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Alpha and Omega

Best Wolf Movie Since Balto!
I am a HUGE fan of wolf movies and I positively loved this one. It may be short, but it's a great start for this new movie company. Crest isn't your ordinary Pixar Studio, yet this movie could really touch your heart.

The humor is great! I actually laughed around 6 times. Not even Cats and Dogs made me laugh this much!

CGI of wolves could need more improvement. I'm not discouraging anyone, but Pixar could have made better wolves than this movie. Other than that, the scenery in this movie is beautiful. Scenery such as mountains, tree environments, and a lot of moonshine.

Would you pay 12.50 or more for 3D for this movie? YES! There is a lot of pop up scenes! I forced myself back to my seat because an object looked like it would hit me! This movie contains a lot of romance. As a furry fan, I loved it. But I don't know about other people. It is a child oriented movie, yes. Some scenes were cheesy....THERE! I got it off of my chest!

All in a nutshell, if you are new to wolf movies...WATCH BALTO FIRST! Then this movie...I give this movie a 9/10. I LOVED IT!

Toy Story 3

Pixar (For Me) Is Now "All Star"
I have many subjects to go on about this movie....But I would love to shorten them out a little. As for a 19, I still love the previous two that were released 11-15 years ago. I grew up on them, and I didn't think they were going to make a third. My dreams came true as this movie was released. Pixar absolutely knows how to touch our hearts with their movies. And that's what Toy Story 3 did. It's humorous, suspenseful, and emotional. Not to mention the Nostalgic Music they still kept from the previous two movies. This goes to show that movies don't need to be vulgar, and gory to be epic as this movie was. I don't want to spoil the movie (I won't) So, I'll just say this movie topped my favorite Disney's Pixar Studio movie list. EVERYONE should love this movie. There is nothing bad about it. It is kid friendly, AND adult friendly. Really worth the money you pay. I enjoyed this movie to the max.


Iron Man 2

Great Action...Still Lacking.....
As a big fan of the first movie, my emotions were mixed for this movie. Not just because of the LONG conversations between the characters of the movie, but.....the point of the plot was...let's say...near the climax of the movie. I mean, you REALLY have to pay attention to the movie to understand the plot. At that, you probably wouldn't. Some parts made me want to just..go to bed!!! I dosed off a while, and when one of the action scenes popped up, my head stood straight, and my eyes were open like a wolf that spotted an elk. The humor was excellent though. I laughed like six times at some parts. And the action....oh the action was the best.

So, if you want to spend 7 bucks on a movie ticket, go ahead! 6/10

I'm in the Band

5.2 rating? I don't think so....
THIS SHOW IS GOLD! It's better than all the other Disney crap they show (Fanny Montana, Wizards of Waverly Losers, Jonas, etc) The humor is fresh, the actors are actually extremely better than the actors on Disney Channel. Really a great show. I'm am so glad I found a astonishing comedy. (After Drake and Josh lost touch)

So ignore all those haters, because they are obviously brainwashed by todays music, and never knew how great Heavy Metal was. And, the name of the band in this show is absolutely funny. "Iron Weasel." Spoof for "Iron Maiden." Gradually a show that needs to obtain an orange blimp on The Kids Choice Awards.


Balto III: Wings of Change

An "Okay" movie....
This was actually a pretty okay movie. The new characters, Kodi, Dusty, Ralph etc, are all great! It's just the plot! UGH! It was meaningless, dull, and boring as heck....Stella, ohh, Stella...A very horrible character that I should have mentioned earlier. I would have liked it if Boris (The goose)could just be the only goose in the movie. The animation is 100 times better as the 2nd movie, but when it comes to the first movie...The animation sucked. Balto's fur isn't very brownish as was in the 1st movie. Jenna's drawing is at best. (Though I liked her drawing better on the original) And so on. There are pros and cons about this movie, that I could go on about.

If they really make a 4th movie, I hope it wouldn't take place after this movie. I think they should redo the series...

Fantastic Mr. Fox

.........Mr. Fox
My emotions for this movie are quite mixed. First of all, as a big fan of furries here, I loved all the characters. All voiced perfectly err...well. Plot is between sun and moon here. I really don't know what to say about it. If you are up for a movie, where you have to sit down for over an hour or more, half of the movie is just talking. Which I found very boring. About 30 minutes of the movie was the action. Don't get me wrong, I know how hard it is to make a fast frame movie. It must have taken 6 months to gather all the scenes.

I would really prefer the book over this movie. Not a gold mine here.


Balto: Wolf Quest

Hit and Run...
Yep, it's true. Another Balto movie. But it's different. This one isn't real. It never happened! All of the movie is fictional. It is understandable that the drawings of the characters are not the same as the original movie. That's where it disappointed me. Well, now...I will go over 5 topics. Plot, characters, acting, music, and graphics. I'll start with graphics, since that is what really ticked me off. I will use a scale from 1 - 10. 10 being the best.

Graphics/CGI/Drawings - 3 - HORRIBLE. ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE. The drawings are nothing like the original! Balto looks different, Jenna's drawing is less cute, and it seems like every 5 minutes, other characters change their drawing form. It's very poor, all in a nutshell. NOW, I'm not trying to discourage anyone, but I know a 3rd grader who could draw better wolves, dogs, foxes, birds, gooses, etc.

Plot - 7 - *To Balto* "Oh no, Jenna? You married Jenna? Ho ho ho, oh AND GOT BIZ-ZAY! It's a whole family of MUTTS! Ohhh..This is just too good." NOT. Here's why... Supposedly, in every movie where the female dog gives birth to pups, there always has to be an "odd" looking one. The odd looking one is the pup that doesn't get adopted, out of 5 of puppies. And, yeah, yeah, she has the main problem in the movie. SHE WANTS TO GET ADOPTED. The Native American atmosphere is what I like, and somewhat dislike. I love Native American culture, and the theory that people crossed the Bering Strait some 35,000 years ago. It is true that Indians controlled the land at Alaska. There is a lot of references of them in the movie. What I dislike is it is HIGHLY spiritual. I mean, it's a kids movie. There is no such thing as magic. And I'm sure there is no so thing as wolves going through trees. I found that very absurd. If you like fictional, spiritual, and mysterious movies, you'll love this movie.

Characters - 9 - I positively love the characters in this movie. Steele, Dixie, and other characters that didn't have a big role in the original movie never showed up in here. The only characters were Balto, Jenna, Boris, and Muk and Luk. Although, at the last 30 minutes of the movie, Jenna, Boris, and Muk and Luk never pop up again. New characters are all wolves. That's it. Period.

Acting - 6 - WAH, Kevin Bacon was replaced, Brigit Fonda was replaced (Let's just say all the characters in this movie had their actors replaced)There is no correlation between the original actors, from the first movie. I hated what happened here.

Music - 5 - I liked the song "Reach for the Light" by Steve Winwood, on the original Balto 1995 release, but this movie's songs are unlikable. They are also very annoying. It seemed as if the directors of this movie copied scenes from the movie "The Lion King." It just ruined the Balto series.

I would have loved if the directors started the series of after the end of the first movie. When I mean after, I mean 2 days after, not 2 years.

So out of 10, I give this movie a 6.


A very underrated movie...
Well, this movie was released when Toy Story was released in 1995. It was very overlooked. I really remember the time in 2000 when I discovered this movie. 5 years had past without notice of the release date of '95. I fell in love with this movie. The acting is good, and plot is okay. Really recommended for a family night. So grab some popcorn, and coke, and get ready for some doggy action, romance, and style. I really can't believe this movie was a hit and miss. A 6.5 rating? Why? That really sucks.

Balto will always be my favorite animated movie ever!


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