
IMDb member since September 2023
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Hollywood Houselift with Jeff Lewis

Best show ever
I has always been a fan of Jeff Lewis and his unbelievable talent. This show is incredibly entertaining and his designs are inspiring. I like how most of the shows include immediate results from his work and you don't have to wait for numerous episodes to see the results. It's a perfect mix of personal and professional insight and no unnecessary drama. It's so interesting to see how the stars live and the normal life challenges they have. Jeff has personally grown from his earlier Flipping Out Bravo days and it's so fun to see the hurdles he's overcome. He is the most amazing talent and he deserves all the success in the world.


Now, this is Entertainment! Great acting, incredible story.
Dark and twisted story line and it keeps you guessing what the reality really is throughout the entire movie. After an extremely dull and disappointing Maestro and a Highly produced Oppenheimer, this movie hit right. Just enough beauty, incredible acting, and creative engaging storyline to make this one the best movies that I have seen in a while. Some reviews talk about the over the top scenes, but there is a reason for that. It lends to the complex character that you're following and trying to figure out. The story and the characters are all flawed; It's twisted and it is so good! 100% It should stand out and get recognized during award season. Finally, a movie that is unique and worth talking about.


Bradley Cooper's Ego is a Huge Distraction
I found myself following Bradley Cooper's effort of acting more than being lost in the story that he was telling. He came off over the top theatrical. He laughs and and makes nonsensical movements at times just to fill space. His delievery of lines are too fast paced and comes off too rehearsed making his scenes about timing and not connecting naturally to other characters. Mulligan's performance was magical and real. She is so talented that the acting seems effortless, yet you know it is the extreme opposite. Maya Hawke is a joy. She is a gift and has proved to be a highly enjoyable talent in her performances. I think Cooper has a great intention and creative eye, but the effort falls flat. I almost want him to take the film and sit on it and comeback to modify his performance. I think as he grows his talent he will come to understand that people want to see the character and not see Bradley Cooper acting the character. The movie is worth the watch, but not worth the wait.

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