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Crop Circle Realities

Fascinating ride :)
Filmmaker Darcy Weir is taking you on a fascinating ride through the topic of crop circles. Compelling, and a must watch for all fans of the supernatural!

Key Lime Voodoo

The movie will take you to a raw vision - if you are willing to go with it
This film might not be for everyone, but the raw combination of images, somewhat resembling a music video, but then you could also compare it to found footage films or documentaries, can drag you into the filmmaker's vision or propel you out of it. Ultimately it really is up to you if you take part in the experiment. I enjoyed the film. I enjoy indie films, as well as horror, and encourage people to watch this one if they want to see something different.

Sasquatch Among Wildmen

I love it!!!
I was able to see this film early - and I absolutely love it! It's captivating and definitely gives you some good insights if you are into that sort of docs. Enjoy

Broken Palace

Short, sweet homage
This indie short film is a short sweet homage to art and independent theatres out there. Felt to me like a love letter, and as movie goer, I can agree.

The Best Laid Plans

Witty, dark and funny
Enjoyed this! I'm a fan of dark comedies, and if you appreciate dry humour, definitely give this a try. Quirky characters - a group of broke young men who get to know that a former classmate won the lottery. They are jealous and come up with a plan! The result? A witty dark fun film with character who grow on you :)

Ab Negative

Interesting post apocalyptic premise
There are quite a few post apocalyptic films out there. The premise of this one is quite unique! Definitely give it a watch if you are into bloody and dystopian films :)

Nineteen Summers

Well done indie!
Nineteen Summers is a well done indie film which gives you a painfully honest insight into the urban life in Los Angeles. Nineteen year old De'Andre has to face multiple challenges in this coming of age story, being a young father and in the mid of a turf war. It's real, well acted and superbly directed. I recommend this film.

This Is Meg

I so was able to relate to the protagonist
The lead actress is adorable and I could so relate to her. She wants to succeed, but it's so hard to adapt in this fast pacing world, specifically if you didn't grow up with social media. Funny, loveable, a cute indie comedy worth checking out!

Before the Dawn

Interesting and polarising love story
I wasn't sure what to expect when stumbling onto this film. It really took me on an emotional journey! The forbidden love between student and teacher are portrayed in a complex manner, that makes you think and feel for the characters and question your own judgements. Great acting, great directing, I really can recommend this film!

Employee's Mystery

definitely not mainstream, I love it!
Employee's Mystery is definitely not mainstream, and will appeal to you when you are a fan of international cinema and you are on the lookout for something different. It's dystopian, and contemporary, a film about total control, raising the question, do we still have some control ourselves? I really like the cinematography as well, which uses black and white intercut with colour. Great film :)


An emotional journey
The actors do a superb job in taking you on an emotional journey. The film has everything a crime film needs, sex & human trafficking, paired with the personal drama that entails for the people involved. Great cinematography and directing. I can recommend this film :)

Love in the Sixth

quirky, charming indie
Jude Klassen is a delight! She brings this indie to life, charming the audience, and making you forget that this is indeed a low budget production. The film is funny, the style innovative and the music is great. I recommend you check it out!

Hello & Goodbye

Loved it!!
The two lead characters are adorable! Two ex lovers reconnect in one night, reaching levels of honesty they never did before. It's beautiful, entertaining and engaging. If you like indie, if you want to have some fun, then this is for you. And if you are a tiny bit romantic, you will simply love it :)

The Edict

dark horror thriller
A women who suffers depression and talks with a dark entity - real, or imagined? The Edict is a dark horror thriller taking references at old horror classics, it's disturbing and twisted. Freya Saxon as lead does an excellent job of carrying the story forward. If you enjoy indie horror, check it out!

Tag Team Truckers

Enjoyable, super funny comedy
Two very different brothers make a sudden decision to become commercial truckers. Their differences give a lot of room for gags and comedy, and the superb acting does the rest. The film is hilarious, well acted, well directed and therefore is having everything you need for a fun evening watching and indie comedy!

Hidden Light

How much can you endure before you break?
How much can you endure before you break? Hidden Light is an intense and suspenseful drama exploring the lives of 3 men after a tragic incident, out for revenge and what it does to them when they pursue that path. Cinematography and acting are great, considering the low budget. Worth a watch!

1 World 100 Lonely

Jarring, honest, good!
1 World 100 Lonely explores the chances we take when dating online. What actually happens if we meet this person? What efforts are we putting into this? The film itself is indie, raw, sometimes jarring and therefore excitingly real. For me, it felt true and honest, and that's what really captured my attention. Check it out for yourself!

A Slice of Life on Barcelona

raw & real
Three dysfunctional couples in Barcelona, Spain. One bad decision leads to the next... and you are right in the middle of it. The rawness is due to superb acting paired with the raw cinematography only real indie films can deliver. If you are looking for an emotional rollercoaster and you love indie films, here's one for you!

Bugs: A Trilogy

Creepy & Tense
I was looking for great horror films to run this year at Halloween - this definitely went into my short list :) It's creepy, tense, builds up with a steady pace, but with the set up as trilogy and the indie horror vibe has everything you need if you want to watch this on a fun night with a bunch of friends!

Erasing Eden

authentic, raw and unnerving
Erasing Eden is a indie drama about self discovery as well as self destruction. Eden (played by Breeda Wool who did a marvellous job) has a history of self-sabotage we learn all about when following Eden through her gruelling journey prior her marriage. In order to rediscover herself, she takes said journey, authentic, raw and unnerving. I love that this film is presented from a female perspective, which makes it so relatable for me! I highly recommend it.

The Jitterbugs: Pioneers of the Jit

awesome dance journey
I stumbled about this documentary by chance. I never knew that a dance like the hit existed... The filmmaker takes you on an awesome journey with a combination of older and newer footage, as well as interviews, and in the end I was actually seriously regretting, that I might never see the jit with my own eyes. So much fun! Definitely worth a watch :)

A Legacy of Whining

good indie buddy movie
A Legacy of Whining is a buddy movie of two middle aged friends who meet up after 30 years, more or less right within their midlife crisis, trying to cope with the changing world around them. The result is a hilarious journey through awkward late night adventures, which put our protagonists in somewhat precarious situations. The movie doesn't take itself too seriously and therefore makes for really good entertainment if you enjoy such stories.

Better Than Love

Intense and suspenseful drama!
Better Than Love is definitely no easy entertainment. It's an intense emotional ride with superb acting taking you into a dark world, and confronting you with problems you might never see otherwise. Highly recommended.

Take Me Out

An inspiring tale about finding your path
Take me out is a moving tale about the journey of a young man to find his place. We all can rely to our struggles to free ourselves from expectations to do what we want, and in that regard this film made me ask myself - a question everyone should ask themselves I believe once in a while - how about me? How about now? Do I chose my own path or am I following society, or family expectations? The film captured me from start to finish.

The cast, cinematography and score are great, a well directed and produced indie film.

Love All You Have Left

A subtle gem of a film
A beautifully written and directed indie gem. The lead actresses are doing a stellar job in my opinion to capture the audience. I was hooked. This film is not about big revelations and blockbuster-y sci fi, but about subtlety and every day revelations, which can be, nevertheless, earth shattering. Specifically as German viewer, always careful if subjects touch on 2nd world war facts, I found the film one I'd highly recommend.

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