
IMDb member since January 2023
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A Nice Girl Like You

The same as always
It starts off with a couple with no match or spark what so ever. So their break up is no surprise. And then it gets annoying, really annoying. Because somehow the moviemakers always think that being naive is the same as being plain stupid. I can't believe they could even find an actress who was willing to play this roll. It's the same as always, an assault to all women who are not sex goddess. And display them as awkward, silly, clumpsy and stupid.

I've skipped a lot, because I couldn't bear it anymore. But the ending was just as disappointing as the beginning. Not worth watching, use your time for fun things.

Scented with Love

Those teeth
Nothing wrong with the movie if you like the typical Christian Halmark chickflick about a boy and a girl. It's a movie like all the others, starting with a helicopter view of a city or landscap, they hate each other or at least are bothered, then fall in love, but something comes up, but in the end they get together again. Tey never touch or kiss until in the very last seconds. Christian movie all over the place.

However, what makes the movie unbearable to watch are the 2 yellow front teeth of the actor, I can not not see them. So stopped watching after 15 minutes. 🤣 If you have a main character and he or she has fake teeth, make sure no-one notices. Because this ruins the whole movie.

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