
IMDb member since August 2023
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Boring and pointless...hope it killed Van Saint's career!
I saw this stinker in the theater, and it's as boring and pointless as noted! Do yourself a favor and watch Psycho 2, which has Anthony Perkins and Vera Miles! It has a good plot and 80s style horror makeup! Psycho 3 is directed by Anthony Perkins and continues on the 80s horror-cheese of its day! Even Psycho 4, with its flashback style tv movie vibes is better than the Gus Van Sant junk! I feel bad for those actors b/c it probably destroyed careers. Don't watch it! The original 1960 Black and white psycho is still as tense and stressful as the first time you saw it! Teens will enjoy the original, then go right to Psycho 2 with Perkins. He's just as creepy 20 years later.

True Crime

Great teen detective girl movie
Yes it's filmed more like a tv movie than a cinema piece, but that's ok because it's more a realistic Nancy Drew True Crime story. Alicia is great here as a naive and sheltered Catholic high school girl whose classmate is murdered. She begins to investigate on her own and quickly gets over her head. This gets pretty dark and she might very easily end up the next victim. Lord of good teen girl issues- lying to parents, Birth control, sex, school officials who remain complacent. Some good twists and turns and better than other teen movies where everything is a joke. I like it! Alicia is great here!

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