
IMDb member since July 2023
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    IMDb Member
    11 months


El silencio

Why would anybody with the kind of power shown in the first episode spend that kind of money to track just one person that stayed in prison for such a short time for such a horrible crime?

That crucial question was not explained by anyone, thus rendering the entire show a moot point.

The people watching "Sergio" are MORE disturbed than Sergio, whose reason for the crime was explained in less than one sentence and did not make sense.

The show reason for being has not been explained adequately yet, the movie expects to raise the tension of the show with diversion that also have no reason for being because they have no relation to what the producers think is the central theme (that gas not been explained.

The show is what is called "a self eating watermelon."

Schlafende Hunde

Sleeping dog is Just that
A disaster of a series. It is not cohesive in the telling. Many disparate string stories show up that are disconnected from the viewer, putting the load of connecting the story on the viewer. Some never connect which is or are easy to miss. And there is no ending because nothing makes sense at the end.

Credit goes to the actors who act and say their lines as if they know what they are doing in that scene with the right emotional tone.

Somebody above the acting tried to keep the real story away from the viewers so well the ending is totally anticlimactic and does not make any sense.

Horrible put together series!!!


Marcella Season 1
Marcella (Season 1) "12 Hours later" seems to be the mark for a bad start for a show that so far has lasted 3 Seasons!!!

All with a main character marked with an illness nobody seems to know about and a mind of a Machiavellian Manipulator that tortures other with poignant expressions to hurt them and does not have ANY remorse; further, loves to torture herself when she thinks the world is not fair to her.

I figure since there are three season of a person (almost not human) with these capabilities and working as a detective, it would not be feasible for me to suspend my belief in humanity for that long.

In addition, the weaving of the story is confusing and capricious to the point of confusion. It leaves hanging threads all over the place.

We lasted 3 Episodes.

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