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Hidden Figures

I could never math like that.
I have seen this movie three times and have enjoyed it every time. The movie is very empowering and shows off real peoples stories who overcame the odds in a time less accepting of diffrences just because of skin. This movie shows what extrodaniary minds can do, it also shows that NASA was not just men working there at the time there was women who helped get a man in orbit. The movie has a good pace for most of it all though the ending does kinda drag in my opinion but that's my only compliant. Overall this movie is a movie to watch when you feel down or need inspiration. So nine out of ten watch.

Hotel Rwanda

Very sad, almost cried.
This movie was definitely one that can evoke strong emotions from an audience. The situation in the movie only seemed to get bleaker and bleaker with each passing minuet. The amount of people that died not only in the movie but in real life brings the question of why are people like that. How can real people be so crule based on things out of their control? So in a way this movie is a philosophical thought provoker along with it being emotional. This movie honestly was really hard to watch but it should be watched because things like this still happen today and are ignored. If we do not learn from the past people will only continue to repeat the same mistakes.


Well done
The people picked for the casting of this movie did a great job for their roles. The picture quality of the movie was amazing and really easy on the eyes. My only problem I had with the movie was the dealing with the president. All scences with him and that government agent were quite annoying. The ones with Alabama's governor also got on my nerves because most of the conversations he had did'nt really add much or anything to the plot. Most of his parts could be cut from the movie and it woul'nt affect the movies. Overall this movie was depressing like the real life event so I think that's a pretty good interpretation of the event.


Good movie
The movie sheds light on the hardships faced by not only Robinson but the team as well. The movie had a nice steady pace and was easy to follow along with. And from the looks of it the actor and the actual Robinson look a lot similar so the casting was a very good choice. My only complaint was I felt some scenes were unnecessary. The one that sticks out to me is Mrs. Robinson giving their son to the babysitter. When you show something like that before cutting back to the main plot you might give people the wrong ideas. Like that scene made me think the babysitter was gonna do something bad to the child especially after talking about all the death threat letter Robinson was getting.

Cinderella Man

Let me just start this off by saying that I'm happy the kids got the turtles not just one, not two, but three. Yes I counted, they were cute. Now on to my rant. His wife tells him "Yo this dude has killed somebody it isn't worth the risk." Then he is like "Danger what danger all I see is cash money." His opponent tells him to back out so in response Brad goes "I have a wife and three kids that need me to take care of them." So if you don't want to run the risk of dying WHY DO IT!!!!???? Sure Brad wins but he didn't know if he was going to. He obviously knows that his family needs him and yet he plays woe is me because he actively made a choice to do the fight.

A League of Their Own

Fun sports movie, for once.
This movie was overall very likable once you get passed the sexism of the old days. The only real problem I had with this movie was that Dottie never bothered to contact the friends she made or that's how it was portrayed. My other problem was the Dottie and Kit drama was dragged out too much. Other than that the story was a good drama and teamwork filled field day. At the end of the movie when stuff had slowed down I hoped they would have put pictures of the actual teams but that's just me being nit picky. I would recommend if you like baseball movies or only wanna get slightly annoyed by some of the characters.

Walk the Line

No is apparently is not an answer.
The amount of times he pushes June's boundaries is crazy. He kisses her and then gets mad after she didn't want it. She tells him she doesn't wanna get proposed to on the bus and you do it not once but twice?! Well at least the storytelling format of the story was fun. I really enjoyed that but I just found it really hard to get behind the main character. The transitions from scene to scene were very clean. I wish there was a side plot to the yellow water in the jail though, get the warden arrested for health code violations. It could have been done in this movie because its based on and not a totally nonfiction way to tell his life story. Overall decent movie might watch again if I forget the whole Pushing June's boundaries till she ways yes.


Elvis and his creepy pelvis the movie.
I have some stuff to say about this movie. Most of it is not good so i'll start with the positives. Austin Butler did a fantastic job at playing Elvis 10/10 performance. The lighting was also pretty good in my opinion. Now onto the not-positives. Elvis was a creep because he decided to romance a 14 year old girl when he was 24, what I don't like about this movie is how it just kinda glazes over that fact by just saying she was a teen and not revealing Elvis's age in that scene. It just seemed like it was romanticized when it shouldn't have been. What I mean by that is like how he closed the door and someone said "YoU sAiD yOu'D hAvE hEr BaCk At SeVeN" like this was an acceptable thing for a grown man to do. Moving on from that, his manager was total garbage as a person and felt like an unreliable narrator. And when he would say "The love he felt from you" and show him kissing his fans is... Questionable. Also real note: how did Priscilla accept that? Like girl, run for the hills! Then again he groomed her when she was a young and impressionable kid soooooooo. Then next up on the chopping block, his relationship with his mother in this movie was not it. It was giving emotional incest, who touches their mothers face like that? Like the way he touched his mom in the movie made it seem almost romantic. The whole "This feels like it's tearing us apart line" then going on to show him and girls also strengthens the possible emotional incest. Also the editing felt erratic and not good or easy at all. While I think this movie did an alright job of showing his spiral downwards and his rise to fame it didn't really do enough to show the true horrors of him and his manager.


Dunkirk was definitely better than 90 percent of war movies for the simple fact it does not do gore. Most war movies almost seem to glorify that aspect of war while this movie focuses on different aspects of war. This is a breath of fresh air in my opinion. I also think the different perspectives made it interesting rather than one point of view because if it was just the soldier dudes It would be so so so so boring. The civilians story was the most interesting of the three because it allowed for more dialogue and interactions between characters. Also the captain of the ship was just cool old man vibes so that also helped the story.

Darkest Hour

Hour that is Dark
Darkest hour definitely fits the title of the movie especially with the lighting. The days were never really bright and sunny, it was usually raining or gray and cloudy skies. So the overall dark theme with the dark times in the war and with congress worked really well. The Winston Churchill actor in the movie looked a lot like the actual Winston Churchill so that was done nicely. The count down of the days was an interesting aspect but I felt that could have been done better maybe like a zoom in on the days news paper. Overall the movie was set up really nicely with lighting and casting but the drama aspect kinda fell flat in my opinion.

Saving Private Ryan

War movie.
Saving Private Ryan is a movie with the most gruesome, brutal introduction to a movie that I've ever seen. I did not appreciate all the gore of the beginning or towards the end. The beginning that it had didn't feel all that necessary to me. Everyone knows war is brutal and depressing, we see that stuff later but the opening scene was not the play. Also they complain every five minutes about 8 lives for one guy, they always could have said they found him dead even if they didn't know so that's on them for actually looking. Another problem I had was how Ryan seemed kinda un-phased when he heard the news and I think that a lot of people would take that offer to go home as soon as possible. I mean there were a lot of people drafted to do any of this. His reaction just felt not authentic. That's what I think anyway.


Movie review
Unbroken was a depressing movie then again it was about World War Two so that was always gonna happen. But a bone I have to pick with this movie is some of the side characters, specifically the ones in the camps. I know we're supposed to feel bad for them, and I do, it's just the camera would randomly pan to them like we were supposed to know that character. Also I genuinely go jump scared when they were fixing the raft and a shark just comes out and pretty much goes "Hey how are you my tasty snack"? 10/10 didn't expect and made me flinch. I scene I really liked was the one when they get on the train to go to the second camp and they travel through those gorgeous snowy mountains.

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Dapper Dan, most important hair gel
O Brother, where Art Thou is a movie that is definitely crazy. Like how's a dude running for mayor gonna casually be like "How dare they knock down a burning cross that I lit on for a causal terrorist organization" and he thinks the protagonists are in the wrong? I mean the protagonists are certainly not great people but like, dude you serious? Anyways It's safe to say that both mayoral candidates are terrible people, just like real politicians! The last character I really didn't like was the wife, like why would you wanna stay with her? She is literally the worst, she's about to marry a dude 1 year after your divorce, told your kids you were hit by a train, demands you get the original wedding ring from the bottom of a lake and you wanna stay with that? Personally I could never. The music wasn't my favorite but it had some nice tunes in there and the landscape in some areas was gorgeous.


Titanic, a classic I guess?
Titanic is one of the most drawn out movies I have ever seen. This movie also has many punchable characters, from the annoying control freak of a Fiance to old lady Rose. You could have turned in the necklace to the authorities, sold it, or even just given it to the dude who invited you to talk but no you THREW IT INTO THE OCEAN! Old Rose is crazy dumb for that! Also that Fiance is an abusive, manipulative, selfish, control freak, who deserved to be electrocuted in the water. Rose's mom is honestly so selfish and rude like shut up you old bat, if you wanted to secure your life with that stupid man so bad why don't you marry him!? Then there's Jake, don't hide your feet, hide your hands. I swear this man has some weird obsession with hands. Anyways the scenery was nice and I have a theory about the end. You know how she falls asleep on that boat and dreams of seeing all the dead people on the Titanic? I take it to mean she died and they were welcoming her back. Which is crazy she dreamed of Jack and her kissing and not her husband who she spent years of her life with rather than some dude she spent two days at most with. In conclusion, everyone in Titanic is crazy.

It's a Wonderful Life

Good message, poorly done.
It's A Wonderful Life is a pretty weird movie, sure you could argue "it was made in a different time and should be reviewed as such" but i'm not gonna do that because there were parts that just made me go yuck that is so weird. The part I'm referring to when I say that is where Mary loses her robe and hides in the hydrangea bushes. Like George was not giving it to her and messing around which that in itself is annoying but the problem lies in him planning to do it longer than he did and possibly just to see her naked. Like dude she is barely 18 and you're 4 years older than her like EW! Also when she says she'd scream for the police and he said "They wouldn't believe you" is so disgusting like in a way he is saying "I can do whatever I want to you and nobody will help you". I'm glad it was 4 years in between them seeing each other again so the relationship wouldn't be so creepy but that scene was just Ew. Also I understand that it was saying your life is important not just to you but to others and that your life is a gift. I just felt the way it was written didn't make much sense. Like for instance how when he was never born Harry died in the ice, why would harry have been doing that? Why was Harry there in the first place? Your life does affect others and things that happen on the daily would also affect those events so that shouldn't have even happened in this timeline. Even if it happened someone else would have saved him. So overall good message, terrible logic, and creepy George.

A Christmas Carol

A creepy spin on a classic.
This movie was definitely a much darker version than the original book/ films. It was also kinda weird due to the random children at The Ghost of Christmas presents feet. That ghost felt more sinister than it's normally portrayed. But the ghost that became way more sinister than before was The Ghost Of Christmas Future because of stuff like the shrinking of scrooge and how the spirit was kinda trying to kill him with like shadows. They basically made all the ghosts darker. My one complaint about this movie was the fact that Bob just becomes the narrator, that in a way adds to the creepiness as this could mean Bob knew all along or he was possessed.

The Majestic

A movie
The Majestic was certainly a movie, not bad not good. Let's start off with what I didn't really like about this movie. For one you would think a father would know the difference between a stranger and his son because of the bond he had with his child. Two the romance plot was odd to say the least, like why would you kiss someone you aren't sure he is the dude you love? It also seemed like the only reason she liked the main character was because he reminded her of her love. Them getting together just feels like she is trying to use him as a rebound even though she knows the truth. Third thing I didn't like was how the one guy knew the entire time and just didn't tell anyone, letting this poor man be forced to play the role of a dead man. One thing I liked about that first kiss scene was the cinematography of the landscape like that lighthouse on the cliff by the water is absolutely gorgeous! The second thing I liked was the Majestic building. The interior was beautiful! But that exterior with their lights was like me as a bug flying to it because I'm drawn to how good it looks.


Argo is a well written movie. I like how it was able to transform actual events to feel more like a real movie rather than just retelling the actual events as if it was out of a text book. The tensions were definitely high and as a viewer I could definitely feel it. Only thing I really would say I disliked about this movie was the end with the chase of the planes because it felt like an after thought and you could probably tell that didn't happen. The cinematography was amazing as well as the opening giving background information that the viewer would need to know. Argo did what a lot of "based on a true story" movies can't, that being it was actually good.

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

A silly little thing, that bomb.
Dr. Strange love was a whole fever dream. For starters the communists are infiltrating our American bodily fluids, Ripper had to have been smoking something with half the stuff he said. That dude was really obsessed with the word fluid to a very concerning point. Then we have the president say "Dmitri" every single sentence, the president also called the planes getting called to action a 'silly little thing'. We also had Strangelove trying to not be a Nazi? That was all really odd. Then there was the hyper bomb enthusiast who kept bringing up the Russians any chance he got as if it was his hobby. Over all this movie feels like a quirky girl's fan fiction about the cold war.

Bridge of Spies

Bridge of spies was a nice movie. The lawyer put his life at risk to stand for his American beliefs. Whether he was a spy or not was pretty crazy as you never find out if Able was a spy or if Powers actually told them. Also the lawyer standing up for Able was a great example of this. The people turned their backs on him but he never turned his back. The movie as a whole was interesting, always making you want to watch and see what happens next. Movies don't usually do that as there's almost always a boring moment, but the build up was so good and juicy that I don't believe there was a dull moment. This was a very interesting take of the real events and made the story pretty wild.

Hacksaw Ridge

Hacksaw Ridge was a pretty good war movie. I liked how it did not shy away from how truly brutal and gory war truly was. The story of how he saved all those people was truly inspiring, he was able to stick to his beliefs and do so much more than most anyone could. The only thing I disliked about the movie was the love story. I feel like it probably was portrayed in the way it actually truly happened. The whole him asking her out scene just made me really uncomfortable with how he just kinda stared at her. I also felt as if the lady in the movie was also kinda uncomfortable but that could be me looking too far into it.

Red Tails

A good movie
Red Tails was a fun war movie, well that is if you're allowed to call a war movie fun. It had good picture quality and it was enjoyable to see the characters interact with each other even the conversations about nothing weren't like watching paint dry. My one complaint about this movie was the random love story, it didn't even make sense. For one the lady just waved at Lightning and he was like yeah i'm totally gonna remember where in the city this random woman lives and ask her out. Also he proposed to her after, at most, less than 6 months of dating, who would say yes to that? The worst part about this whole thing was LIghting is the one person they show, who dies. If you were setting him up for a happy ending why kill him off or why not set one of the other guys up for a random love interest that has no business being there? This movie would be a lot better if they cut out the love story.


Well, at least it's like an actual war.
1917 was a war movie that was very very depressing and very very boring at the same time. It was in fact just like real war though just a bunch of "oh they're not gonna kill us right now" back to "oh they are killing us right now time to run." The one thing I liked about this movie was the picture quality and scenes taking place in the woods or that town that was on fire. Although the fire town kinda hurt my eyes to look at as it was very yellow. Sure it may have been a true story but it was just very rinse and repeat just in slightly different ways. Also he kinda failed to get there on time people died and were injured because of that. Overall this movie is definitely a movie of time.


This movie was fantastic, it was awesome. It had everything you could want from a movie action, drama, and more drama. It also made learning about Harriet's journey very interesting and engaging to the audience, keeping them on their toes. While you know this will work out for Harriet it still is exciting. My only complaint with this movie is it leaves out her dad teaching her star gazing but other than that it's just a wonderful movie. Sure it's kinda dark but that's what makes it interesting. This movie found a way to really interest audiences in this period of time. It's really special when a movie can do this kinda thing. Overall this movie is an easy 10/10.

Free State of Jones

Very good.
The Free State of Jones was a very authentic movie compared to other historical films. Just like real life the movie didn't really have an ending or a proper one. The movie incorporates actual events and dates and recreates what conversations would have actually been like rather than what some do with "and it got so much better for African Americans when they were freed in the south" when that wasn't the case at all. This move does a great job of showing the ugly truth of the confederacy during the civil war and life thereafter. I think this movie was overall very informative in how it pretty accurately presented the actual history.

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