
IMDb member since November 2023
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Homeless for the Holidays

Very Heartwarming Movie
This is a very heartwarming movie. We need more movies like this. This movie shows how selfishness is a very big problem in the world. We should help the needy whenever we can. Do not let the haters try to discourage you from watching this movie. The haters are a bunch of selfish cowards who only hate this movie because the movie preaches against selfishness. I would definitely recommend watching this movie. It's a very good use of time and this is one of the best movies out there. As a Christian, I loved watching this movie and I have watched this movie twice as of when I posted this review. The message of this movie is very beautiful and has already touched the hearts of millions, including mine.

Birthright Outlaw

Very Nice Old-Western Christian Movie
This is an awesome old-western Christian movie. Likewise, this movie is obviously family-friendly and is a very nice movie for the whole family to watch. Great American PureFlix makes awesome movies that are very cool. This movie is pure and there's no obscene scenes in the movie. This movie was also very nostalgic and quite unique. This is a must watch. I also love old western/country movies that are family friendly, let alone the ones that are biblical Christian movies. This is actually my favorite movie in the western genre. I've also seen other movies in this genre too, all of which are family friendly movies. I got saved on January 3, 2020 and I started watching movies regularly in November of 2020.

Camp Cool Kids

As a Christian who is also a nature lover, I love camp movies, especially this one. This movie was soo rad and as of when I wrote this review, I have watched this movie twice and the 2nd time I watched it was even better because that 2nd time was just after I went to Busch Gardens Williamsburg and watching this movie was the perfect way to end such an awesome day I had that day. This movie is indeed biblical and this is such an epic movie. I love camping and other outdoorsy activities. This is one of my favorite camp movies. Likewise, this movie is very cool. The storyline was very epic and the plot was totally rad.


Best Pro-Life Movie Ever
This is the best Pro-Life movie ever! As a conservative Christian I love Pro-Life movies. This movie is filled with biblical truth and the movie is very vibrant. I am a die hard Christian who is strongly pro-life. I hate abortion with a burning passion since abortion is murder. Life begins at conception and this is proven by science and scripture. The Kendrick Brothers do an epic job making these movies. Their movies are soo rad. I would wholeheartedly recommend watching this movie. This is also my favorite Kendrick Brothers movie as well. I have watched this movie 6 times as of when I wrote this review. Watching Christian movies that are biblically-sound and other family-friendly movies never gets old.

The Shack

Heretical movie
This is a heretical movie that is obviously filled with false teaching that is going to split hell wide open. This movie also has God depicted as female which is also heretical and blasphemous since God has male characteristics as we refer to him as he and call him (Heavenly Father). This movie is also very new agey, blasphemous, and occultic. I would not recommend watching this movie. This movie is terrible because of false teaching that obviously contradicts scripture. There are also plenty of preachers including myself who exposed this fake "Christian" movie. Watching this fluke movie would be a waste of time due to deception.


Best Movie
This is my favorite movie. I enjoyed watching it and I even watched it with my family in home church at one time. Sometimes I would sit back, relax, eat pizza or other snacks as I watch the movie. This movie is biblically-sound. I give it a 10/10. I am a brother in Christ who enjoys watching Christian movies and other family-friendly movies. I also enjoy Christian novels as well as I'm a bookworm and a movie buff. My ideal Friday night is watching a movie, eating pizza, and then reading a novel after the movie. When I watch a movie in the morning, I love to drink coffee, hot chocolate, tea, apple cider, or pumpkin cider and eating a snack that pairs well with it like a cookie, brownie, muffin, or scone. I make homemade pumpkin cider with just apple cider, water, pumpkin purée, and I add maple syrup when I make one free of added sugars. The homemade pumpkin cider is obviously non-alcoholic since I don't drink alcoholic beverages. I don't drink alcohol since I'm a Christian.

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