
IMDb member since April 2002
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The Matrix Revolutions

Great Ending to a Great Trilogy
What a terrific and enjoyable trilogy the Matrix as been. I am sad that it is over. Revolutions was a great ending. Every loose end was tied up. Some people have told me that they were confused after Reloaded. This should answer any questions they may have. If it doesn't answer your questions then you might need ritalin because you have no attention span. Sci-Fi is not for everyone, so I understand if some people did not enjoy these films, but I personally did. The movie was about two sides of a war. The dominant sides weapons grew beyond their own control and so the machines reluctantly required help from their enemy. Because Neo helped the enemy peace was had by all. The thing I love most is the Matrix's style. The clothes, color scheme, choreography, music, and lighting were simply terrific. I could really tell that the Wachowski's were highly influenced by comics. An understanding of the art of comics might help you enjoy the film as much as I did. In my opinion, there is nothing negative to say about the trilogy. It might have been more liked if there was more fighting and less dialogue; some people are mindless idiots.

The Matrix Revolutions

Great Ending to a Great Trilogy
What a terrific and enjoyable trilogy the Matrix as been. I am sad that it is over. Revolutions was a great ending. Every loose end was tied up. Some people have told me that they were confused after Reloaded. This should answer any questions they may have. If it doesn't answer your questions then you might need ritalin because you have no attention span. Sci-Fi is not for everyone, so I understand if some people did not enjoy these films, but I personally did. The movie was about two sides of a war. The dominant sides weapons grew beyond their own control and so the machines reluctantly required help from their enemy. Because Neo helped the enemy peace was had by all. The thing I love most is the Matrix's style. The clothes, color scheme, choreography, music, and lighting were simply terrific. I could really tell that the Wachowski's were highly influenced by comics. An understanding of the art of comics might help you enjoy the film as much as I did. In my opinion, there is nothing negative to say about the trilogy. It might have been more liked if there was more fighting and less dialogue; some people are mindless idiots.

The Ring

Better than most movies in the genre
I don't plan on spoiling this for anyone, so please read on. This movie was a thriller to the core. It did exactly what it was intended to do, scare the audience. It will freak out the audience if the atmosphere is right, and believe me it was when I watched it. Some guys will try and be tough guys and say the movie sucked, but that is simply not the case. The Ring is a truly unique scary movie that deserves to be watched with an open mind. There is a part when you think the movie is over, don't leave just yet. About 6 people got up and left out of the audience I watched it with. They sure did miss out. At the end of the movie you will truly understand why the movie is titled The Ring. The movie is indeed, a ring. Like most scary movies not everything added up, but I won't get into that. Great movie of the genre.

The 'Burbs

A genius comedy that mocks suburban life
How anyone could not enjoy this movie I can't understand. A hundred years from now when people wonder, how was life back in suburban times? They can view this movie and laugh at the dull yet quirky lives of suburbanites. Perhaps you must experience neighborhood life to fully appreciate this satire. Your every move is watched, your neighbors are spying on you and comparing notes, but it's ok because you're probably doing it to. Feuds erupt from something so small as your neighbor's dog taking a dump on your lawn. One false move and all of a sudden your "the weird one". All of these weird neighborhood social factors reach a boiling point in the wonderful comedy The Burbs.

Office Space

A wonderful satire that will be looked back on as genius in years to come.
This movie completely sums up the average life of a man in 90's culture. Everything from the pet peeves to the habits of a 90's man are showcased in this brilliant movie. This movie might be studied a hundred years from now the same way we study Macbeth, or The Odyssey. The actors were perfectly cast and the script was hilarious. If you didn't enjoy it the first time watch it again and make sure you don't miss any dialogue.

The Adventures of Pluto Nash

Pluto Nash, more like Pluto A**
I am a projectionist at a theater in my home town. The night before a movie comes out we are forced to watch them to make sure nothing is wrong with the print. I've seen some bad ones in my day (i.e. Pokemon, and Battle Field Earth), but this one takes the cake. I am convinced that this is the on-flight movie on the plane to hell. As funny as Eddie Murphy is the writers could not find a way to make this movie at all humorous. As an Eddie Murphy fan I hope this movie does not damage his legacy. What an awful, awful movie.

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