
IMDb member since April 2002
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    IMDb Member
    22 years



poorly written thriller
This mystery story is beautifully photographed, and that is it's only strength. It has a completely incoherent plot and script. Ron Silver is depressed throughout the film, probably because he realized while filming that this movie is turning into dreck. It has a mishmash of styles and tempos, which is grating-the ending is probably the worst I have seen for a mytery/thriller, and is a cheat. Not worth a rental. Ron Silver deserves much better material-he's an intense and talented actor and a terrific human being.

Joy Ride

terrific fun-great thriller
This movie was a complete surprise. It is a great B movie. Unprentious fun. You will be completely enthralled from the beginning to the very clever ending. For some reason the ending has been criticized as it's main flaw, and there are alternate endings on the dvd- but I think the whole movie was well plotted. Whoever did the editing on this deserves a lot of credit because that is the one element that really ratchets up the suspense quite a bit. If you like intelligent scary thrillers, rent it-you wont be disappointed.

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