
IMDb member since October 2007
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    16 years


Die Toten von Marnow

Best drama in ages
This drama was incredibly good. I was a little confused about what was happening in the first episode, but from then on the pace picked up and the plot went like a rocket to superlative. Huge surprises along the way. Charismatic main characters, superb acting. The interactions between Lona and Elling, and between Elling and Susanne, were totally believable. I was engrossed in the story and was swept along through to the end.

Sorry they don't seem to be doing another in this series - everything about it, right down to the hot summer days in some of Germany's most beautiful scenery, was perfect.

Thanks for this wonderful series.

Deadwater Fell

Wonderful - realistic and ultimately optimistic, despite the tragedy at its centre
This was a thought provoking drama, brilliantly acted, gradually revealing over 4 episodes the true horror of bullying and "gaslighting" in a very unhappy marriage. What I found truly moving was seeing the story unfold through the eyes of the policeman, the basically good man who tried to save everybody, only to end up punishing himself when he thought he'd failed them all. Beautiful ending, full of hope and redemption and not a "surprise, last person you thought" type thriller. Excellent. Will look out for more from this writer.


Fantastic drama, just catching up on iPlayer
Reiterate everything previous reviewer Jorowill said. I missed this the first time around and only now catching up on iPlayer, but so glad I am. Acting, storyline, thriller aspects all top class. I don't speak Welsh, but subtitles are no problem for me. I absolutely loved heartbreaking/thriller/detective mixture and am sorry that Bang! seems to have received such a ho-hum reaction from some reviewers. I love it.

Sex, the City and Me

Women, jobs and babies - choices to be made
I can't believe the other two reviewers were watching the same movie as I was. The storyline, the acting, the pace of the film, and direction were all top of the range as far as I'm concerned. Far from being the worst film, I would put this on top of the pile when it comes to realistic portrayals of the frustrations of women in high powered jobs who would like to have both babies and a career, not choose one or the other.

The plot - one woman's fight against the bigotry of men in the workplace - is totally believable. Would you risk everything - your job, your friends, your marriage, even your self esteem - to pursue justice against an almighty bank and the (mostly) men that people it? Jess did - and eventually won her case. The rules of the City appear to be of the "them" and "us" kind. If you're a man, well, anything goes (strip clubs, lying, infidelity) and that's o.k. It's all for the benefit of business after all. If you're a woman, you're a slapper if you follow suit. It's not the way women behave.

This film is a timely reminder that the playing field in big business is by no means a flat one, and that sexual politics rule o.k.

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