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Be My Cat: A Film for Anne

Found footage movie magic
As far as I can remember Be My Cat is the very first Romanian movie I have ever seen in my life. At first I did not even know what to expect from the film. After 87 minutes I was completely amazed!

One of the most courageous and stunning elements of this production is Adrian Tofei. The way he portrays the protagonist of the film is amazing. You never really know what to think about his character…at first you think he is just an innocent filmmaker from a small town who tries to pursuit his dreams. Even the camera-work and the found footage style itself strengthen this idea in you.

Sometimes you just laugh on his actions but somehow they remind you all the things you did in the past as an amateur filmmaker. Sometimes you are shocked because of him. It is really difficult to play such a complex role as this but Mr. Tofei did that without any mistake.

Let me talk about the female characters. Both Sonia Teodoriu and Florentina Hariton did a great job and did their best to portray their characters however unfortunately they were written a little bit too naive. On the other hand Alexandra Stroe and the last 15-20 minutes between her and Mr. Tofei was fascinating. That was the part of the film when I really saw a strong bond between the two characters and it made Ms. Stroe the most powerful female character in the motion picture.

As the previous review mentioned before, the visual effects – fake blood – were unfortunately not so well made and the ending of the film could have been done in other ways.

All in all, Be My Cat is a very brave, original, well-executed film with memorable scenes and a fantastic protagonist but what is the greatest achievement it has gained is its existence. Adrian Tofei and his crew proved that you can do movie magic without millions of dollars but with creativity and commitment to your work and that can raise hope for every independent filmmaker all over the world.

The Evergreen Tapes

A great way of collaboration beyond borders
First of all we have to say that this production is a great example of how independent film makers from different countries can collaborate to develop something for the audience. These days the number of films based on the idea of a found-footage have drastically grown and unfortunately several of these motion pictures are below the expected quality. The crew behind this short however succeeded to entertain us with a quite well basic idea and natural acting by the cast. It is nice to see from Tape #1 to Tape #3 how the story evolves and all the elements of this puzzle get into their places. On the other hand it should be mentioned that this type of technique (handheld camera)is not for everyone. In addition to that some of the CGI elements are look amateurish but these things can be explained with the idea of the low-budget category. To sum up, The Evergreen Tapes is a mixture of great international collaboration and film-love, shot as well as the genre expects. Keep up the good work guys and I wish you the best of luck!

Égi oltalom

Great dialogs, very well cinematography, wonderful directing and beautiful music
"Égi Oltalom" tells us the story of a desperate doctor after a terrible operation. József Gallai did a terrific acting as the doctor and László Katona supports the film with his effective performance. The movie takes place only in a little flat but it is never boring. The acting is so great that people can feel the suspense between the characters. Only a well written story can achieve this effect and "Égi Oltalom" did it. The music composed by Gregory Bakay is wonderful. It helps us to feel the same emotions as the characters did. Haunting piano and strings enchants the audience. Great dialogs, very well cinematography, wonderful directing and the beautiful music makes this film so effective and deep. Congratulations and keep up the good work. I am really looking for watching your upcoming films.

Ádám és Éva

Sometimes slow but effective and enjoyable
"Ádám és Éva" is a Hungarian drama about a couple losing their only child. Not an easy topic but the creators of this little miracle could deal with it. The acting is very well both by Diána Bodrik and József Gallai. Their appearance together is acceptable. József makes the audience excited because his mimic sometimes scare the hell out of us (is he a psycho? is he a good guy? etc.). Diána plays the mother character believable but she needs some improvement. The cinematography is marvelous, the blue as the dominant color is a perfect choice for this story. The music by Gregory Bakay as wonderful as always and sometimes we could also hear music by Tamás Sáros, which is some kind of ambient noise but fits perfectly for the pictures. The only great mistake of the movie is the slowness of some scenes. Being a drama is an explanation of this slowness but sometimes it is too much. Next time try to be a little faster in some cases. All in all, "Ádám és Éva" is a great drama with a powerful plot, good music, wonderful cinematography and well directing. Keep up the good work.

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