
IMDb member since April 2002
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    22 years



I'm so sorry I didn't like it!
I had seen, heard and read so many things about the movie and its heroine (Anna Thomson) for weeks that I couldn't wait for its being released in France. Indeed, Anna Thomson is just a wonderful woman, so loving and human and frail at the same time; and Amos Kollek stands as a non comformist film maker which is quite rare today and thus valuable. So I was quite enthousiastic about seeing Bridget. And yet, I was very disappointed. Whereas Bridget relates nothing but the tragic and aweful story of an unspeakably unfortunate woman, I was never touched, nor moved, nor even impressed by what I was seeing. You just can't believe anything that happens to her even though Anna Thomson is definitely a great actress. In fact, the whole cast is quite good and I couldn't really account for my eventual negative impression. Still the movie left me intact, clean and not the least ill at ease whereas I expect from that kind of movies to drag me in their dirt, to make me feel those infinite pain and sufferance, to mark me with these virtual scars of a disturbing art. In short it did not trouble me as I intended it should have, and as such, I really resent saying that but, to me, it wasn't a good movie-and so did think the friend who saw it with me.

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