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The X Files: Memento Mori
Episode 14, Season 4

Remember you will die
Memento Mori probably is my all time favorite mythology episode. Scully is finally diagnosed with cancer. Gillian Anderson's performance in this episode was amazing, this episode will tug at your heart strings. Anderson's emotional force and touching facial expressions work the best here. David Duchovny was terrific too. The Scully centered episodes always tend to be the best ones, eg: "Beyond the Sea" but Duchovny really holds this episode together like he did on season two's "One Breath". The Lone Gunmen also make an appearance, trying to help Mulder find a cure for Scully. "Memento Mori" is as good as the series gets: there is action, humor, emotion, tragedy, all thrown in to the mix. This episode is as personal as it gets. It is truly the best piece of "X-Files" mythology out there.

The X Files: The Red and the Black
Episode 14, Season 5

hypnotic regression
I believe Cassandra Spender's abduction is a pure, classic X-Files moment. The visuals in the scene where fantastic. Scully's hypnotic regression scene has to be my favorite moment in the entire season, its just pure "X-Files" greatness. Laurie Holdie is red hot as Marita Covarrubias, she and Krycek share the best kiss in the entire series. Brian Thompson is back for a little while as the awesome Alien Bounty Hunter. Veronica Cartwright gave a great performance in the first part of this two-parter. She is really good. When the episode ends you are left asking for more. These are great mythology episodes, that you should not skip.

The X Files: Small Potatoes
Episode 20, Season 4

Did he have a light saber?
Quite possibly the most hilarious X-Files episode ever. Darin Morgan comes back to the X-Files one last time, not as a writer but as an actor playing the shape shifting alien loser Eddie Van Blundht. This is the best episode in season four, and one of my all time favorites. The teaser is very funny and weird. Five babies are born with a tail and all because of Eddie Van Blundht who just wants to be loved. David Duchovny shows his comedic talents during the last act of this episode playing somebody else playing him. Vince Gilligan who wrote the episode really knows how to do great comedies. Unlike Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose this episode is not touching and it is completely mindless. But it is still great

The X Files: Home
Episode 2, Season 4

An amazing episode!
"Home" is the most disturbing and shocking "X-File" ever made. It is a million times more effective than most Hollywood horror films out there. When the sheriff gets murdered and you hear the song "Wonderful, wonderful" playing in the background you cant help but feel a chill running down your spine. It gives you the creeps. There is some good humor thrown in the mix too. The make- up effects where really good as well. Glenn Morgan and James Wong have written their best story here, another good one by Morgan and Wong is Season One's "Beyond the Sea". I will watch this episode again in a years time probably, until then i will sleep with the lights on!

The X Files: Bad Blood
Episode 12, Season 5

This was a fantastic episode. It really is one of the funniest X-Files out there. Mulder and Scully go to Texas to investigate a series of bizarre exanguinations by what Mulder believes to be a vampire. The script is brilliant, and one of the best ever written for the X-Files. Vince Gilligan is as good as Darin Morgan here. Scully's wise-cracking and sarcastic autopsy was truly something hilarious to behold. Luke Wilson was really good as the sheriff Scully falls for. This is definitely in the top ten episodes ever made. Mulder and Scully's different points of view where fun to watch. I laughed allot. Did the sheriff really have buckteeth or not? We will never know.

Mean Girls

The funniest teen movie ever
Lindsay Lohan is great as "nice girl" Cady , who plunges into the world of the "mean girls" and the evil, manipulative Regina George. Rachel Mcadams steals the show as Regina, she really makes you hate her. She is a very talented actress. Amanda Seyfried is awesome as the dumb girl she is so funny!!! Lacey Chabert is outstanding as Regina's sidekick. Lizzy Caplan and Daniel Franzese are hilarious and really likable. The script by Tina Fey is brilliant and it has been said many times. The script is smart and witty and unlike most teen films it is actually funny. Tina Fey also plays the maths teacher, and she is really cute and funny in the role. There is a handful of memorable quotes that make you giggle. Nicole Crimi makes you crack up as Regina's "hot mum". The movie is great, Samuel L.Jackson is one of its self confessed fans!

How Green Was My Valley

Far better than Citizen Kane
This is one of the finest films ever made and a Hollywood milestone. The film is about the lives of the members of the Morgan family, told in retrospective by Huw the youngest member in the family. The movie has great charm and beauty. In my opinion it is far superior than Citizen Kane. Quite honestly Citizen Kane is not good to begin with and it is extremely boring and unconvincing. The Academy was right in giving this the award instead of giving it to the overrated "Citizen Kane". How Green Was My Valley is extremely moving and heartbreaking. The bittersweet climax is unforgettable. A film everyone should watch at least once in a lifetime.

C'era una volta il West

The masterpiece
Sergio Leone was one of cinema's most instinctive visual masters, Leone used the full spectrum of CinemaScope with controlled abandon. But this is his powerful masterpiece. He will always be remembered for the awe-inspiring crane-tracking shot, To the brilliance of Ennio Morricone's music, he follows Claudia Cardinale as she alights from a train, then swoops over the station house as she enters, only to pick her up again on the far side as she stares at one of the mythical west's most convincing border towns. I truly believe that particular scene is one of the greatest moments in all of cinema.

Claudia Cardinale's beauty, the breathtaking panoramas, and hard bold close ups are difficult to forget. Henry Fonda gives his best performance here playing against character (He usually plays good guys and not bad guys). Charles Bronson was equally fantastic as the vengeful Harmonica. This movie is pure art from start to finish, its beautiful to look at. And Sergio Leone when at his best form truly was...cinema

The X Files: Dreamland
Episode 4, Season 6

The best
Season Six of The X-Files is stunning, its brilliant and impossibly good. And this episode is the highlight of season six. In one word its awesome. It is every X-Phile's wet dream of an episode. I truly believe this is one of the entire series finest episodes. The character of Morris Fletcher is hilarious, Michael McKean is pure gold playing him. David Duchovny gives his best performance here. He can be really funny. Scully gets angry at various points during the episode, which is good because she looks so hot when she's mad! Then Morris grabs her ass!!! Ha ha! This is my favorite episode ever. Truly funny. If you want to laugh out loud every two seconds then this is the episode for you. The very best ever!

Battlestar Galactica: Unfinished Business
Episode 9, Season 3

I must admit this has always been one of my favorite episodes. It has great character development and drama. Its a different kind of BSG episode since its not really about explosions, cylons or resurrection ships but instead its about boxing. Edward James Olmos delivers a fantastic performance here as usual. Mary Macdonnell is gorgeous to look at and she is a great actress. She is actually one of the main reasons i watch this show. And all the rest of the cast were great in their roles. Some episodes are terrible, others are just ridiculous but this episode was excellent.A very well made episode but terribly underrated. A must see!

Dead Man

Gorgeous to look at
The brilliantly haunting score by Neil Young really sets the mood for Jim Jarmusch's re-envisioning of the western as a metaphor of death. William Blake(Depp)is a dead man, this is his experience of dying. It is presented to us as a nice personal adventure to find the depth of our souls. If you have ever read "Dante's Inferno" you will find the similarities. The cinematography is gorgeous to look at. It is poetic. Johnny Depp is at his subtle best here, Almost looking unreal. The rest of the cast is great especially Gary Farmer as Nobody, the man guiding William into the afterlife. Crispin Glover's small cameo was creepy but it really set the tone for all of the film. By the way Tobacco represents the ultimate attachment of the soul to the physical realm. Do you have some tobacco?

The X Files: Arcadia
Episode 15, Season 6

The falls of Arcadia!
Hilarious. This episode is brilliantly hilarious! There are so many classic moments that i wont even try to mention them. Mulder and Scully go undercover as a married couple(genius) to investigate the disappearance of several members of a planned community called The Falls Of Arcadia. Mulder is enjoying pretending to be Scully's husband while Scully doesn't like it one bit. Great acting from both David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson! This is one of the best monster episodes, even though the monster is only on screen for a couple of minutes. I thought the episode was one of the most fun to watch ever. And very re-watchable.

Mulder: Woman get back in here and make me a sandwich! (Scully throws her rubber gloves at his face) Mulder: DID I NOT MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!

The Lost World

Do not watch it!
It is impossibly bad. The acting was terrible, i feel sorry for the actors who where involved in this. The movie has no plot at all. The dialog is cringe worthy. And the special effects were obviously made on a very cheap budget. This movie is pooh. It is a transvesty. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle must be twisting in his grave. All that happens in the story is some people getting killed in a variety of gruesome ways. My friend got it for one dollar in a cheap DVD shop. But honestly i wouldn't pay five cents for this piece of garbage. Its so bad it hurts. I am personally humiliated to have watched this. God have mercy on the people who made this movie! Avoid at all cost.

The X Files: Field Trip
Episode 21, Season 6

Oh my god!
This episode probably has the biggest twist in "X-Files" history ever! This episode is different and surprising to say the least. Its better if you don't know any plot details before watching it. The plot twists and turns endlessly. I like the green fungus goo effect i think its cool. The scene where Scully sees the alien shocked me when i first saw it. I thought she would finally believe. The ending felt a little rushed i have to say. But besides that the episode is an absolute classic. The final scene with Mulder and Scully holding hands in the ambulance was very "cute" i have to admit. Nice moment for shippers. Not to be missed.

The X Files: Milagro
Episode 18, Season 6

Scully's Beating Heart
This episode is unique to say the least. It is really scary and weird thats for sure. Probably the weirdest episode of The X-Files ever. It shows the darker side of the human imagination, and a fatal attraction the writer Padgett has for Scully. Padgett develops an obsession with Scully and decides to write about her, which has deadly consequences. I love how the ending is so ambiguous and leaves you with more questions than answers. Was it all just imagined or did it actually happen? This episode is a classic X-File , and one of my favorites for sure. It has to be watched carefully and with full attention. Probably the best in season six.

The X Files: How the Ghosts Stole Christmas
Episode 6, Season 6

Merry Christmas
This episode had excellent cinematography and really creepy ghost special effects. I love how it begins with Mulder narrating to Scully the ghost story. I like it how Scully finally comes to admit the house their in is really haunted. This episode revolves around Mulder and Scully's love for each other and how the ghosts are aware of that love. It is kind of like a metaphor. The last 5 minutes where really suspenseful and had me biting my nails even though this is more of a comedy episode. The ending is really cute with Scully and Mulder exchanging gifts on Christmas eve. A rather touching and extremely weird episode.

The X Files: Dreamland II
Episode 5, Season 6

A contender for the title of best episode
Dreamland part 1 and 2 are two of my most favorite episodes ever! This is a non-mythology two parter that proves to be one of the entire series finest. There is humor, creepiness and a handful of weirdly touching moments. Body switching is depicted perfectly. David Duchovny's acting in the comedy episodes is always hilarious, Gillian Anderson gets her moments too. If you want to have fun and laugh out loud every two seconds this is the episode for you. I have never had so much fun watching the X-Files. Inmensily enjoyable. And we finally get Area 51 featured in the show.

Mulder: HE IS NOT ME!

The X Files: The Beginning
Episode 1, Season 6

The Beginning of a great season
This episode picks up where the film "Fight for the Future" left off. Even though the X-Files are no longer filmed in Vancouver, they are as good as ever. L.A had its downside, since the gloomy and creepy atmosphere of Vancouver is completely gone it doesn't quite feel the same. The cinematography is just as good as a feature film. I love the teaser for this episode, it reminded me of the movie "Alien" and the gore was similar too. Cigar Smoking Man is as evil as ever, when he starts talking about breaking the human spirit gave me chills. Overall a great season opener to a fantastic X-Files season. And Scully is as hot as ever.

The X Files: Monday
Episode 14, Season 6

This is one of the greats. I love the way it was filmed, excellent for a TV show back in the 90's. The deja-vu sequences were awesome. This is the X-Files take on the concept of the Bill Murray film "Groundhog day", which is a very good movie everyone should watch. Gillian Anderson's acting is as good as always and the guest stars where great too. This is between my top ten episodes ever. It is simply great television. I have had my own deja-vu experiences and they're really creepy and make you feel uneasy and unreal. A very nice paranormal theme played out to perfection.

See you Monday...

The X Files: Tooms
Episode 21, Season 1

The most re-watchable X-Files episode of season one. This sequel to "Squeeze" is much superior and creepier. Doug Hutchison is awesome as Tooms! He was the perfect choice to play the character. There is also a great "shipper" moment between Mulder and Scully inside a car. We see Walter Skinner for the first time in this episode, it is a great introduction to the character. Cigarette Smoking Man makes another appearance and he is given his first line (I love Cancer Man he is so cool)! The final scene in the escalator is a must see X-Files moment. Eugene Victor Tooms still deserved more episodes he was killed off too soon. A very entertaining episode.

Donnie Darko

A true cinematic masterpiece and a cult classic
Donnie Darko is an amazing motion picture. What does this movie really mean? Did Donnie find a portal to another dimension? Was it at all real? The film is wide open to interpretation. Its relatively flawless and a true gem. It is funny, it is scary, it is ominous, it is bittersweet and terrifyingly beautiful. Jake Gyllenhal's performance was fantastic as was everybody else. The cinematography is great and the music is some of the best ever put on film. The cult status this film now has is largely due to its wickedly twisted plot. What did it all really mean? Its up to you the viewer to decide for yourself. This movie must be watched by everyone that breathes.


What the hell?!
This was scary, it was so retarded it was scary. Do you seriously want your kids watching this? Sure if you want to turn them into little autistic vegetables that go around saying: Boooh bah! This has to have some sort of subliminal message or something. Kids become retarded if they watch this bull crap. How the hell did the creators even manage to get this made. Please do not let your kids watch this, never ever let a child view this in your household. I hope this gets canceled. This can cause severe psychological damage to a person! My five year old cousin used to love it, until he realized how stupid it was and never watched it again...


Wes Craven's finest
From the brilliant opening featuring an amazing performance by Drew Barrymore to the final frame of the killer, this movie is the ultimate slasher flick! Taking allot of inspiration from "Halloween" and a dozen other movies, this movie references more horror films than any movie buff could handle. Its scary, its cool and it doesn't take itself seriously which is what makes it stand above the rest. Neve Campbell is great here along with future star Rose Mcgowan and the "Friends" protagonist Courtney Cox. Skeet Ulrich was awesome too. Wes Craven's horror movies tend to set the benchmark for the rest to come. This is THE slasher movie.

If you haven't seen it. Go watch it now.

Freddy vs. Jason

Sweet dreams Jason
Two of the greatest horror movie villains face off in one movie!... Great premise... I thought the movie was very entertaining, it was worth the money spent. It is obviously no Academy Award winning drama but it is good for what it is: crap. I have always preferred Jason over Freddy, i find Jason scarier. But Freddy's back-story is the best: A psychopathic pedophile child molester who is burned alive by a mob of angry parents and then comes back to "life" to haunt children in their nightmares! Outright brilliant and terrifying story Wes Craven created in "A Nightmare On Elm Sreet" Watch A Nightmare On Elm Street, one of the greatest slashers ever.

Watch this, pure crappy entertainment.

The X Files: Pilot
Episode 1, Season 1

A glorious start!
Dark, Gothic and gritty from beginning to end. This episode is the glorious start of the greatest television series ever made. The Pilot has an ominous feeling to it, its magic. Mulder and Scully are introduced to each other, the chemistry is there between David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson. We see cancer man right from the beginning, he speaks no lines, he is just there watching over everyone. The whirlwind special effect in this episode is really good and cool. The ending was really well made. I love the graveyard scene.

This show must be watched.

Mulder: So, who did you tick off to get stuck with this detail, Scully

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