The show is good, it tries to stay faithful to the book, without taking too much creative license, which I truly appreciate.

The characters feel solid and the acting is not quite stellar, but very good nonetheless.

Avatar: The Way of Water

not impressed
Not great for a movie. It's just a pretty cartoon that carries no great story. Would have made a good tv show for kids, but I don't get how adults are meant to be entertained by this festival of animation. Americans trying to colonize a people to steal their land and resources is an old, tired story. I still remember Iraq and I know something of how the Native Americans were wiped out for their land, I don't need this as a reminder of how the world works. If the story were better and the movie shorter and not just trying to showcase what it thinks is its cutting edge development in animation, I'd give it a higher rating.

The Ark

Lawd, why inflict this pestilence on anyone !
This show is incredibly sophomoric. Its meant for the intelligence of 8 year olds. It is absurd that in this day and age someone would think this is good tv. It feels like syfy just decided to make it to sell commercials to its audience, not to entertain.

I also noticed that most of the positive reviews seem all of a piece. They tend to attack the negative reviewers with something of a passion. I'm inclined to believe that it's someone intimately attached to the show producing them. They just seem way too personal and smack of retribution for hurt feelings.

The show is rubbish and a prime example of why many ppl are turning to streaming services nowadays.


sci fi for kids
South Korea has far to go before they start making serious movies. All their productions are the same, full of cliches, buffoons and male leads who look like models. I understand that their film industry must pander to the tastes of the korean people who probably aren't as sophisticated as westerners, but netflix productions are viewed worldwide and hence they should try to depart a bit from their almost farcical film techniques. Try to step up your game south korea and maybe you'll begin making impressive shows that will be appreciated around the world. This movie is rubbish. I wasted 15 minutes of my time on it, before I switched to something else.

San ti

something special
This is a pretty intellectual series. I'm no genius, but I kept up with the dialogue and learned some very intriguing alternate concepts about our reality. It's target audience, I think, is the thinking man, and it is a beautifully done show. Can't ever really recall seeing something quite like it. You should watch it if you want something that challenges your mind, and simply relaxing and watching tv isn't your primary goal today. In addition, it feels like an easy watch, without any tedium to make you wish you could fast forward through parts of it. Definitely worth a viewing if only for the novelty of the story and how it encourages you to expand your mental horizons.

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