
IMDb member since April 2023
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All about Me, me, me...ghan!
Meghan is supposed to be interviewing famous women to discuss various stereotypes about women, which she mistakenly refers to as archetypes, and what holds them back.

She spends most of the time talking about herself rather than interviewing some genuinely successful women in their own right, rather than through their husband's position. In one of the interviews Meghan talks for 10 minutes before deigning to let her guest speak. Meghan talks in circles, often not making a lot of sense as her words are seemingly chosen for how "intelligent" they make her sound instead of to make any point, basically word salad. She makes what could be interesting topics terribly boring with the focus on her. She will struggle to get guests if there is a future series, she was basically interviewing herself, and using their name to gain listeners.

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