
IMDb member since April 2002
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    22 years



This is why I love the BBC
When it comes to making good, informative and visually stunning documenters, the BBC stand head and shoulders above the rest. Shows like `Space' and `Walking with Dinosaurs' may not be hard-science, but they are good-science and understandable. I have a scientific education, but I still love shows like this. It helps you to understand things by placing them in a visually captivating way.

If you want hard facts and hard science, go watch `The open university', if you want to understand what's going on without needing a PhD in Astrophysics, watch `Space'.


Makes you think about something:
I've not had the chance to see the entire series (alas they mad only the one), but I was always interested in what The Devil was saying.

He'd go off about how much he missed God and how he was just doing his job.

This makes me, a devout Roman Catholic, ask one question: Is the Devil really evil or is he just doing his job as part of the `Infallible plan' the I've herd so much about?

For a show that can make me think that to be cancelled after only one series is TRULY a crime.

The Truman Show

I'll tell you a true story about this film
I was sitting on a bus once, and two people in front of me where discussing movies. One asked if the other had seen `Lire Lire', and the second said that they had not seen it, and that they would not because Jim Carrey `can't act'.

I almost shouted at her, asking if she had seen `The Truman Show'?

It is one of the most moving films I have ever seen, up there with `Empire of the Sun'. Much better than the still good `EDTV'.

Please, I beg you, Don't right off Jim Carrey until you've seen The Truman Show.

Judge Dredd

A crime of a movie!
I read 2000 AD (the comic Dredd came from), and the film is crap in comparison.

It is an Americanised piece of garbage that should never have been made. I don't blame Stallone, but he dose not help (you never, and I mean NEVER see Dredd's face in the comic). The story is nothing like it is in the comic: Dredd never met Fargo, he new he was a clone, and that Rico was his brother.

The addition of Hamerstine (the ABC Warrior, from the ABC Warriors strip) was a big mistake. He's a lot smarter in the comic, and he dose not have machine guns in his arms.

Mega-City one is almost the same as it is in the comic, so at lest they got that bit right.

I give it a 5 out of ten for effort, but I should have been better.

Black Books

Black Book's is a true fall-out-of-your-chair-laughing show
Believe me, I have done that more than once while watching it (even re-runs), and I've been given funny look's by people who see me laughing at it.

The cast is grate, the character superb and the script is first rate. Going from satire to insane in the time it take to drink bottle (or ten) of wine.

I for one can put up with a few more series of this.

The Adam and Joe Show

Adam and Joe are two of the funniest people alive!
It's true, they are. Their blend of satire and anarchy make it one of the best shows that Channel 4 has ever made.

The Toy TV moves are great (a drunken Obi-Wan Kenobi asking for money) and should be released on their own.

`BaaadDad' is excellent, and never fails to make me laugh out loud.

The only problem with this show is its time slot: midnight just does not work for it. It should be put on earlier.

Pump Up the Volume

One of the best films's of its type, Pump up the Volume shows that we are all alone, yet we all have a voice to be speak out with.

I love the film, and I think I get the message: Be your self, not a stereotype.


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