
IMDb member since April 2002
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Tremors 3: Back to Perfection

pure crap
Ok the first one was the best, second was waaaaay better then this,(I don't know why people didn't like the second one) the third is just plain stupid in the second one the graboids changed now in this they can fly? what's next? Stay away.


great show
Ok SNL's best years were 1990-1995 because of it's awesome cast and funny sketches then it went down hill and Mad TV came along and it was better then SNL because SNL just was unfunny after all the cast members left. It's first and second season was great the third was good along with the rest of the other seasons. The sketches are much better too like Fightin Ron, most Kenny Roger skits, Steven Segal and many more but by far the best thing Mad TV did was Clops! So to sum it up SNL not funny anymore. Mad TV every funny.

I'm a Monkey's Uncle

A rusty short
I don't really like this short for one reason, Moe acts like Curly. Now I know Curly's wasn't a stooge anymore but to me its kinda weird seeing Moe act like Curly and getting scenes Curly would have. EX. Moe trying to kill the duck and getting angry then almost crying, and when putting butter in his hair and singing. I just think when Shemp came along that Moe got much dumber and having scenes that Curly would have.

Black Sheep

Why do people hate this movie?
Alot of people hate this movie because it's trying to be like Tommy Boy having Chris Farley and David Spade in it but so what they are good together and make the movie funny, another reason is the plot I really don't care about it all I care about is the funny moments and humor. So overall I give this film a 7/10.

Cash and Carry

walla walla
Moe, Larry and Curly find a cripled boy and his sister living in there home at the dump yard and they need five hundred dollors to fix the little boys leg so the stooges meet these guys who trick them into getting lots of money, I won't say anything else cuz I will give it away so go watch it......NOW

Termites of 1938

wow what fancy dining
In this short the stooges are exterminators accidently hired by a rich lady looking for fancy dining tips. The stooges think the lady has termites in her house so they go over and check it out first they eat and the funny parts come when the other people at the table start to copy the stooges, that are also bad eaters. The funniest part is when Curly starts throwing peas in his mouth and everyone else does the same. Overall a good short.

The Sitter Downers

worth watching
This isn't there best short but its funny. The stooges get married and go on a honeymoon but first they have to build a house. The funniest part was when Moe was chasing Larry around and Curly was smoothing cement and Moe and Larry kept running through it.

Rockin' Thru the Rockies

good short
In this sort the boys are heading west but they run into indians that tell them to leave or they will die, but before they can go they have to get there wagon fixed. This had some funny moments in it like Curly's snap slap thing and when they go fishing and Larry tries to save Moe who fell in, I won't say anything else just see for yourself.

Sing a Song of Six Pants

My favorite Shemp short
I was never a big Shemp fan but this is one of his better shorts. The boys are tailors at a store called Skin and Flint and there having a problem with money, a police officer comes by and warns theres a robber on the loose. This was just a really funny short even fight seen at the end was funny Shemp got hung up on a spinning hanger and the guy was punching him and he kept spinning around and punching the guy back.

Three Little Pirates

This should of had been Curly's last short
This short is the best one out of all the ones curly was sick in. It was about the stooges being captured on an island and would be burned at the stake (curly's idea) the next day, so the boys are in prison and try to brake out using tools under a bed but they knock down the wrong wall then a woman comes to rescue them and the stooges dress up so they won't get caught then they see the king of the island and the king decide to ask stuff from them this scene it by far the best in the short with Curly acting like the good old days (kinda).

Mutts to You

better then the other baby shorts
The stooges are dog washers that find a baby on the door step of a house and think the mother and father abandoned it so they take it and feed him before they turn him in to the police to find the owner then end up running from the cops because the cops think the stooges are kidnappers. In the end the mother finds the baby and the stooges are cleared. ***/5

Playing the Ponies

good short
In this short the stooges are waiters that get tricked into buying a horse "Thunderbolt" they enter the horse into the race and the only way to get the horse to run fast is to feed it hot peppers. This was a good short but NOT their best.

False Alarms

funny firefighter short
In this short the stooges are firefighters that always get into trouble and are never on time when the alarm rings. There are some funny moments in here like when Moe locks himself and Larry in a room so they won't leave work early and go to a house where Curly and some girls are and Moe drops the key down the sink and there trying to get it, also Curly says some good stuff ex: woman: Curly sit down take a load off your feet. Curly: its not my feet that hurt. A funny short.

Horses' Collars

Moe, Larry the cheese Moe, Larry the cheese!
This is a great short by the stooges the help a woman named Nell by getting an IOU from a shooter named Double Decker. Its a funny short because everytime Curly sees a mouse he beats people up and the only way to calm him down is to feed him cheese, also the part where there dancing is funny. Moe:"you know your not a bad dancer" Curly:"aw I bet you say that to all the boys"

Three Little Beers

the stooges go golfing
This is a very funny short by the stooges they enter a golfing tournament so they can get money but just end up getting everyone mad for example Larry finds a string and keeps pulling it and it ruins the green, Moe also ruins the green by trying to hit the ball but keeps missing or not hitting it far and Curly gets his club stuck in a tree and then chops it down. Overall very funny.

An Ache in Every Stake

the best short
This is the funniest stooge short, Moe, Larry and curly deliver ice to a woman then she is upset because she doesn't have a cake for her husband so the stooges bake a cake and also make a turkey. The funniest part is when curly shaves the ice and he's talking to it and everything its great.

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