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Return to Me

Una Ritornella di Ispirazioni Passate (A Return of Inspirations Passed)
We all want to believe in something beyond ourselves and this film and allows that dream or quest for something so real that it cannot be explained to literally manifest within your own hope and spiritual faith.

The unique ensemble of talent in the cast to the underrated overall careers of their talent reminds us to never miss these moments to believe in that something beyond yourself.

While the majority of modern current day Holywood filmmakers obsess over new ways to horrifically shock the soul and destroy the human spirit of life then sell out their talents for dark scripts, lovers of the beautify of the human elements in filmmaking can simply turn back time a quarter of a century and remember the true magic on the screen that we used to see quite often.

It seems, just about all the actor in the cast , although had wonderful careers, weren't always the the top money makers or top celebrities, but they each had their time and in this film earn every bit of the recognition for what they offered the world as individual artists.

David Duchovny and Minne Driver not only establish impeccablly empathetic chemistry on the screen, but they organically and spiritually create an energy and narrative of the human experience that anyone, even the biggest skeptic atheists in society, can believe in and be transformed into a hopeful believer.

The real process of grieving overwhelming loss and the reality of being so close to death yet being given a gift of life simultaneously is conveyed on the deepest levels in this film.

From the dog who waits for the owner who never returns, to the brilliance of Iconic Archie Bunker( Carrol O'Connor) embodying an irish accent and cultural/Familial truth that epitomizes the talent of old school television actors, to the simplicity of humanity beings coming together within a serenely spiritual and serendipitous destiny that can't otherwise be explained by anything but The Divine, Return to Me has it all... Modern day filmmaking meets the Olde School good life of New York and Chicago urbanites who not only have their immediate family beside them in the work place but make the work place their home in ways that enhance what human beings need the most, and that is silly to be loved appreciated authentically within the accepted safe haven of the family unit.

Too many iconic artistic performances to recognize here. Just go see it! Bravo to all!!

A Beautiful Mind

Heavenly Human Heights
There are moments in this life which surpass all logic and reason. It's within these moments that we discover our deepest and most miraculous humanity. Though often accompanied by fear of what we don't understand, there are still many of us brave enough to open our hearts minds and mind's hearts to discover unreached and eventually unsurpassed levels of awareness for ourselves and others.

Such is the case in the most real and tangible story of the legendary theorist, Jon Nash. An apparently simple man from Bluefield, West Virginia, Nash eventually made his way to the notable prestige of Princeton University due to his generously genius and innovative , economic, social, and biological theories. Though his genius was his legacy that still influences the execution of world renown theorist's implemented work today, t'was even more notably Nash's abilities to battle his own human flaws and psychological pathology.

Eventually, through his impeccable ability to reason rationally, Nash proves his own theory for himself discovering ways to surpass that which was his is irrationality. Its a BEAUTIFULLY and historically REAL human moment which celebrates man's ability to heal himself through his own humanity, and most importantly and emphatically, through the dedicated and completely committed love he and his wife shared mutually.

Hence the title, A BEAUTIFUL Mind, Ron Howard emphatically delivers a message of hope that, to call it BEAUTIFUL, ( as BEAUTIFUL as BEAUTIFUL can be) still doesn't do justice to the portrayal of humanity delivered by Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly in this film. It goes beyond artistry and is an iconically timeless work of collaborative cinematic success. Most of us know of this movie and have for more than 2 decades, but still so many have yet to discover the true story of John Nash and his devoted wife. Through everything that could destroy two person's love for one another, both chose to maintain a level of dedication to each other which brought them to the ultimate achievements of success.

Sadly and ironically, and as life could never allow these two BEAUTIFULLY created souls be separated, they both died tragically at the same time. As I was doing my research I could ne'er be surprised at this fact. You can read the BEAUTIFUL story of the true BEAUTIFUL mind of John Nash and the BEAUTIFUL DEVOTION that was the center of John and Alicia's marriage on your own. I cannot leave the link here. But the best written testimony of their lives is in The American Journal of Psychiatry.

Both The Film and their true life here on this planet will move you to new levels of humanity and I encourage you to patiently do the research on their story then watch the BEAUTIFUL dedication to them by Ron Howard, who allowed his daughter Bryce Dallas Howard appear in the film as well. Ron Howard, a consistently BEAUTIFUL filmmaker with BEAUTIFUL visions for how we can experience these new spiritually driven and humane awarenesses achieves new levels of success here. Congrats to all! I leave you with Nash's BEAUTIFUL speech dedication to his wife as he accepted the Nobel Prize.

"Thank you. I've always believed in numbers; and the equations and logics that lead to reason."

"But after a lifetime of such pursuits, I ask,

What truly is logic?"

"Who decides reason?"

"My quest has taken me through the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional -- and back."

"And I have made the most important discovery of my career, the most important discovery of my life: It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reasons can be found. I'm only here tonight because of you." ( meaning his wife, Alicia)

"You are the reason I am."

"You are all my reasons.

Thank you."

Trial by Fire

Excellent performances by artists who deserve the recognition. Its a beautiful resurgence by Laura Dern who masterfully and most importantly, humanely delivers her best throughout the entire film. O'Connell's contribution should have earned him many award nominations. However, I can understand why he did not. Hollywood delivers an incredible work of ART here. Unfortunately, there's an element of anti authority- anti small town, anti southerner vibe that carries too much emphasis and significance throughout the script. This is a shame, because, while it is the debilitating truth that some innocent people on death row are executed, America still maintains maximum and belief in upholding and maintaining justice with utmost integrity. The fallibility of human error can sometimes be atrocious and just flat out gut-wrenching wrong, and the film gets this point across. However, the reason this film did not win awards, is because there was an agenda too strongly associated and insisted upon within the collaborative work of cinematic art. It is a beautiful film with beautiful performances and an amazingly talented cast that deserves recognition. However, its the agenda that stops it from being truly heroic, regardless of the truth.

Sound of Freedom

Heroism at its best and its REAL!
True stories that inspire writers to bring it to the screen, especially in the times we're living in now are few and far between. This one resonates on the highest levels with just about anyone who enters the theater to see a profoundly successful collaborative work of cinematic art. However, to call it art alone doesn't do it full justice. Tim Ballard, risked everything, his job, his family and his own life to bring heinous sex trafficking criminals to justice and succeeded in bringing a little girl home to her family. To think about the bravery and the complete denial of fear at its most threatening level that he had to overcome makes him a timeless hero of our modern day era. This movie reveals the true reality of our times that there are more people in slavery today than there ever were in past centuries. This is still happening all over the world and the majority of the imprisoned victims are children who are being used for disgusting means. This movie sets a precedence for the kind of awareness we all must have and the vigilance needed to protect the innocent from ever falling victim to these sickening crimes. The writer and entire film crew have created a stunning film with a perfectly wedded soundtrack that is fully engaging. Its also a story of redemption and hope for anyone who may have gone through such horrendous experiences and have come home safely. We must also mention Mira Sorvino, a former victim of sexual harassment in Hollywood. She now takes on film projects that focus on justice for the innocent allowing her to be an ambassador for victims of this type of criminal activity. I was blown away, moved to my core, and reminded that we all can do better in our own lives with being available to help others.

And make note of these Artists as they deserve recognition for possibly the most moving and profound film of the year!! Go See it!

Alejandro Gómez Monteverde Mexican film director and Writer of Sound of Freedom

Javier Navarrete Spanish film score composer.

Rod Barr Writer/Producer.

And the entire cast! Congratulations! Bravo to all!

Mission: Impossible - Fallout

Artistry Evolution: Tis' Paramount
I was never a huge Cruise fan. Though he did well in A few Good Men, Minority Report and War of the Worlds but it was often still simply a 2 dimensional cruise cheese. Though last year's sequel to Top Gun blew the original away and if you get a chance to see American Made, it's a fun ride with great performances.

What's got me intrigued now is how well these last few Mission Impossible movies have been made.

I'd had no interest in watching them until 2015.

You can't compare them to the Daniel Craig Bond films: That's like Comparing a decadent Key Lime Pie to an indulgent Pecan Pie. Both desirable but for completely different depth of appeal.

However, The cast chemistry in Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation in 2015... Fallout in 2018, and now the new double-movie Dead Reckoning!??!! (Badass Title) is second to none.

The cinematography , stunts, and the overall sophistication of filmmaking (technology concepts, and visual creativity) were all artistically, Impeccably, and Americanly captivating.

While the world folds socially and politically, Cruise presses onward continually carrying the American dream and pays it forward to and for anyone who dares to dream the dream and be their own hero!

Additionally, Cruise's artistry with line delivery and depth of character has clearly evolved since Jerry MaGuire.

I always admire and respect an artist of any discipline who can find a way to break through to new levels regardless of their star power and or fame status.

Cruise, regardless of his rookie beginnings, has always maintained his fitness incredible well, still does crazy stunts at 60 years of age, and now, has settled into his own clean, clear, well established authentic talent as an artist.

What will it be next for Cruise? Shakespeare....?

Probably not, for accents haven't always been his forte.

But check out the trailer for Dead Reckoning, Part 1!

Summer blockbusters already bringing the heat!!




Fusion Film: An Unapologetic Gumbo of sorts
You have to admire the obvious talent and the unabashed gratuitous enjoyment of so many genres merged together with momentary comedic relief and themes for the first hour that will make you chuckle.

The leads do a nice job with delivery of comedic script and choreography.

Custody is worth your money to gain some worldly perspective of cerebrated talent and art.

Yet, the producer and director could certainly have derived three works of art from all they have to work with here.

Custody is a gumbo of entertainment that is palatable and fun for a bit but could have been enjoyed and consumed more easily had a few ingredients been saved for separate additional efforts.

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