
IMDb member since July 2007
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The Jim Jefferies Show

A more tender Jim Jefferies - I miss his cursing
I like this addition to the political comedy scene a lot, if you know Jefferies stand-up show, you will get a less krass approach to the topics he usually covers, but still with a lot of whit. Sometimes you really have to pay attention to get the whispered lines or remarks on the side, that give the Jefferies flavor to the show. This will not be for everyone, but I recommend everyone to watch this, because even if you do not agree on many levels, there is something to take away in every episode, sometimes it requires to read between the lines.

Zombie Massacre

Wow, what a crapfest
DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT RENT, BUY or SEE this movie - ever! Hitting your own head for 80 minutes against a stone wall will enrich your life more than this movie will. I've tried that and I can confirm. After hitting my head against the wall for 80 minutes I felt better and smarter than after watching this movie. If you do watch it, though, try to watch it in 1,5 increased speed. It becomes funnier and more convincing.

I am a huge fan of Zombie movies, so I am used to see a lot of bad movies, but usually I am able to find at least something that is good about a movie. This piece of "art" on the other hand was the worst movie I have seen in ages, and I've seen really really bad movies. This one is an abomination. There should be a special warnig label for any movie Uwe Boll is involved. -Spoiler- The worst part of it all was Uwe Boll himself, acting in the role of US- President with the worst German accent I've ever seen in a production in English. Do you know Terry Pratchett Books? When Vampires in his books speak, it is exactly like Uwe Bols English. There is no TH, just a sharp z. Like Ziss is tze worst movie ever. If you thin Arnold Schwarzenegger has a bad accent, Uwe Boll puts that in the corner. The story is non existing, there is a Zombie outbreak in Romania or something close to a nuclear reactor and the plan is to blow the whole region up with a nuclear bomb, making it look like an accident. For that some soldiers of fortune are hired. One big bulgy American guy who is doing the job to get his daughter back(?!?!?), two eastern European numb-nuts who deserve what they are getting in this movie and a female named Eden who is supposed to bes some ninja like Asian über-assassin, but actually does nothing but weird poses with her katana. Then there is the daughter of the scientist who supposedly created this plague. Every character is introduced like that: First encounter with a complete stranger: Hello I am XY and this is my whole life story including very embarrassing personal details so the viewer knows my role in this crapfest of a movie. Nothing fits together inthis film and spending more words on this review is more than this abomination deserves. I hate you Uwe Boll, I really do. You make us Germans look so bad.

The Lone Ranger

Perfect popcorn entertainment
There is nothing to complain about this movie. It's a Disney movie of a comic franchise and as that it works perfectly. Armie Hammer and Johnny Depp are great casts, as well as the villains. The idea to let the story be told by old Tonto to a boy who visits a fair is neat and works great. Good jokes, an awesomely weird horse, a Tonto that makes you laugh and cry, a Lone Ranger growing into his role as outlaw-hero and some great action sequences that are believable in the universe of a comic movie. Fichtner is awesome as a cannibalistic head of a gang of outlaws and the story develops just fine with some nice twists. There's not much you can do wrong watching that film. If you have the option to watch it in 3D i suggest to do so, but it also works fine in 2D. I honestly enjoyed every minute of it, watching it with my girlfriend. Thi movie is a good origin story and I hope they follow up with a sequel, since this one was a pleasure to watch.

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